
American Airlines and Stand Up to Cancer (SU2C) Campaign Takes Off To Accelerate Funding for Cancer Research

American Airlines and Stand Up to Cancer (SU2C) Campaign Takes Off To Accelerate Funding for Cancer Research

Accesswire ·  08/21 12:00
  • Rosario Dawson, a SU2C celebrity ambassador, joins American to launch this year's fundraising campaign with a powerful new video alongside airline team members.

  • Customers will earn American Airlines AAdvantage miles for donations made to SU2C during the six-week campaign.

  • 羅莎里奧·道森,一位SU2C的名人大使,與美國航空的團隊成員一起推出了今年強大的新視頻,開啓了籌款活動。

  • 客戶將通過爲SU2C捐款在爲期六週的活動中獲得美國航空AAdvantage里程獎勵。

FORT WORTH, TX / ACCESSWIRE / August 21, 2024 / American Airlines, in collaboration with Stand Up To Cancer (SU2C), is launching its annual campaign to raise funds for innovative and life-saving cancer research and is inviting customers to contribute. The campaign kicked off with a powerful new public service announcement featuring actress, film producer and SU2C celebrity ambassador Rosario Dawson.


From now through Sept. 30, customers will receive 25 AAdvantage bonus miles for every dollar they donate of $25 or more to Stand Up To Cancer.


Additionally, anyone who uses their AAdvantage Mastercard credit card to contribute between $25 and $10,000 will receive 50 AAdvantage bonus miles per dollar through Sept. 30, or until $3 million has been donated, whichever comes first. To donate, customers can visit


"Cancer affects countless lives, including many of our own team members and their loved ones. Our eight-year partnership with Stand Up To Cancer has become an important part of our airline. It truly allows us to live out our purpose of caring for people on life's journey while supporting Stand Up's vital mission of advancing life-saving research," said Ron DeFeo, American's Chief Communications and Marketing Officer.

「癌症波及無數生命,包括我們團隊的許多成員及他們的親人。我們與抗癌基金會的八年合作已成爲我們航空公司的重要組成部分。它確實讓我們能實現我們照顧人們在人生旅程上的使命,同時支持抗癌基金會推進拯救生命研究的重要使命,」美國航空公司首席通信和市場營銷官Ron DeFeo表示。

Since joining forces in 2016, American has raised more than $20 million through fundraising efforts to benefit SU2C. In 2019, American debuted a campaign that allowed those who donated the chance to honor a loved one by including their name on an Airbus A321 aircraft wrapped in a special SU2C livery.


This year, to further highlight the campaign and give customers an opportunity to support the campaign's important cause, American will launch a limited-edition specialty amenity kit design created in collaboration with sustainable fashion brand Raven + Lily.

今年,爲進一步突出這場活動並讓客戶有機會支持活動的重要目標,美國航空將推出與可持續時尚品牌Raven + Lily合作創作的限量版特色便利套設計。

The new Flagship First Class and Flagship Business Class kits feature the SU2C yellow, orange and red colors, along with Raven + Lily's recognizable zig-zag trim, while the Premium Economy kit features the SU2C yellow. The limited-edition kits will feature new skincare brands and offerings. Customers can scan a QR code within the kits to easily donate to the campaign. The SU2C specialty kits will take flight later this year. This kit marks American's second limited-edition amenity kit since the airline launched a new amenity kit program earlier this year.

新的旗艦頭等艙和旗艦商務艙套件採用了SU2C的黃色、橙色和紅色顏色,以及Raven + Lily特有的鋸齒裝飾,而高級經濟艙套件則採用了SU2C的黃色。限量版套件將推出新的護膚品牌和產品。顧客可以在套件內掃描QR碼輕鬆捐款給該活動。SU2C的特色套件將於今年晚些時候上市。這個套件是美國航空公司自今年早些時候推出新的套件計劃以來的第二個限量版套件。

"Cancer is a terrible thing to face alone. That's why Stand Up To Cancer is proud to join American Airlines to highlight the incredible stories of how showing up can mean so much during a cancer journey," said Rusty Robertson, Co-Founder of SU2C. "We thank Rosario Dawson for lending her voice to this campaign, as well as American Airlines and its customers, whose generous donations are putting essential funding into the hands of the top minds in science working tirelessly to accelerate the research and save lives now."

