
Spectrum Advanced Manufacturing Technologies, Inc (an Ocutrx Company) Announces Retirement of CEO and Appointment of Incoming CEO of Manufacturing Subsidiary

Spectrum Advanced Manufacturing Technologies, Inc (an Ocutrx Company) Announces Retirement of CEO and Appointment of Incoming CEO of Manufacturing Subsidiary

PR Newswire ·  08/15 09:00

Spectrum Chief Executive Officer and President Jeff Riggs will retire after a distinguished 40+ year career, including 19 years as Chief Executive of Spectrum.


Spectrum Chief Operating Officer Jeff Gilbert will transition to CEO.


COLORADO SPRINGS, Colo., Aug. 15, 2024 /PRNewswire/ -- Spectrum Advanced Manufacturing Technologies, Inc. ("Spectrum"), a subsidiary of Ocutrx Technologies, Inc. ("Ocutrx"), today announced the retirement of Jeff Riggs, Chief Executive Officer (CEO), President, and Co-Founder, a long-time microelectronics and FDA-certified manufacturing facility in Colorado Springs, Colorado. After a dynamic tenure as Spectrum CEO, Mr. Riggs is celebrating his retirement with family, friends, and employees today, August 15th, which was recently named "Honoring Jeff Riggs' Contributions to Colorado Springs Day" by the Colorado Springs City Council. Ocutrx has announced that the current COO, Jeff Gilbert, has been appointed CEO.

科罗拉多州科罗拉多斯普林斯,2024 年 8 月 15 日 /PRNewswire/-- Spectrum 先进制造技术有限公司 (“Spectrum”)的子公司 Ocutrx Technologies, Inc. (“Ocutrx”)今天宣布,首席执行官(CEO)、总裁兼联合创始人杰夫·里格斯退休,该工厂位于科罗拉多州科罗拉多斯普林斯是一家长期的微电子和美国食品药品管理局认证制造工厂。在担任Spectrum首席执行官的充满活力的任期之后,Riggs先生将于今天,即8月15日与家人、朋友和员工一起庆祝退休。科罗拉多斯普林斯市议会最近将其命名为 “表彰杰夫·里格斯对科罗拉多斯普林斯日的贡献”。Ocutrx宣布,现任首席运营官杰夫·吉尔伯特已被任命为首席执行官。

Jeff Riggs (L); Jeff Gilbert (R)

"Jeff Riggs and his wife, Patricia Riggs, have had a truly extraordinary impact on the world of manufacturing and on the Ocutrx-Spectrum family," said Michael Freeman, CEO of Ocutrx Technologies. "Jeff's vision and leadership spanning nearly three decades has enabled Spectrum to grow into a world-class manufacturer trusted by industry giants such as NASA, the Department of Defense (DoD), Northrop Grumman, Lockheed-Martin, and NATO, to name a few. We are forever grateful to Jeff and Pat for their vision, dedication, and leadership to creating revolutionary technology, a corporate culture that puts people and customers first and encourages everyone to thrive." Freeman continued, "In honor of the couple's accomplishments and contributions to Colorado Springs and the electronic manufacturing industry, the primary Spectrum building will be eponymously named "The Jeff and Patricia Riggs Electronics Facility."

Ocutrx Technologies首席执行官迈克尔·弗里曼表示:“杰夫·里格斯和他的妻子帕特里夏·里格斯对制造业和Ocutrx-Spectrum家族产生了非凡的影响。”“杰夫近三十年的远见卓识和领导能力使Spectrum得以成长为世界一流的制造商,受到美国宇航局、国防部(DoD)、诺斯罗普·格鲁曼公司、洛克希德-马丁公司和北约等行业巨头的信赖。我们永远感谢 Jeff 和 Pat 在创造革命性技术方面表现出的远见、奉献精神和领导能力,这种企业文化将人和客户放在第一位,鼓励每个人蓬勃发展。”弗里曼继续说:“为了纪念这对夫妇对科罗拉多斯普林斯和电子制造业的成就和贡献,Spectrum的主要大楼将同名命名为 “杰夫和帕特里夏·里格斯电子工厂”。

Acquired by Ocutrx in February 2023, Spectrum AMT is a recognized leader in High-Reliability Circuit Card Assembly, Wiring and Harnessing, and Final Assembly. Spectrum's expertise spans multiple sectors, including Aerospace and Spaceflight, Deep Space, Defense, Medical Devices, and the Enterprise and industrial sectors. The company provides "concept to commercialization" contract services as well as manufacturing its own brand of products. Spectrum AMT is deeply invested in delivering highly reliable solutions that align with client needs and industry standards.

