
Pelangio Explores Potential for Near-Term Production at Manfo

Pelangio Explores Potential for Near-Term Production at Manfo

Accesswire ·  08/15 08:30

Assessment of near-surface gold resources could capitalize on record-high gold prices, positioning Pelangio for accelerated growth.


TORONTO, ON / ACCESSWIRE / August 15, 2024 / Pelangio Exploration Inc. (PX:TSX-V)(OTC PINK:PGXPF) ("Pelangio" or the "Company") is pleased to announce that it is currently evaluating the potential for near-term production at its Manfo gold project in Southwest Ghana. A review of the resource models of the three deposits at Manfo to determine the gold content and tenor of mineralization at shallow depths which could be exploited by open-pit mining is underway and will proceed to a formal study of possible near-term production scenarios which could be economic under the current record high gold price.

多倫多,2024年8月15日/ ACCESSWIRE / - Pelangio Exploration Inc. (PX: TSX-V)(OTC PINK:PGXPF)("Pelangio"或"公司")很高興地宣佈,目前正在評估其位於加納西南部的Manfo黃金項目的近期生產潛力。 Manfo的三個礦牀的資源模型正在進行審查,以確定在淺層深度處的黃金含量和礦化程度,這些深度可以通過露天採礦加以開發,並將繼續進行潛在的近期生產情景的正式研究,這些情景在當前創紀錄的高金價下可能具有經濟性。

Ingrid Hibbard, President and CEO, commented:

總裁兼首席執行官Ingrid Hibbard評論說:「Manfo黃金項目的NI43-101夢幻礦產資源估算(「MRE」)是在11年前使用$1,450美元的金價進行的,估計有19.5萬盎司Au指示加298,000盎司Au推斷現在。1我們相信,相對於2013年MRE所使用的金價上漲了70%,這大大提高了Manfo項目黃金生產的經濟性。因此,我們正在評估Manfo近期生產的可能性,並已開始回顧接近地表的黃金資源含量,隨後進行潛在開發和生產計劃的經濟評估。持續的鑽探工作將繼續進行, 如果取得成功,則有可能作爲未來獲利的近期生產基礎和資金的來源。」

"The NI43-101 maiden mineral resource estimate ("MRE") for the Manfo gold project was conducted eleven years ago using a gold price of $1,450 USD and estimated 195,000 oz Au Indicated plus 298,000 oz Au Inferred to be present.1 We believe that the 70% increase to the gold price over that used for the 2013 MRE has significantly upgraded the economics of gold production for the Manfo project. As such, we are evaluating possibilities for smaller-scale near term production at Manfo, and have commenced a review of the near-surface gold resource content to be followed by an economic assessment of potential development and production plans. Ongoing drilling efforts will continue with the potential for successful outcomes to complement profitable near-term production that could serve as a foundation for financing a larger-scale operation in the future."


About the Manfo Project


The 96 km2 Manfo project is located in the Sefwi-Bibiani greenstone belts of the Paleoproterozoic Birimian of southwest Ghana, 15 km southeast of Newmont's Ahafo gold mine and 40 km north of Asante Gold's Bibiani gold mine. Pelangio acquired the property in 2010 and conducted considerable exploration resulting in seven significant gold discoveries with three of them drilled to a resource status. In 2013 SRK Consulting (Canada) estimated the project hosts a gold mineral resource of 195,000 oz (at 1.5 g/t Au) Indicated and 298,000 oz (at 1.0 g/t Au) Inferred with the majority of the resource contained in the adjacent Pokukrom East and West deposits.1 SRK used a gold price of $1,450 USD per ounce Au and a cut-off grade of 0.5 g/t Au for their MRE. Refer to SRK's NI43-101 report "Mineral Resource Evaluation Technical Report, Manfo Gold Project, Ghana" released on June 21, 2013, for the details.

Manfo項目面積96平方公里,位於加納西南部的古老賓金尼帶(Birimian)的塞夫維-比比亞尼綠巖帶上,距離Newmont的Ahafo金礦15公里,距Asante Gold的Bibiani金礦40公里。Pelangio於2010年收購了該物業,並進行了大量勘探工作,結果有7個重要的黃金髮現,其中3個被鑽探成爲儲量狀態。2013年,SRk Consulting(Canada)估計該項目具有195,000盎司(1.5克/噸Au)指示和298,000盎司(1.0克/噸Au)推斷的黃金礦產資源,其中大部分資源包含在相鄰的Pokukrom East和West礦牀中。1 SRk用$1,450美元/盎司Au和0.5克/噸Au的截止品位進行了MRE。有關詳細信息,請參閱SRK於2013年6月21日發佈的NI43-101報告《Ghana Manfo Gold Project礦產資源評估技術報告》。

In 2021 Pelangio identified opportunities to grow the project through step-out drill testing of open-ended mineralization in the known deposits plus drill testing of multiple exploration targets along and near the 9 km of mineralized structures within the property. Diamond drilling programs were conducted by Pelangio in 2021 and 2023 with a total of 1,423 meters of drilling conducted at the Pokukrom East and West deposits. These drilling programs and their results are detailed in Pelangio's press releases of November 16, 2021 and July 24, 2023.

