Changqing Technology (001324.SZ) has announced its employee stock ownership plan for 2024 (draft), the first employee stock ownership plan of this kind.
Intelligent Finance APP News, Changqing Technology (001324.SZ) has announced its employee stock ownership plan for 2024 (draft), with a total number of employees in the plan not exceeding 40, including 12 directors (excluding independent directors), supervisors, and senior management personnel. The size of this employee stock ownership plan does not exceed 1.11 million shares, accounting for approximately 0.80% of the total share capital of the company. Among them, 0.89 million shares are granted for the first time, and 0.22 million shares are reserved. This employee stock ownership plan acquires the company's repurchased shares held in a dedicated securities account of the company, at a purchase price of 8.00 yuan per share.