
OPENLANE Transforms Condition Reports With Actionable OBD2 Intelligence

OPENLANE Transforms Condition Reports With Actionable OBD2 Intelligence

Openlane ·  08/15 00:00
New Code Boost IQ Exploits Data Moat to Empower US Dealers with Smarter, Faster Purchase Decisions
面向美國經銷商的開放式人工智能平台Code Boost IQ,利用海量的數據提供更快、更準確的採購決策。

OPENLANE, Inc. (NYSE: KAR), a leading operator of digital marketplaces for wholesale used vehicles, announces the launch of Code Boost IQ, a first-of-its-kind vehicle inspection enhancement that enables faster, better informed decision-making for dealers. Industry-standard "On-Board Diagnostic II" (OBD2) scans detect thousands of alphanumeric diagnostic codes that indicate potential mechanical or electrical issues. Code Boost IQ leverages artificial intelligence, the company's analytics engine and millions of internal data points to translate flagged OBD2 codes into simple, easy-to-understand visual alert banners. Available on every dealer-consigned vehicle in OPENLANE's US marketplace, Code Boost IQ helps dealers quickly discern which codes are cause for concern and adjust their pricing or purchasing approach accordingly.

OPENLANE是數字化批發二手車市場的領先運營商(紐交所代碼:KAR),推出首創的車輛檢測升級工具「Code Boost IQ」,利用行業標準的「OBD2」掃描檢測數千個字符型診斷代碼,指示潛在的機械或電氣問題。Code Boost IQ利用人工智能、公司的分析引擎和海量的內部數據點,將OBD2碼翻譯成簡單易懂的可視化警告橫幅,並在OPENLANE美國市場的所有經銷商委託車輛上提供幫助,幫助經銷商快速判斷哪些代碼值得關注,從而相應地調整價格或採購策略。

"OPENLANE is committed to making wholesale easy with every customer, and Code Boost IQ is just another OPENLANE innovation that's making our marketplace the smartest, most transparent and most efficient platform for dealers to transact," said James Coyle, EVP and president, North American marketplaces at OPENLANE. "Code Boost IQ cuts through the complexity of OBD2 codes, increasing signal to noise and highlighting the information dealers need the most. Buyers save time and have more confidence in their wholesale bidding and buying strategy, while sellers benefit from the reduced probability — and potential frustration — of a code-based arbitration."

OPENLANE致力於爲每位客戶簡化批發交易,Code Boost IQ是新推出的智能化工具,使OPENLANE的市場成爲經銷商進行交易的最智能、最透明和最高效的平台。OPENLANE北美市場的執行副總裁兼總裁詹姆斯·科伊爾(James Coyle)表示:「Code Boost IQ消除了OBD2代碼的複雜性,增強了信息質量,並提供了經銷商最需要的信息。買家節省了時間,在批發競標和採購策略上更有信心,而賣家則受益於減少了憑藉基於代碼的仲裁所面臨的概率和潛在的挫敗感。」

Code Boost IQ works by aggregating millions of OBD2 scans captured through OPENLANE's data-rich service network, and following those codes through pre- and post-transaction. Wielding AI and the company's market-leading technology, Code Boost IQ can then accurately predict which codes indicate the highest probability of issues or repairs, or which may lead to an arbitration. That intelligence is then simplified into color-coded, plain language alert banners that are prominently displayed at the top of each dealer-consigned vehicle condition report to indicate no trouble codes, confirmed trouble codes or high probability of repair needed.

Code Boost IQ通過整合OPENLANE數據豐富的服務網絡中捕獲的數百萬個OBD2掃描碼,跟蹤這些代碼的前後事務。利用人工智能和公司領先的技術,Code Boost IQ可以準確預測哪些代碼代碼表示出現問題或需要維修,或哪些代碼可能導致仲裁。然後將這些智能數據簡化爲顏色編碼的明白易懂的警告橫幅,在每個經銷商委託車輛的條件報告頂部顯著展示來指示無故障碼、確認故障碼或高概率需要維修。

"We're proud to be the first to effectively translate the more than 39,000 distinct OBD2 codes — including thousands of manufacturer-specific codes — into information that dealers can easily understand and quickly act on," said Shiv Dutt, SVP and president, US marketplace at OPENLANE. "With over 1.2 million OBD2 scans and counting, we've built a feedback loop between our code scan and arbitration data to better inform customers about potential vehicle condition issues based on triggered codes."

OPENLANE是第一個成功將超過39,000個不同的OBD2代碼(包括數千個製造商特定代碼)有效翻譯成經銷商可以輕鬆理解並快速採取行動的工具,其高達一百二十萬的OBD2掃描數據源不斷積累,實現了代碼掃描和仲裁數據之間的反饋循環,更好地向客戶提供基於觸發代碼的潛在車輛狀況問題的信息。OPENLANE美國市場的高級副總裁兼總裁希夫·達特(Shiv Dutt)表示:「Code Boost IQ與Visual Boost AI一起,是OPENLANE解決客戶困擾,以快速導航和易於理解的格式提供行業最全面、最透明的檢測和車況報告的承諾。這是OPENLANE創新管道推出的最新市場增強措施,通過部署先進技術和人工智能來簡化客戶體驗,提供優越的結果和成功。」

Alongside Visual Boost AI, Code Boost IQ reflects OPENLANE's commitment to solving a persistent industry pain point for customers by delivering the industry's most robust and transparent inspections and condition reports in a format that is quick to navigate and easy to understand. It is the latest marketplace enhancement fueled by OPENLANE's innovation pipeline, which deploys leading-edge technology and AI to simplify the customer experience while delivering superior results and success.

Code Boost IQ是面向OPENLANE美國市場的開放式人工智能平台,利用海量的數據提供更快、更準確的採購決策,反映了OPENLANE解決客戶困擾的承諾,通過提供最全面、最透明的檢測和車況報告,以快速導航和易於理解的格式,傳達了OPENLANE的創新思維。Code Boost IQ結合了人工智能、數據科技和企業分析能力,爲OPENLANE美國市場的經銷商提供了不可比擬的採購和售賣決策信息,從而成爲一款備受客戶歡迎的開放式智能工具。

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