
ESI Reduces the Time to Integrate Acquired Companies by 80% With the Cato SASE Cloud Platform

ESI Reduces the Time to Integrate Acquired Companies by 80% With the Cato SASE Cloud Platform

ESI通過Cato SASE雲平台將收購公司的整合時間縮短了80%
PR Newswire ·  08/27 08:30

The $2.33B global specialty chemical manufacturer selects Cato Networks to connect and secure 100+ sites and 6,000+ remote users

這家23.3億全球專業化學制造商選擇Cato Networks來連接和保護100多個站點和6000多名遠程用戶

TEL AVIV, Israel, Aug. 27, 2024 /PRNewswire/ -- Cato Networks, the SASE leader, announced that Element Solutions Inc (ESI), the $2.33 billion provider of specialty chemical services, has adopted the Cato SASE Cloud Platform for its global network. With Cato, ESI onboards newly acquired companies in mere weeks not months. Overall, ESI indicated that the time to complete the integration work in a corporate acquisition has decreased by 80% since adopting the Cato SASE Cloud Platform.

2024年8月27日以色列特拉維夫/美通社——全球SASE領導者Cato Networks宣佈,23.3億美元的專業化學服務提供商Element Solutions Inc (ESI)已採用Cato SASE雲平台用於其全球網絡。通過Cato,ESI能夠在短短几周而不是幾個月內整合新收購的公司。總的來說,ESI表示,自從採用Cato SASE雲平台以來,企業收購的整合工作時間縮短了80%。

"We started with Cato looking to shorten the time needed to complete the integration of acquisitions and improve our security. We ended up finding a true partner who helped us reimagine how IT can serve the business. We achieved both of our initial aims—and a lot more," said Dustin Collins, Global CIO of ESI.

「我們最初選擇Cato是爲了縮短完成收購整合所需的時間並改善我們的安全性。我們最終找到了一個真正的合作伙伴,幫助我們重新構想如何爲業務提供服務。我們實現了最初的兩個目標,還遠遠不止這些,」 ESI的全球首席信息官Dustin Collins說。

"Every day, we talk to business and IT executives who are frustrated with the slow pace of expanding their legacy network," says Alon Alter, Chief Business Officer of Cato Networks. "Whether it's waiting months for hardware deliveries or trying to connect remote locations and workers, companies lose opportunities due to the lack of agility. Cato was purpose-built to provide more agility to businesses through our cloud-delivered services. Rather than inhibit the business, as legacy systems do, Cato's converged networking and security are a collaborator that enables the business."

「每天,我們都在與商界和信息技術高管交談,他們對擴展傳統網絡的速度感到沮喪,」 Cato Networks的首席業務官Alon Alter說,「不管是爲硬件交付等待數月,還是嘗試連接遠程地點和員工,公司都因缺乏敏捷性而失去機會。Cato的構建目的是通過我們的雲交付服務爲企業提供更多的敏捷性。與傳統系統不同,它不會阻礙業務發展,而是與業務一道成爲合作者,加速業務。」

Legacy Network Problems Were a Hindrance to the Business


ESI's legacy dates back more than 200 years with roots in metal finishing. Today, the company operates 117 locations across 50+ countries and 6,000+ remote workers. ESI replaced the SD-WAN appliances connecting sites and VPN servers connecting remote users with the Cato SASE Cloud Platform.

ESI的傳統歷史可以追溯到200多年,起源於金屬表面處理。如今,該公司在50多個國家的117個地點運營,並有6000多名遠程工作者。ESI用Cato SASE雲平台取代了連接站點的SD-WAN設備和連接遠程用戶的VPN服務器。

Highlights from the deployment include:


  • Reduced M&A Time to Value: "Before Cato, we needed three to four months just to spin up network capacity and get a location online. With Cato, we can bring up a new network site in weeks, not months. That's real value for our company and our shareholders," said Collins.
  • Overcoming IT Skills Shortage: "Cato is so easy for our team to use that we've been able to remove the 'grunt work' often associated with IT and instead focus our efforts on better serving the business. We no longer need to hire tech specialists to run our network or network security infrastructure. Now we focus our recruiting on more scalable IT generalists who can bring more value and innovation to the business," said Collins.
  • Improved the Security Posture: "We've been able to add layers of security for all users that would have been more challenging to deploy in the past—services such as advanced anti-malware, NGFW, SWG, and threat prevention (IPS). It's not that those technologies weren't in place before. They were. But Cato simplifies how they are delivered, and that makes all the difference," says James Schnoebelen, Global CISO at ESI.
  • Simplified User Experience: "Using the old VPN was confusing because it was inconsistent in terms of being on the road versus in the office. People had problems even just connecting. Now our users complain less because the network access is seamless."
  • 減少併購的價值鏈時間:「在使用Cato之前,我們需要三至四個月的時間來擴展網絡容量並使某個地點上線。有了Cato,我們可以在幾周而不是幾個月內啓動新的網絡站點。這對我們公司和股東來說是真正的價值,」 Collins說。
  • 克圖商城很容易讓我們團隊使用,我們能夠省去與IT相關的繁重工作,將精力更好地用於爲業務提供更好的服務。我們不再需要僱傭技術專家來管理我們的網絡或網絡安全基礎設施,現在我們將重點招聘更具規模化的IT通才,他們可以爲業務帶來更多的價值和創新,”Collins說道。
  • Cato簡化了我們爲所有用戶增加的安全層,這在過去可能更具挑戰性,例如,高級反惡意軟件,下一代防火牆,安全網關和威脅預防(IPS)等服務。並不是說過去沒有這些技術。有的。但是Cato簡化了它們的交付方式,這就是區別所在。”全球首席信息安全官ESI的James Schnoebelen表示。
  • 使用舊的VPN存在困惑,因爲在外出與在辦公室之間不一致。人們甚至在連接方面遇到問題。現在,我們的用戶減少了抱怨,因爲網絡訪問是無縫的。”

About Cato Networks

關於Cato Networks

Cato Networks delivers enterprise security and networking in a single cloud platform. The SASE leader creates a seamless and elegant customer experience that effortlessly enables threat prevention, data protection, and timely incident detection and response. With Cato, organizations replace costly and rigid legacy infrastructure with an open and modular SASE architecture based on SD-WAN, a purpose-built global cloud network, and an embedded cloud-native security stack.

Cato Networks在單一的雲平台中提供企業安全和網絡服務。這家SASE領導者通過建立一個無縫和優雅的客戶體驗,實現了威脅預防、數據保護和及時的事件檢測和應對。有了Cato,組織可以用基於SD-WAN、專爲全球的雲網絡和嵌入式的雲原生安全技術堆棧的開放式和模塊化的SASE架構替代昂貴且僵化的傳統基礎設施。”

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SOURCE Cato Networks

來源:Cato Networks

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