
Marking a Century of Progress in Indonesia

Marking a Century of Progress in Indonesia

雪佛龙 ·  08/27 00:00

Six degrees of separation is the notion that we're all six connections or fewer away from one another. But when it comes to Chevron Indonesia's impact on the regions it works in, Wahyu Budiarto says the circle is even tighter.

六度分离是指我们彼此之间只有六个或更少的连接。但是,当谈到雪佛龙印度尼西亚对其工作地区的影响时,Wahyu Budiarto说,圈子更紧了。

"I always tell people that it's three degrees of separation for the lives Chevron has touched or helped improve here," said Budiarto, Chevron Indonesia's country manager. "You can pick anyone, and I believe that will be the case."


This theory is a testament to Chevron Indonesia's work over the past 100 years.


history lesson


In 1924, Chevron sent four geologists to Indonesia. This was Chevron's first foray into the Eastern Hemisphere.

1924 年,雪佛龙派出四名地质学家前往印度尼西亚。这是雪佛龙首次涉足东半球。

Twelve years later, Chevron secured exploration rights to an unpromising region on the island of Sumatra.


"It was a region that no oil company wanted," the now-defunct Chevron World magazine reported in 1986. "A map drawn by a prominent government geologist in 1930 had noted that central Riau Province contained a large underground layer of granite, a clear sign that any search for hydrocarbons would be futile."


To say that such a projection was inaccurate would be an understatement. Today, this region contains Duri Field, which was once among the largest oil and gas projects of its kind.


economic ripple effect


Chevron has produced more than 12 billion barrels of oil from Indonesia's onshore and offshore fields.


And working with the Indonesian government and other partners, Chevron has helped create a positive economic ripple effect in the country. For example:


  • The nation built the 2,700-kilometer (1,678-mile) Trans-Sumatra highway. It did so with support from government revenue generated by Chevron.
  • From 2009 to 2013, each Chevron job supported an average of 36 other jobs in Indonesia.
  • 该国修建了长达2700公里(1,678英里)的跨苏门答腊高速公路。它是在雪佛龙创造的政府收入的支持下这样做的。
  • 从2009年到2013年,雪佛龙的每份工作岗位平均为印度尼西亚其他36个工作岗位提供了支持。

in the community


Chevron Indonesia has been contributing to the economic and social well-being of residents since the 1950s. That was when it established the first local senior high school in Pekanbaru, Riau Province. Since then, the company has:


  • Launched a business development program that led to more than 7,800 contracts with local Indonesian companies. The program also created nearly 52,000 jobs.
  • Began working with YCAB Foundation. This organization helps end poverty through education and innovative financing.
  • Built and sponsored Politeknik Caltex Riau, Riau Province's first polytechnic university.
  • Supported the Mangrove Ecosystem Restoration Alliance (MERA) program at the Muara Angke Wildlife Reserve in Jakarta.
  • Built and sponsored the Politeknik Aceh school in response to the 2004 Indian Ocean earthquake and tsunami.
  • 启动了一项业务发展计划,与印度尼西亚当地公司签订了7,800多份合同。该计划还创造了近52,000个工作岗位。
  • 开始与 YCab 基金会合作。该组织通过教育和创新融资帮助消除贫困。
  • 建造并赞助廖内省第一所理工大学加德士廖内理工大学。
  • 支持雅加达穆阿拉昂克野生动物保护区的红树林生态系统恢复联盟(MERA)计划。
  • 建造并赞助了亚齐理工学院以应对2004年印度洋地震和海啸。

a new era


Chevron Indonesia stopped producing oil and gas in 2023. It's now focused on supporting the growth of new energy.


For example, Chevron New Energies (CNE) is currently working with Pertamina, Indonesia's largest energy company, in a geothermal exploration concession in Way Ratai, Lampung. CNE is also working with Pertamina to study the potential development of a CCS hub in East Kalimantan.

例如,雪佛龙新能源(CNE)目前正在与印度尼西亚最大的能源公司Pertamina合作,在楠榜Way Ratai进行地热勘探特许权。CNE还与Pertamina合作,研究东加里曼丹CCS中心的潜在发展。

"To me, opportunities like this would not have been possible without the two factors we inherited from our 100 years of operation: our relationship and our reputation," Budiarto said. "We have to be thankful to the people who are here and those who helped build our company along the way."


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