
CommScope Is Showcasing the Path to Better Network Operation at NCTC's The Independent Show 2024

CommScope Is Showcasing the Path to Better Network Operation at NCTC's The Independent Show 2024

CommScope ·  08/16 00:00

CommScope (NASDAQ: COMM), a global leader in network connectivity, announced that it will demonstrate its solutions at the upcoming NCTC The Independent Show 2024, which will take place in Nashville, Tennessee from August 19 to August 22. CommScope will demonstrate how it enables network solutions that can optimize, modernize and monetize independent service providers' existing network assets.

全球網絡連接領導者CommScope (納斯達克: COMM) 宣佈,將在即將於8月19日至8月22日在田納西州納什維爾舉行的NCTC 獨立展會2024上展示其解決方案。CommScope將展示如何通過其網絡解決方案,優化、現代化並利用獨立服務提供商現有的網絡資產賺錢。

CommScope will showcase D3.1Enhanced (D3.1E) functionality; the company's modular IP video solution; and an enhanced product portfolio strengthened with additional products as a result of CommScope's recent acquisition of Casa Systems' cable assets, which include the vCCAP virtual CMTS and QAM video solution.

CommScope將展示D3.1 Enhanced (D3.1E)功能;公司的模塊化IP視頻解決方案;以及強化的產品組合,包括CommScope最近收購的Casa Systems有線資產。其中包括vCCAP虛擬CMTS和QAM視頻解決方案。

"In today's competitive business environment, it's more important than ever for service providers to get the most out of their current network assets," stated Guy Sucharczuk, SVP & President, Access Network Solutions. "The solutions we're showcasing at the NCTC Independent Show offer evolutionary paths to streaming IP video and premium gigabit services, enabling independent service providers to remain competitive without having to invest large sums in costly network upgrades or new network construction. Instead, they can leverage their current network assets, perform a few cost-effective upgrades or deployments at their own pace and budget, and still significantly improve both the quality and the efficiency of the services they offer to their subscribers."

「在今天的競爭激烈的商業環境中,對服務提供商來說,從現有的網絡資產中獲取最大利益比以往任何時候都更加重要,」Access Network Solutions高級副總裁Guy Sucharczuk表示。「我們在NCTC獨立展會上展示的解決方案,爲流媒體IP視頻和高級吉比特服務提供了進化途徑,使獨立服務提供商能夠在無需投資大量費用進行昂貴的網絡升級或新網絡建設的情況下保持競爭力。相反,他們可以利用自己現有的網絡資產,以自己的步伐和預算執行一些具有成本效益的升級或部署,並且仍然顯着提高他們爲訂閱用戶所提供的服務的質量和效率。」

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到訪CommScope Booth #114,了解我們如何幫助服務提供商改善網絡:

Optimizing and Monetizing HFC Cable Access Networks with D3.1E


D3.1E functionality expands the downstream OFDM capacity in 85/102 MHz mid-split and 204/258 MHz high-split DOCSIS 3.1 networks by surgically deploying next-generation DOCSIS 3.1+ or DOCSIS 4.0 CPE devices in homes subscribed to the highest service tier. While standard DOCSIS 3.1 operation supports a maximum of two OFDM channels, D3.1E functionality supports as many as five OFDM channels. With this optimized OFDM support, independent service providers can offer service tiers with speeds of up to 8 Gbps in the downstream without major network upgrades or substantial new equipment deployments.

D3.1E功能在85/102 MHz中分和204/258 MHz高分DOCSIS 3.1網絡中擴展下行OFDm容量,通過在已訂閱最高服務級別的住宅中手術實施下一代DOCSIS 3.1+或DOCSIS 4.0 CPE設備。標準DOCSIS 3.1操作最多支持兩個OFDm信道,而D3.1E功能支持多達五個OFDm信道。利用這種優化的OFDm支持,獨立服務提供商可以提供最高8 Gbps下行速度的服務層,而無需進行重大網絡升級或重大新設備部署。

Modernizing Video Delivery: CommScope's IP Video Solution


CommScope's IP video solution modernizes and streamlines video delivery networks by leveraging industry-standard encoding, packaging, and distribution protocols for content, as well as leveraging subscribers' IP clients and IP set-top boxes, to provide end-to-end IP video support in on-premises, cloud-based, and hybrid IP video architectures. CommScope's IP video solution architecture encompasses back-office, video packaging, and data plane functions in a modular design, which enables independent service providers to migrate each portion of their video architectures to IP video incrementally, or to deploy an end-to-end IP video architecture straightaway.