2021年,Pelangio確定了通過對已知儲量的未開發礦化區域進行步進式鑽探測試以及對該物業內的9公里礦化構造沿線和附近的多個勘探目標進行鑽探測試來增加該項目的機會。 Pelangio在2021年和2023年進行了鑽探項目,共進行了1,423米的鑽探,主要集中在Pokukrom East和West礦牀。這些鑽探項目及其結果在Pelangio於2021年11月16日和2023年7月24日的新聞稿中詳細說明。

The results were encouraging and demonstrated extensions to the known mineralization in both deposits and concluded continued drilling around the deposits for potential resource additions is warranted. Significant intercepts from the 2021 and 2023 drill programs included:


A number of resource extensional targets around the Pokukrom deposits remain to be drill tested which could deliver additions to the two Pokukrom deposits with successful infill drilling, and property-wide exploration drilling planned to test 20+ targets has yet to be conducted. These targets consist principally of untested favourable geological and structural settings with lower-order Au in soils anomalism that could deliver one or several satellite deposits with drilling successes.


While the longer term goal is to develop Manfo into a significantly larger project through continued resource and exploration drilling programs, it is recognized that the significant resource contained at Manfo could present a near term opportunity for a smaller 'starter' mining project that exploits a shallower portion of the gold resource, which could capitalize a larger project down the road. The mineralization at Manfo comes to surface and some of the best gold grades are near surface. With the increase in the gold price from 1,450 USD in 2013 to $2,400 USD today, the economics of gold production at Manfo is expected to be much improved. A review of the resource models at Manfo to determine the gold content and tenor of mineralization at shallow depths which might be exploited by one or several smaller open-pits has commenced and will proceed to a formal study of possible near-term production scenarios which could be economic under the current record high gold price.

儘管長期目標是通過持續的資源和勘探鑽探計劃將Manfo發展成爲一個規模更大的項目,但我們認識到,Manfo所包含的重要資源可能爲一個較小的"起始"採礦項目提供了近期機會,該採礦項目利用了黃金資源的較淺部分,這可以爲未來的更大規模的項目提供資金。Manfo的礦化物質露出地表部分,而最好的黃金品位靠近表面。隨着金價從2013年的1,450美元/盎司上漲到今天的2,400美元/盎司,預計Manfo的黃金生產經濟性將得到極大改善。 Manfo資源模型正在進行回顧,以確定在淺層深度處的黃金含量和礦化程度,這些深度可以通過一個或多個較小的露天礦開發,旨在正式研究可能在當前創紀錄的高金價下具有經濟性的潛在近期生產情景。

  1. The Manfo mineral resource estimation was conducted by SRK Consulting and published in June 2013. (Refer to the Mineral Resource Evaluation Technical Report, Manfo Gold Project, by SRK Consulting (Canada) Inc., released on June 21, 2013 and available on Pelangio's website). The resource estimation was made in accordance with National Instrument 43‐101 ‐ Standards of Disclosure for Mineral Projects at the time of the mineral resource estimation in 2013. NI 43-101 standards for disclosure have been amended multiple times since 2013 and as a result, Pelangio's 2013 resource estimate is no longer NI 43-101 compliant under the current standards.

  1. Manfo礦產資源的估算是由SRk Consulting進行的,並於2013年6月發佈。 (請參閱SRK Consulting(加拿大)公司於2013年6月21日發佈的《Ghana Manfo Gold Project礦產資源評估技術報告》Pelangio網站上的有關詳細信息)。資源估算是按照2013年進行的礦產項目披露的國家43-101標準進行的。在2013年進行礦產資源估算時,NI 43-101礦產項目披露標準已多次進行修改,因此Pelangio在2013年的資源估算不再符合當前標準的NI 43-101標準。

Figure 1. Location of the Manfo Project, Southwest Ghana Geology & Gold Mines

圖1。Manfo項目位於位於Ghana Southwest的地理和金礦地質理.jpg

Figure 2. Manfo Project - Resource Areas and Exploration Target Areas

Qualified Person

Mr. Kevin Thomson, P.Geo. (Ontario, #0191), is a qualified person within the meaning of National Instrument 43-101 Standards of Disclosure for Mineral Projects. Mr. Thomson approved the technical data disclosed in this release.

Kevin Thomson先生,P.Geo.(安大略,#0191)是礦業項目披露的《國家43-101標準》內資格人員。Thomson先生批准了本發佈應披露的技術數據。

About Pelangio


Pelangio acquires and explores prospective land packages located in world-class gold belts in Ghana, West Africa and Canada. In Ghana, the Company is focused on its two 100% owned camp-sized properties: the 100 km 2 Manfo property, the site of eight near-surface gold discoveries, and the 284 km 2 Obuasi property, located 4 km on strike and adjacent to AngloGold Ashanti's prolific high-grade Obuasi Mine, as well as the Dankran property located adjacent to its Obuasi property. See for further details on all Pelangio's properties.

