
IVerfiy Discovers Severe Android Vulnerability Impacting Millions of Devices Around the World

IVerfiy Discovers Severe Android Vulnerability Impacting Millions of Devices Around the World

IVerify 发现了一项严重的 Android 漏洞,影响了全球数百万设备。
PR Newswire ·  08/15 09:00

Vulnerability leaves millions of Android devices susceptible to man-in-the-middle (MITM) attacks and other dangerous malware and spyware.


NEW YORK, Aug. 15, 2024 /PRNewswire/ -- iVerify, the leader in advanced mobile endpoint detection and remediation (EDR) solutions, today announced the discovery of a serious Android security vulnerability that impacts millions of Pixel devices globally. The vulnerability makes the operating system accessible to cybercriminals to perpetrate man-in-the-middle attacks, malware injections, and spyware installations. The potential impact of this Android security vulnerability is unknown and could result in millions of dollars in data loss and breaches.

2024年8月15日,纽约 /美通社/ - 先进的移动端点检测和纠正(EDR)解决方案领先者iVerify,今天宣布发现严重的安卓安全漏洞,影响全球数百万Pixel设备。这个漏洞使操作系统易受黑客进行中间人攻击、恶意软件注入和间谍软件安装。这个安卓安全漏洞的潜在影响是未知的,可能导致数百万美元的数据丢失和破坏。

iVerify, in concert with the information security team at Palantir Technologies, initially identified and investigated a vulnerability in an Android app package called Showcase.apk. The application runs at the system level and can fundamentally change the phone's operating system. Since the application package is installed over unsecured HTTP protocols, this opens a backdoor, making it easy for cybercriminals to compromise the device. iVerify notified Google of the vulnerability and submitted a detailed report after discovering it on customer devices that did not pass iVerify's behavior-based detections. It's unclear if Google will issue a patch or remove the software from the phones to mitigate the potential risks.

iVerify与Palantir Technologies的信息安全团队合作,最初在一个名为Showcase.apk的安卓应用程序包中发现并调查了一个漏洞。该应用程序在系统级别上运行,并且可以从根本上改变电话的操作系统。由于该应用程序包是通过不安全的HTTP协议安装的,这就打开了一个后门,使黑客轻松地能够攻击设备。iVerify在发现客户设备未能通过基于行为的检测后,通知了Google有关该漏洞并递交了详细报告。目前尚不清楚Google是否会发布补丁或从手机中删除该软件以减轻潜在风险。

Furthermore, users cannot remove this app because it is part of the firmware image, and Google does not allow end-users to alter the firmware image for security reasons.


"While we don't have evidence this vulnerability is being actively exploited, it nonetheless has serious implications for corporate environments, with millions of Android phones entering the workplace every day," said Rocky Cole, Co-founder and Chief Operations Officer of iVerify. "Google is essentially giving CISOs the impossible choice of accepting insecure bloatware or banning Android entirely."

iVerify的联合创始人兼首席运营官Rocky Cole表示:“虽然我们没有证据表明这种漏洞正在被积极利用,但它仍然对企业环境有严重的影响,每天有数百万台安卓手机进入工作场所。Google基本上给CISO们提供了接受不安全的臃肿软件或完全禁用安卓的不可能的选择。”

Cybercriminals can use vulnerabilities in the app's infrastructure to access system privileges and take over devices to perpetrate cybercrime and breaches. Cybercriminals could then leverage this app to distribute malicious Android packages and remote code, and configure files to compromise the app development chain and alter the app's functionality.


"We're supporting some of the most important institutions in the Western world. Google embedding third-party software in Android's firmware without reviewing the quality or security of these apps, and not disclosing this to vendors or users, creates significant security vulnerability to anyone who relies on this ecosystem." said Dane Stuckey, the Chief Information Security Officer of Palantir Technologies.

Palantir Technologies的首席信息安全官Dane Stuckey表示:“我们正在为西方世界的一些最重要的机构提供支持。Google在安卓固件中嵌入第三方软件,而没有审查这些应用的质量或安全性,并且未向供应商或用户披露,为依赖于这个生态系统的任何人造成了重大安全漏洞。”

The Android package, "Showcase.apk," was found on a very large percentage of Pixel devices shipped worldwide since September 2017. Google shipped about 10 million Pixels worldwide in 2023 in North America, which is about 3% of all smartphone sales in 2023.

安卓应用程序包Showcase.apk在全球自2017年9月以来发运的Pixel设备中占了非常大的比例。Google在2023年全球发货了约1000万个Pixel, 这占了2023年所有智能手机销售的约3%。

Since this app is not inherently malicious, most security technologies cannot detect it as malicious. iVerify mobile EDR solution can scan these devices to detect if vulnerabilities exist and, through conditional access, prevent non-compliant, vulnerable, and malware-infected devices from accessing critical data and services.


Read the full report summary here.


About iVerify


iVerify believes users shouldn't have to sacrifice privacy for security. Our easy-to-deploy solution provides fleet-wide iOS and Android security telemetry without requiring a management profile on the device, allowing users to keep their personal data private and secure their mobile devices from advanced malware, vulnerabilities, and targeted smishing attacks. Learn more at


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