「面對癌症是一件可怕的事情。這就是爲什麼Stand Up To Cancer很自豪能與美國航空公司合作,突出展示在癌症旅程中出現的意義非凡的故事,」SU2C的聯合創始人Rusty Robertson說。「我們感謝Rosario Dawson爲這個活動提供聲音,還有美國航空公司及其顧客,他們慷慨的捐款正在將資金交到科學界的頂尖人才手中,他們正在不知疲倦地加速研究並拯救生命。」

SU2C brings together the best and the brightest in the cancer community to help new therapies move from the laboratory to the patient quickly. By galvanizing the entertainment community, SU2C creates awareness and educates the public on cancer prevention, diagnosis and treatment and raises funds to support these efforts.


"I am one of the millions of people who have a loved one that's been touched by cancer. This year, 2 million people will be diagnosed - that's one person every 15 seconds. I'm hoping that when people watch this PSA, they will be encouraged to learn more, join us and rise to the challenge," said Rosario Dawson, a SU2C ambassador. "With the help of donors like you, we are making incredible strides. Together, we could see the end of cancer as we know it."

「我是數百萬個有親人受到癌症影響的人之一。今年,將有200萬人被診斷出患癌症,也就是每15秒就會有一個人。我希望當人們看到這個公益廣告時,可以被鼓勵去了解更多,加入我們並應對挑戰,」SU2C的大使Rosario Dawson說。「在像您這樣的捐贈者的幫助下,我們正在取得令人難以置信的進展。我們團結一致,或許我們可以看到癌症的終結。」

Learn more about the 2024 fundraising campaign and how to donate at


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爲關愛人們的人生旅程。美國航空集團股份有限公司的股票在納斯達克交易所上市,股票代碼爲AAL,公司股票被納入S&P 500指數。查看更多有關美國航空的資訊,請訪問,或聯繫美國航空@AmericanAir或。

About Stand Up To Cancer
Stand Up To Cancer (SU2C) raises funds to accelerate the pace of research to get new therapies to patients quickly and save lives now. SU2C is a 501(c)(3) charitable organization and was initially launched as a division of the Entertainment Industry Foundation. Established in 2008 by media and entertainment leaders, SU2C utilizes these communities' resources to engage the public in supporting a new, collaborative model of cancer research, to increase awareness about cancer prevention, and to highlight progress being made in the fight against the disease. As of April 2024, more than 3,100 scientists representing more than 210 institutions are involved in SU2C-funded research projects.

關於Stand Up To Cancer
Stand Up To Cancer (SU2C)籌集資金,加快研究進展,儘快將新療法帶給患者,挽救生命。SU2C是一個501(c)(3)的慈善機構,最初作爲娛樂行業基金會的一個部門而成立。SU2C由媒體和娛樂界領導者於2008年創立,利用這些社區的資源來引導公衆支持一種新的、協作模式的癌症研究,增加關於癌症預防的意識,並突出展示在抗擊這種疾病的鬥爭中取得的進展。截至2024年4月,超過3,100名代表210多個機構的科學家參與了由SU2C資助的研究項目。

As SU2C's scientific partner, the American Association for Cancer Research (AACR) and a Scientific Advisory Committee, led by William G. Nelson, M.D., Ph.D., conduct rigorous competitive review processes to identify the best research proposals to recommend for funding, oversee grants administration, and provide expert review of research progress.

作爲SU2C的科學夥伴,美國癌症研究協會(AACR)和由William G. Nelson萬.D., Ph.D.領導的科學諮詢委員會進行嚴格的競爭性審查過程,以確定最佳的研究提案,並推薦資金支持,監督撥款管理,並提供對研究進展的專業評審。

Current members of the SU2C Founders and Advisors Committee (FAC) include Katie Couric, Sherry Lansing, Kathleen Lobb, Lisa Paulsen, Rusty Robertson, Sue Schwartz, Pamela Oas Williams, and Ellen Ziffren. The late Laura Ziskin and the late Noreen Fraser are also co-founders. Julian Adams, Ph.D., serves as SU2C's president and CEO.

SU2C創始人和顧問委員會(FAC)的現任成員包括Katie Couric、Sherry Lansing、Kathleen Lobb、Lisa Paulsen、Rusty Robertson、Sue Schwartz、Pamela Oas Williams和Ellen Ziffren。去世的Laura Ziskin和去世的Noreen Fraser也是聯合創始人。Julian Adams, Ph.D.擔任SU2C的總裁兼首席執行官。

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