
General Motors and In One Instant Promote Teen Driver Safety Through Nationwide Program

General Motors and In One Instant Promote Teen Driver Safety Through Nationwide Program

通用汽車和In One Instant通過全國計劃推廣青少年駕駛員安全
PR Newswire ·  08/29 18:47

DETROIT, Aug. 29, 2024 /PRNewswire/ -- In One Instant, a leading teen safe driving program, proudly celebrates over six years of support from General Motors (GM) to educate and empower young drivers across the United States.

底特律,2024年8月29日,美通社/——領先的青少年安全駕駛項目In One Instant自豪地慶祝得到通用汽車(GM)長達六年的壓力位支持,以教育和賦權美國年輕駕駛員。

This collaboration has helped In One Instant to implement their program in over 4,600 schools nationwide, including 569 schools in communities where GM operates. To date, 871,250 students have successfully completed the program in GM communities, with the ambitious goal of surpassing 1 million students in 2025.

這種合作幫助In One Instant在全國4600多所學校中實施他們的項目,其中包括通用汽車在運營的569所學校。迄今爲止,在通用汽車社區,有871,250名學生成功完成了該項目,其雄心勃勃的目標是在2025年超過100萬名學生。

In One Instant, a leading teen safe driving program, celebrates over six years of support by General Motors in educating and empowering young drivers across the U.S.
領先的青少年安全駕駛項目In One Instant慶祝通用汽車對教育和賦權美國年輕駕駛員的超過六年的壓力位支持。

In One Instant's peer-driven program aims to make distracted, reckless, and impaired driving personal and relevant. By engaging teens on an emotional level, they learn how to practice safe driving behaviors behind the wheel and influence their friends and family to do the same. The program's evidence-based approach has been praised by attendees for its impact and effectiveness in creating a culture of safety among young drivers, passengers and pedestrians.

In One Instant的同齡人驅動計劃旨在使分心、魯莽和受損駕駛變得個人和相關。通過在情感層面上吸引青少年,他們學會如何在駕駛時實踐安全行爲,並影響他們的朋友和家人做同樣的事情。該項目基於證據的方法受到與會者的讚揚,因爲它在年輕駕駛員、乘客和行人之間創建安全文化方面的影響和有效性。

Students who have completed the program have shown significant positive behavioral shifts as evidenced by the personal commitments they have made: 86% won't text and drive; 91% will not drive if impaired; 91% won't get in the car with an impaired driver; 89% will wear seat belts.


"General Motors was one of our first corporate supporters," In One Instant Founder and President Gail Schenbaum said. "Our collaboration over the years has not only educated students in General Motors communities but also fostered a culture of safety within their families and neighborhoods. Together, we have been successful in educating teens about safe driving behaviors to help address what the CDC cites as the #1 cause of unintentional deaths among teens, car crashes."

「通用汽車是我們最早的企業支持者之一,」In One Instant創始人兼總裁蓋爾·申鮑姆說。「多年來我們的合作不僅教育了通用汽車社區的學生,也在他們的家庭和社區培育了安全文化。我們共同成功地教育青少年關於安全駕駛行爲,以幫助解決CDC所稱的青少年意外死亡的最大原因,汽車事故。」

Students and school administrators across the country have shared their powerful experiences and takeaways from the In One Instant program:

全國各地的學生和學校管理員分享了他們從In One Instant項目中獲得的有力經歷和收穫:

Juan M., a high school Junior from Dallas, Texas reported: "My friends took In One Instant more seriously than pretty much anything. My neighbor was hit by a car driven by a kid who was so high. That message of finding a safe ride home is no joke."

據來自得克薩斯州達拉斯的高中三年級學生胡安報道:「與其他事情相比,我的朋友們更加認真對待In One Instant。我的鄰居被一個醉酒的孩子駕駛的汽車撞了,這條找到安全的回家方式的信息可不是開玩笑的。」

A Grand Rapids, Michigan school principal states: "In One Instant profoundly impacted our students on the importance of the choices they make and how those choices will affect others."

密歇根州Grand Rapids的一位校長表示:「In One Instant對我們學生的選擇的重要性以及這些選擇對他人的影響產生了深遠影響。」

According to Jesse Santiago, an In One Instant Program Guest Speaker: "If I had made a different choice, my best friend would not be paralyzed today. My regrets don't have to be yours. I'm personally asking you to help each other make better, safer driving choices."

根據In One Instant項目嘉賓演講人傑西·聖地亞哥所說:「如果我當時作出了不同的選擇,我的最好的朋友今天就不會癱瘓。我的遺憾不必成爲你們的遺憾。我親自請求你們互相幫助作出更好、更安全的駕駛選擇。」

Carey M. Wright, former Mississippi State Superintendent of Education said, "In One Instant's success over the last decade in addressing safer teen driving has made a difference in thousands of U.S. schools. Its student-driven activities have been especially impactful and are only one of the reasons why I've recommended the program to every school district in our state. I highly recommend it to all my fellow educators nationwide."

前密西西比州教育廳長凱瑞·賴特表示:「在過去的十年中,In One Instant在解決青少年安全駕駛方面取得的成功已經在成千上萬所美國學校產生了影響。其中學生主導的活動尤爲有力,這也是我向我們州的每個學區推薦該計劃的原因之一。我強烈推薦給全國各地的教育同僚們。」

"Safety is at the core of everything we do at GM. Working with nonprofits like In One Instant is helping drive our broader vision of a world with zero crashes, zero emissions and zero congestion," said Alexis Brandl, Transportation Portfolio Lead for Corporate Giving at GM.

「在通用汽車,安全是我們一切工作的核心。與In One Instant這樣的非營利組織合作有助於推動我們關於零事故、零排放和零擁堵的更廣闊願景,」通用汽車公司贈與部門運輸組長艾莉克斯·布蘭德爾表示。

By empowering teens to make responsible driving decisions, the program has the potential to improve driving behaviors and help decrease traffic-related incidents, promoting a safe driving environment for everyone.


About In One Instant

關於In One Instant

In One Instant is a leading national teen safe driving program based in Los Angeles. The interactive, nonprofit program instills lifelong safe driving habits in teens, ultimately reducing traffic-related injuries and fatalities. Drug and alcohol impaired driving is a core component of a forthcoming September event in the state of Wyoming dedicated to Indigenous youth, in coordination with the National Traffic Safety Board (NTSB) and the Wyoming Department of Transportation. Visit:

In One Instant是總部位於洛杉磯的領先全國青少年安全駕駛計劃。這個互動的非營利計劃爲青少年樹立終身的安全駕駛習慣,從而最終減少與交通有關的傷亡事故。在酒精和藥物妨礙駕駛是與國家交通安全委員會(NTSB)和懷俄明州交通部合作的九月活動中,這個計劃是重要的核心組成部分。請訪問

CDC link for more on Risk Factors for Teen Drivers


For press information and for schools interested in implementing this free-of-charge program, please contact Dahlia Greer at [email protected].

如需新聞信息或學校有興趣實施此免費計劃,請聯繫Dahlia Greer,電子郵件地址爲[email protected]

SOURCE In One Instant Teen Safe Driving Program


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