Spectrum amT 于 2023 年 2 月被 Ocutrx 收购,是高可靠性电路卡组装、布线和线束以及总装领域公认的领导者。Spectrum 的专业知识涵盖多个领域,包括航空航天和太空、深空、国防、医疗设备以及企业和工业领域。该公司提供 “从概念到商业化” 的合同服务,并制造自有品牌的产品。Spectrum amT 在提供符合客户需求和行业标准的高可靠解决方案方面进行了大量投资。

On his decision to retire as CEO, Mr. Riggs stated, "As I look back on my time at Spectrum, I'm truly amazed by the incredible range of products we've developed over the years. It's been an honor to work alongside so many talented and dedicated employees who have contributed to our success. Understanding the critical importance of what we do for our customers and our emphasis on quality has always been at the core of our values at Spectrum. The most satisfying part of my journey has been witnessing the growth of our employees. Seeing families thrive and watching individuals use the experience they've gained at Spectrum to improve their lives, whether they continue with us or move on to better opportunities, has been incredibly rewarding."


Under Mr. and Mrs. Riggs' leadership, Spectrum has experienced remarkable momentum across all lines of its business. Spectrum's electronics manufacturing services for a host of Fortune 500 companies is just one example of the added value and convenience it offers its customers. Because of Jeff's governance, Spectrum has become known as the company that can make circuit boards and electronic systems, and assemblies that never fail. Not only did he help the families who worked for him, but Jeff and Pat contributed to their community through charitable donations, helping individuals all over Colorado by donating to nonprofits such as Care and Share, Springs Rescue Mission, Toys for Tots, St. Jude's Medical Center, and Special Olympics, to name a few.

在里格斯夫妇的领导下,Spectrum在其所有业务领域都取得了显著的势头。Spectrum为许多财富500强公司提供的电子制造服务只是其为客户提供的附加值和便利性的一个例子。由于杰夫的治理,Spectrum 已成为一家能够制造永不失效的电路板、电子系统和组件的公司。他不仅帮助了为他工作的家庭,而且杰夫和帕特还通过慈善捐款为社区做出了贡献,通过向Care and Share、Springs Rescue Mission、Toys for Tots、圣裘德医疗中心和特奥会等非营利组织捐款,帮助科罗拉多州各地的个人。

Mitch Freeman, Senior Executive Vice President of Spectrum, said, "On behalf of the Board, I would like to thank Jeff for his unwavering commitment and outstanding, dedicated service to Spectrum, our customers, partners, and employees for the past two decades. Under Jeff's leadership, Spectrum experienced remarkable innovation, growth, and transformation, delivering high-value-add technology to some of the world's most exciting projects and companies. These achievements, in addition to his development of future leaders, positions Spectrum for continued success for years to come. We are extremely grateful for Jeff's many contributions and look forward to continuing to work with him throughout the upcoming CEO transition process."

Spectrum高级执行副总裁米奇·弗里曼表示:“我谨代表董事会感谢杰夫在过去二十年中坚定不移的承诺以及为Spectrum、我们的客户、合作伙伴和员工提供的出色而热诚的服务。在 Jeff 的领导下,Spectrum 经历了非凡的创新、增长和转型,为世界上一些最令人兴奋的项目和公司提供了高附加值的技术。这些成就,加上他培养的未来领导者,使Spectrum能够在未来几年内持续取得成功。我们非常感谢杰夫的许多贡献,并期待在即将到来的首席执行官过渡过程中继续与他合作。”

Manufacturing veteran and COO Jeff Gilbert appointed to CEO


In his newly appointed role as CEO, Mr. Gilbert will be responsible for the overall strategic direction of the company, reporting directly to parent company Ocutrx CEO Michael Freeman. Since taking office as COO of Spectrum in August of 2023, Mr. Gilbert was responsible for securing $1,281,974 in state incentives for adding over 100 new jobs in the next few years at the company's Colorado Springs facility. The Company has seen significant growth since being acquired by Ocutrx Technologies, Inc. in 2023 and is projecting a 40%+ YOY growth pattern. Mr. Gilbert plans to continue updating the manufacturing campus and equipment for optimal efficiency in preparation for expansive growth. An accomplished industry leader, Mr. Gilbert joined Spectrum after a 34-year career at Hughes Anderson Heat Exchangers Inc., a leading manufacturer of shell and tube heat exchangers for refineries and chemical companies. At Hughes, Mr. Gilbert served in various leadership roles, ending his tenure with the company as President and CEO for 10 years.

