
CelcomDigi Records Profit and Revenue Growth in Q2 2024, With Good Progress on Integration and Transformation

CelcomDigi Records Profit and Revenue Growth in Q2 2024, With Good Progress on Integration and Transformation

CelcomDigi ·  08/16 00:00

PETALING JAYA, 16 August 2024 – CelcomDigi Berhad (CelcomDigi) today announced its second quarter results for the Financial Year 2024 (Q2 FY2024), reporting improved growth performance driven by effective market execution and cost management. Transformation and integration initiatives across products, network and IT, retail, and innovation initiatives continued as planned.

CelcomDigi Berhad(CelcomDigi)今天宣佈了2024財政年度第二季度業績,報告顯示有效的市場運營和成本管理推動了業績增長。產品、網絡和IT,零售以及創新計劃方面的轉型和整合計劃如期進行。

The company delivered a strong Q2 FY2024 with higher net profit on the back of service revenue growth and realising merger synergies and benefits. Earnings Before Interest and Tax (EBIT) and Profit After Tax (PAT) improved 14.1% Q-Q (8.8% Y-Y) and 12.1% Q-Q (19.5% Y-Y) respectively to RM655 million and RM416 million, highlighting the company's strong underlying profitability. Service revenue rose 0.3% Q-Q to RM2,695 million driven by steady revenue growth across its Postpaid (+0.6% Q-Q) and Home & Fibre (+10.4% Q-Q) segments. The company closed the quarter with a total of 20.2 million subscribers.

該公司實現了強勁的2024財年第二季度業績,淨利潤增長得益於服務收入增長和實現併購協同效應和收益。利息、稅項、折舊和攤銷前利潤(EBIT)和稅後淨利潤(PAT)相應提高了14.1% Q-Q (8.8% Y-Y)和12.1% Q-Q (19.5% Y-Y),分別達到了65500萬林吉特和41600萬林吉特,凸顯了公司的強勁盈利能力。服務收入Q-Q增長0.3%至269500萬林吉特,主要由於後付費(+0.6% Q-Q)和家庭及光纖(+10.4% Q-Q)業務收入穩步增長所致。該公司在本季度結束時有2020萬訂閱用戶。

The company declared a second interim dividend of 3.5 sen per share or RM411 million, similar to the past two quarters, in line with its sustainable dividend commitment to shareholders.


CelcomDigi's CEO Datuk Idham Nawawi said, "Q2 FY2024 was a quarter where we continued to drive our transformation and integration efforts while delivering sustainable topline and bottom-line performance. We have gone to market with a refreshed product portfolio and new retail stores, giving our customers an entirely new experience and connectivity solutions for work, play and home. We also introduced a new distribution model to provide better efficiency and effectiveness in the channels to serve our customers and leverage our new and modern widest network."

CelcomDigi的首席執行官Datuk Idham Nawawi表示:「2024財年第二季度是我們繼續推動轉型和整合工作的季度,同時實現了可持續的營收和利潤表現。我們推出了全新的產品組合和零售店,爲客戶提供全新的工作、娛樂和家庭連接解決方案。我們也引入了新的分銷模式,提供更高的渠道效率和效能服務於我們的客戶,並利用我們的新型現代化最寬網絡。」

"Fundamentally, the business is transforming robustly to serve the needs of consumers and enterprise customers in a new 5G-AI powered age of 'digital everything', with our new network delivering an improved experience to our customers. We also look forward to supporting the government with the country's dual network transition and accelerating its ambitions to be a 5G-AI powered digital society. We have submitted a compelling proposal to build a high-performance 5G network for the nation, and are ready with the right infrastructure, financial strength and ecosystem to start deployment immediately and to complete within the shortest time possible for the benefit of all Malaysians. We are committed towards ensuring a thriving 5G ecosystem built for the nation, with the rakyat in mind."


Transformation and integration initiatives at full momentum


The company completed network integration and modernisation efforts in Penang and surpassed the halfway point nationwide, setting it ahead of schedule in building Malaysia's leading digital network. Within a year, it exceeded 50% of its targeted nationwide upgrades with over 8,500 sites modernised at end July 2024, in what was expected to be a 3-year exercise, proving its ability to rollout mobile network infrastructure projects fast and at scale. At this rate, CelcomDigi is set to complete 75% of network upgrades by end 2024, placing the company in the prime spot to deploy Malaysia's second 5G network. In the quarter, the company invested RM518 million in capital expenditure (CAPEX) to deliver on its network and IT integration initiatives.


CelcomDigi recently opened its ninth new retail store in Alor Setar, Kedah, with plans to transform 40 stores by year-end. These new fully branded stores are central to the company's retail transformation programme, consolidating existing Celcom Bluecubes and Digi Stores into new CelcomDigi retail stores offering a single brand experience. Designed to address evolving customer connectivity and digital needs, the stores feature the latest products and devices, experiential retail and immersive technology, and a retooled and re-trained frontline team to deliver a superior retail experience for customers in the age of 'digital everything'. This initiative builds on other post-merger transformation efforts, including revamped customer, retail and distribution models to improve channel growth and consumer reach.