The IP video solution also supports bandwidth optimization by reclaiming portions of the RF spectrum previously dedicated to single carrier QAM (SC-QAM) video delivery; moving off SC-QAM operation increases network capacities and speeds, especially when deployed in conjunction with D3.1E.

該IP視頻解決方案還通過重新認領之前專用於單載波QAm (SC-QAM)視頻傳輸的RF頻譜部分來支持帶寬優化; SC-QAm操作的撤離可以增加網絡容量和速度,特別是在與D3.1E一起部署時。

A Strengthened Product Portfolio: Casa Systems Products

強化的產品組合:Casa Systems產品

CommScope will highlight expanded product portfolios enhanced by the acquisition of Casa Systems' cable assets, including the vCCAP virtual CMTS and QAM delivery platform. vCCAP supports Remote PHY Distributed Access Architecture (DAA) deployments, which extend the edge of the network into nodes equipped with modular Remote PHY Devices (RPDs). The Casa C100G CMTS, a hardware-based cable asset acquired by CommScope, also supports D3.1E functionality. CommScope is currently the only vendor offering full solutions for all four of the major DOCSIS access architectures: Integrated CCAP, Remote PHY with a physical CCAP core, Remote PHY with a virtual CCAP core, and Remote MACPHY.

CommScope將突出顯示家善控股的有線資產的收購所增強的擴展產品系列,包括vCCAP虛擬CMTS和QAm傳輸平台。vCCAP支持遠程PHY分佈式訪問體系結構(DAA)部署,它將網絡的邊緣擴展到配備有模塊化遠程PHY設備(RPD)的節點。CommScope收購的硬件型號爲Casa C100G CMTS,其也支持D3.1E功能。CommScope目前是唯一能夠爲所有四種主要DOCSIS訪問架構提供完整解決方案的供應商:集成CCAP,具有物理CCAP核心的遠程PHY,具有虛擬CCAP核心的遠程PHY和遠程MACPHY。



CommScope and the CommScope logo are registered trademarks of CommScope and/or its affiliates in the U.S. and other countries. DOCSIS is a registered trademark of Cable Television Laboratories, Inc. For additional trademark information see . All other product names, trademarks and registered trademarks are property of their respective owners.

CommScope和 CommScope logo是美國和其他國家的CommScope及/或其關聯公司的註冊商標。DOCSIS是有線電視實驗室註冊商標。有關其他商標信息,請訪問。所有其他產品名稱、商標和註冊商標均爲其各自所有者的財產。

About CommScope:
CommScope (NASDAQ: COMM) is pushing the boundaries of technology to create the world's most advanced wired and wireless networks. Our global team of employees, innovators and technologists empower customers to anticipate what's next and invent what's possible. Discover more at .

commscope(納斯達克:COMM)正在突破技術界限,創建全球最先進的有線和無線網絡。我們的全球員工、創新者和技術專家賦予客戶預見未來和創造可能的能力。欲知更多信息,請訪問 。

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News Media Contact:
Luke Hamer

Luke Hamer

Financial Contact:
Massimo Disabato, CommScope

Massimo Disabato, CommScope

This press release includes forward-looking statements that are based on information currently available to management, management's beliefs, as well as on a number of assumptions concerning future events. Forward-looking statements are not a guarantee of performance and are subject to a number of uncertainties and other factors, which could cause the actual results to differ materially from those currently expected. In providing forward-looking statements, the company does not intend, and is not undertaking any obligation or duty, to update these statements as a result of new information, future events or otherwise.


Source: CommScope

來源: commscope

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