
渝太地产(00075)发盈喜 预期中期股东应占综合溢利净额约1000万至约2000万港元 同比扭亏为盈

y.t. realty (00075) announces a profit announcement, with an expected net comprehensive surplus attributable to shareholders of approximately HKD 10 million to HKD 20 million, turning losses into profits on a year-on-year basis.

Zhitong Finance ·  Aug 23, 2024 18:02

Y.T. Realty (00075) announced that as of June 30, 2024, during the 6-month period, the group expects to achieve a net amount of estimated comprehensive surplus attributable to shareholders between approximately 10 million Hong Kong dollars and approximately 20 million Hong Kong dollars.

According to the announcement, Y.T. Realty (00075) expects to achieve a net amount of estimated comprehensive surplus attributable to shareholders between approximately 10 million Hong Kong dollars and approximately 20 million Hong Kong dollars as of June 30, 2024, during the 6-month period, compared to a net loss of 0.117 billion Hong Kong dollars in the same period last year.

The announcement stated that the expected return to profitability is mainly due to an increase in property sales revenue, which has increased net income, and a decrease in revaluation losses on investment properties by the group, offset by impairment losses on certain property development projects.

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