CelcomDigi最近在吉打州阿洛星打爾(Alor Setar)開設了第九家新零售店,並計劃在年底前轉型40家門店。這些全新的品牌全稱店是該公司零售轉型計劃的核心,將現有的Celcom Bluecubes和Digi Stores合併成一個新的CelcomDigi零售店,提供單一品牌體驗。爲了應對不斷髮展的客戶連接和數字需求,這些店鋪擁有最新的產品和設備、體驗式零售和沉浸式技術,以及一個重新裝備和重新培訓的前線團隊,爲「數字萬物」時代的客戶提供更優質的零售體驗。該舉措建立在其他併購後的轉型計劃的基礎之上,包括改進的客戶、零售和分銷模型,以提高渠道增長和消費者覆蓋範圍。

Best positioned to accelerate Malaysia's transformation into a 5G-AI powered digital society


The company's strong 5G and AI capabilities are enabling it to drive innovation leadership, which are key strategic assets for the company's future growth. It operates the widest, most-modern 4G network in the country, ready to be commissioned as one of the largest advanced 5G networks in the region. Together with its state-of-the-art CelcomDigi AI Experience Centre (AiX), the company is leading the charge to accelerate the development and adoption of world-class AI and emerging technology solutions with over 40 global technology and local ecosystem players across sectors. Currently, the AiX showcases 45 different uses cases, 13 of which are either already live or being piloted with the company's enterprise customers.

該公司強大的5G和AI能力使其能夠推動創新領導地位,這是該公司未來增長的關鍵戰略資產。它運營着該國最廣泛、最現代化的4G網絡,準備隨時成爲該地區最大的先進5G網絡之一。與其最先進的CelcomDigi AI體驗中心(AiX)一起,該公司正在領導加速開發和採用世界級的人工智能和新興技術解決方案的進程,與來自各個行業的40多個全球技術和本地生態系統參與者合作。目前,AiX展示了45種不同的用例,其中13種已經在或正在向該公司的企業客戶試點。

In July, CelcomDigi shared a comprehensive 5-year ESG strategy to build an inclusive, sustainable and trusted digital society for Malaysia, providing stakeholders confidence in the company's ability to address short and long-term sustainability matters related to its sector. More information on the company's ESG commitments may be found here.


Financial and Operational Highlights


  • Q2 FY2024 EBIT was RM655 million, at +14.1% Q-Q and +8.8% Y-Y, benefiting from improved
    EBITDA and lower depreciation.
  • Q2 FY2024 EBIt爲65500萬馬幣,Q-Q增長14.1%,Y-Y增長8.8%,得益於EBITDA的改善和折舊的減少。
  • PAT was RM416 million, at +12.1% Q-Q and +19.5% Y-Y, driven by the flow-through of improved EBIT and the tax incentive recognised in the current quarter, partly offset by the prior quarter's benefit from a deferred tax writeback.
  • 後付費和預付費:後付費增長,而預付費用戶保持穩定的平均每用戶每月營收。後付費用戶在2024年第二季度Q-Q增長11.8萬,Y-Y增長34.4萬,達到了710萬訂閱用戶,主要是由於吸引人的套餐和具有競爭力的定價吸引了大量新訂戶。後付費收入爲127300萬馬幣,Q-Q增長0.6%,Y-Y增長0.4%,主要由於擴大訂戶基礎、更高的漫遊流量和不斷增加的數據需求所致。每用戶每月平均營收爲65馬幣。
  • Postpaid and Prepaid: Growth in Postpaid whilst Prepaid showed resilient ARPU despite decline in subscriber base.
  • 預付費用戶在2024年第二季度Q-Q下降37.8萬,Y-Y下降64.8萬,達到了1290萬訂閱用戶,而收入爲111100萬馬幣,Q-Q下降0.9%,Y-Y下降2.9%,由於減少了較少的輪換一次性SIM卡的獲取而受到影響。每用戶每月平均營收爲28馬幣。
  • Postpaid subscribers grew +118K Q-Q and +344K Y-Y in Q2 FY2024, reaching 7.1 million subscribers, driven by strong new subscribers' uptake from attractive packages and competitive pricing. Postpaid revenue was RM1,273 million, +0.6% Q-Q and +0.4% Y-Y, driven by an expanding subscriber base, higher roaming traffic, and increased data demand. ARPU stood at RM65.
  • 家庭和光纖:不斷努力實現持續的業績增長。後續訂戶增長一直保持正向勢頭,2024年第二季度Q-Q增長1.8萬,Y-Y增長4.9萬,總計163000名用戶。收入爲5100萬馬幣,Q-Q增長10.4%,Y-Y增長21.5%,主要由於訂戶的增加。
  • Prepaid subscribers were –378K Q-Q and -648K Y-Y in Q2 FY2024, amounting to 12.9 million subscribers, while revenue was RM1,111 million, -0.9% Q-Q and –2.9% Y-Y, impacted by reduced subscriber base from fewer rotational one-time sim acquisition. ARPU stood at RM28.
  • 縱使訂戶基礎下降,預付費依然表現出強勁的平均每用戶每月營收。
  • Home and Fibre: Relentless efforts leading to continuous performance growth.
  • 繼續保持快速發展的轉型和整合計劃。
  • Continued positive momentum on subscriber growth at +18K Q-Q and +49K Y-Y, totalling 163K subscribers.
  • 流媒體和光纖板塊的訂戶持續增長,2024年第二季度Q-Q增加1.8萬,Y-Y增加4.9萬,總計163000名用戶。
  • Revenue was RM51 million at +10.4% Q-Q and +21.5% Y-Y, driven by the rise in subscribers.
  • 收入爲5100萬馬幣,Q-Q增長10.4%,Y-Y增長21.5%,主要由於訂戶的增加。

Click here for CelcomDigi's CEO's Reflections and more on the company's 2Q 2024 performance.


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