Pelangio在加納和加拿大的世界級黃金帶中收購和探索有前途的土地包裹。在加納,該公司專注於其兩個100%的擁有大型營地物業:佔地100平方公里的Manfo物業,擁有八個靠近表層的黃金髮現,並且佔地284平方公里的Obuasi物業位於AngloGold Ashanti的佛羅里達高品位Obuasi礦山旁邊,距離其Obuasi物業僅4公里,以及位於其Obuasi物業旁邊的Dankran物業。請參閱有關所有Pelangio物業的進一步詳細信息。

For additional information, please visit our website at , or contact:

如需了解更多信息,請訪問我們的網站: 或聯繫:

Ingrid Hibbard, President and CEO

Ingrid Hibbard,總裁兼首席執行官

Tel: 905-336-3828 / Toll-free: 1-877-746-1632 / Email:

電話:905-336-3828 / 免費電話:1-877-746-1632 / 電子郵件:

Forward Looking Statements


Certain statements herein may contain forward-looking statements and forward-looking information within the meaning of applicable securities laws. Forward-looking statements or information appear in a number of places and can be identified by the use of words such as "plans", "expects" or "does not expect", "is expected", "budget", "scheduled", "estimates", "forecasts", "intends", "anticipates" or "does not anticipate" or "believes" or variations of such words and phrases or statements that certain actions, events or results "may", "could", "would", "might" or "will" be taken, occur or be achieved. Forward-looking statements and information include statements regarding the Company's strategy of acquiring large land packages in areas of sizeable gold mineralization, and the Company's ability to complete the planned exploration programs. Regarding forward-looking statements and information contained herein, we have made many assumptions, including about the state of the equity markets. Such forward-looking statements and information are subject to risks, uncertainties and other factors which may cause the Company's actual results, performance or achievements, or industry results, to be materially different from any future results, performance or achievements expressed or implied by such forward-looking statement or information. Such risks include the changes in equity markets, share price volatility, volatility of global and local economic climate, gold price volatility, political developments in Ghana, and Canada, increases in costs, exchange rate fluctuations, speculative nature of gold exploration, including the risk that favourable exploration results may not be obtained, near-term production may not be viable,, delays due to COVID-19 or other safety protocols, and other risks involved in the gold exploration industry. See the Company's annual and quarterly financial statements and management's discussion and analysis for additional information on risks and uncertainties relating to the forward-looking statement and information. There can be no assurance that a forward-looking statement or information referenced herein will prove to be accurate, as actual results and future events could differ materially from those anticipated in such statements or information. Also, many of the factors are beyond the control of the Company. Accordingly, readers should not place undue reliance on forward- looking statements or information. We undertake no obligation to reissue or update any forward-looking statements or information except as required by law. All forward-looking statements and information herein are qualified by this cautionary statement.

本文中的某些陳述可能包含透露未來的陳述以及透露未來的信息,而這在適用的證券法中,屬於前瞻性聲明和前瞻性信息。前瞻性聲明或信息出現在多個地方,可以通過使用如:"計劃"、"預計"或"不預計"、"預期"、"預算"、"預定"、"估計"、"預測"、"打算"、"預測"或"不預測"、"相信"等詞語或短語或者 certain actions、events or results "may"、"could"、"would"、"might"或"will" be taken, occur or be achieved來識別。前瞻性聲明和信息包括有關公司策略的陳述,其中該公司在尋求獲取大型的土地包裹,並在具有潛在黃金礦物化區域中進行勘探的能力。關於本文中包含的前瞻性聲明和信息,我們已經做出了許多假設,包括股票市場的狀態。這樣的前瞻性聲明和信息會面臨風險、不確定性和其他因素,這些因素可能會導致公司的實際結果、業績或成就,或行業結果,與任何未來結果、業績或成就有實質性的不同,包括金價波動風險、加納和加拿大的政治發展、成本上漲、匯率波動,以及黃金勘探的投機性質,包括有利的勘探結果不一定能獲得的風險、近期可能不可行的生產、由於COVID-19或其他安全協議而導致的延遲,以及黃金勘探行業所涉及的其他風險。有關前瞻性聲明和信息的風險和不確定性的更多信息,請參見公司的年度和季度財務報表以及管理層討論和分析。無法保證本文中提到的前瞻性聲明或信息將被證明是準確的,因爲實際結果和未來事件可能與這些聲明或信息所預期的有所不同。此外,許多因素超出了公司的控制範圍。因此,讀者不應過分依賴前瞻性聲明或信息。我們沒有義務重新發布或更新任何前瞻性聲明或信息,除非法律要求。所有在本文中的前瞻性聲明和信息都受到此警告聲明的限制。

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SOURCE: Pelangio Exploration Inc.

來源:Pelangio Exploration Inc。

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