
EverGlade Consulting Helps GeoVax Secure up to $45 Million in BARDA Funding

EverGlade Consulting Helps GeoVax Secure up to $45 Million in BARDA Funding

PR Newswire ·  08/28 16:11

By Stephen Richardson, Managing Consultant and Eric Jia-Sobota, Founder


HOUSTON, Aug. 28, 2024 /PRNewswire/ -- EverGlade Consulting, a national consulting firm, has helped GeoVax Labs, Inc successfully secure up to $45 million in funding to advance the development of GEO-CM04S1, GeoVax's dual-antigen next-generation COVID-19 vaccine through the Rapid Response Portfolio Vehicle (RRPV) consortium funded by the Biomedical Advanced Research and Development Authority ("BARDA").

休斯頓,2024年8月28日 /PRNewswire/ — 全國性諮詢公司EverGlade Consulting通過生物醫學高級研究與發展局(「BARDA」)資助的快速反應組合工具(RRPV)聯盟成功獲得了高達4,500萬美元的資金,用於推進GeoVax的下一代雙抗原COVID-19 疫苗 GEO-CM04S1 的開發。

The $45 million in BARDA funding will fund the manufacturing of clinical materials and support for the Phase 2b clinical trial. Under the agreement, GeoVax will sponsor a 10,000-participant, randomized, Phase 2b double-blinded study to compare the efficacy, safety, and immunogenicity of GEO-CM04S1 with a FDA-approved mRNA COVID-19 vaccine. Preparations for the study are underway, and execution of the study will be fully funded by BARDA under its Clinical Studies Network.

BARDA的4,500萬美元資金將爲臨床材料的製造和20期臨床試驗的支持提供資金。根據該協議,GeoVax將贊助一項10,000名參與者的隨機20期雙盲研究,以比較 GEO-CM04S1 與美國食品藥品管理局批准的mRNA COVID-19 疫苗的功效、安全性和免疫原性。該研究的準備工作正在進行中,該研究的執行將由BARDA的臨床研究網絡全額資助。

"At EverGlade we pride ourselves on empowering our clients through strategic guidance and robust support. The recent BARDA award to GeoVax is not just a win for our client, but a promising advancement for global health. We are honored to contribute to the development of innovative vaccine technologies that aim to protect communities and save lives," stated EverGlade Consulting Founder, Eric Jia-Sobota

「在EverGlade,我們爲通過戰略指導和強有力的支持增強客戶能力而感到自豪。最近授予GeoVax的BARDA獎不僅是我們客戶的勝利,也是全球健康領域的一項有希望的進步。我們很榮幸能爲旨在保護社區和拯救生命的創新疫苗技術的開發做出貢獻。」 EverGlade 諮詢創始人埃裏克·賈-索博塔說

Funding for this award is provided under Project NextGen, a $5 billion initiative by HHS to advance a pipeline of new, innovative vaccines and therapeutics providing broader and more durable protection for COVID-19 than the first generation COVID vaccines and medicines. BARDA is supporting the development of new vaccines and therapeutics to better address the waning immunity and resistance to current and future SARS-CoV2 viral strains. GeoVax's vaccine candidate provides many of the features identified by BARDA including broader protection among variants of concern (VOC) and a longer duration of protection.

該獎項的資金由 HHS 發起的 50 億美元的 「下一代項目」 提供,旨在推進一系列新的創新疫苗和療法,爲 COVID-19 提供比第一代 COVID 疫苗和藥物更廣泛、更持久的保護。BARDA正在支持新疫苗和療法的開發,以更好地解決當前和未來的SARS-CoV2病毒株免疫力和耐藥性減弱的問題。GeoVax的候選疫苗具有BARDA確定的許多特徵,包括對關注變體(VOC)的更廣泛保護和更長的保護期限。

"Geovax is a proud and highly satisfied client of EverGlade. We recommend this team to those in pursuit of and as a recipient of a BARDA award," stated GeoVax Labs Chairman & CEO, David Dodd.

「Geovax是EverGlade的自豪和非常滿意的客戶。我們向尋求和獲得BARDA獎項的人推薦這個團隊。」 GeoVax Labs董事長兼首席執行官戴維·多德說。

If your company has considered applying for BARDA funding, your federal funding journey starts here. EverGlade Consulting is a national consulting firm that helps organizations win and manage federal awards. We offer services ranging from Pursuit, Proposal and Post-Award support to comply with federal regulations at agencies including BARDA, ASPR, NIH, DTRA, JPEO, DOD, DIU, DOE, and DARPA.

如果您的公司考慮過申請BARDA資助,那麼您的聯邦資助之旅將從這裏開始。EverGlade Consulting是一家全國性諮詢公司,幫助組織贏得和管理聯邦獎項。我們提供包括追查、提案和授標後支持在內的各種服務,以遵守BARDA、ASPR、NIH、DTRA、JPEO、DOD、DIU、DOE、DOE、DOE、DOE、DOE、DOE、DOE和DARPA等機構的聯邦法規。

For additional information about EverGlade Consulting, reach out to:

有關 EverGlade 諮詢的更多信息,請聯繫:

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SOURCE EverGlade Consulting

來源 EverGlade 諮詢公司

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