在新任命的首席执行官职位上,吉尔伯特将负责公司的总体战略方向,直接向母公司Ocutrx首席执行官迈克尔·弗里曼汇报。自2023年8月就任Spectrum首席运营官以来,吉尔伯特负责获得1,281,974美元的州激励措施,以便在未来几年在该公司的科罗拉多斯普林斯工厂增加100多个新工作岗位。自2023年被Ocutrx Technologies, Inc.收购以来,该公司实现了显著增长,预计同比增长40%以上。吉尔伯特计划继续更新制造园区和设备,以实现最佳效率,为扩张增长做准备。吉尔伯特先生是一位成就卓著的行业领导者,他在休斯安德森换热器公司工作了34年,之后加入了Spectrum,该公司是一家为炼油厂和化工公司提供管壳式换热器的领先制造商。在休斯,吉尔伯特先生曾担任过各种领导职务,结束了他在公司担任总裁兼首席执行官的10年任期。

Commenting on Mr. Gilbert's appointment, Michael Freeman said, "There isn't a better person to fill the shoes of CEO of Spectrum after Jeff Riggs than Jeff Gilbert. His knowledge, expertise, and adept business acumen will help accelerate our business, employee, and customer growth while supporting our passionate focus on providing best-in-class technology products and services for our customers."


Mr. Gilbert added, "I am excited to serve Spectrum in this new role as CEO and to continue executing our mission to turn groundbreaking ideas into fail-proof commercialized products for years to come. I have enjoyed working under Jeff Riggs as COO this last year and am excited to follow in his enormous footsteps to both continue his legacy and begin a new era for Spectrum."


About Spectrum


Spectrum Advanced Manufacturing Technologies, Inc. (Spectrum AMT) is a prominent leader in High Reliability Circuit Card Assembly and Contract Manufacturing, with over 25 years of industry experience. Serving sectors such as aerospace, spaceflight, DoD, medical devices, commercial, industrial, and enterprise, Spectrum consistently meets high standards and client expectations. Adhering to ISO, FDA, J-Standards, and the Space Addendum regulations, as well as the principles of "never fail" reliability, Spectrum AMT exemplifies commitment and excellence. Learn more at

Spectrum 先进制造技术有限公司(Spectrum AMT)是高可靠性电路卡组装和合同制造领域的杰出领导者,拥有超过25年的行业经验。Spectrum 为航空航天、太空、国防部、医疗器械、商业、工业和企业等领域提供服务,始终符合高标准和客户期望。Spectrum amT遵循ISO、FDA、J标准和太空附录法规以及 “永不失败” 的可靠性原则,体现了承诺和卓越。要了解更多,请访问

About Ocutrx

关于 Ocutrx

Ocutrx Technologies, Inc., anchored in the US and Europe, leads in AR/XR and 3D visualization, expanding its horizons across various industries. Founded by Michael and Mitch Freeman, two Emmy Award Winning Inventors of mobile video in the 1990s, the company emerged from a passion to tackle the adversities of Advanced Macular Degeneration. Their groundbreaking OcuLenz headset corrects vision for patients with Advanced Macular Degeneration for better vision and life quality. Complementing this, Ocutrx's OR-Bot 3D Surgical Visualization Theatre is setting new benchmarks in surgical methodologies, offering surgeons unmatched resolution, cinematic quality, and depth precision. While its initial focus is on the ophthalmic sector, Ocutrx envisions catering to multiple patient and surgical arenas. Strengthening its position, Ocutrx recently acquired Spectrum AMT, an FDA-certified manufacturing facility, further bolstering its innovation capacities. Learn more at

Ocutrx Technologies, Inc. 立足于美国和欧洲,在增强现实/XR 和三维可视化领域处于领先地位,将其视野扩展到各个行业。该公司由两位获得艾美奖的移动视频发明家迈克尔和米奇·弗里曼在20世纪90年代创立,从应对晚期黄斑变性逆境的热情中脱颖而出。他们开创性的 OcuLenz 耳机可矫正晚期黄斑变性患者的视力,从而改善视力和生活质量。作为补充,Ocutrx 的 OR-bot 3D 手术可视化影院正在为手术方法树立新的基准,为外科医生提供无与伦比的分辨率、影院质量和深度精度。虽然最初的重点是眼科领域,但Ocutrx设想迎合多个患者和手术领域。Ocutrx最近收购了经美国食品药品管理局认证的制造工厂Spectrum AMT,巩固了其地位,进一步增强了其创新能力。要了解更多信息,请访问。

Media Contact


Sara Broyles | Lightspeed PR/M for Spectrum AMT | [email protected]

萨拉·布罗伊尔斯 | Spectrum AMT 的 Lightspeed PR/m | [电子邮件保护]

SOURCE Spectrum Advanced Manufacturing Technologies

来源 Spectrum 先进制造技术

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