
Haivision MCS Awarded $61.2 Million Production Agreement by US Navy for Next-Generation Combat Visualization and Video Distribution Systems

Haivision MCS Awarded $61.2 Million Production Agreement by US Navy for Next-Generation Combat Visualization and Video Distribution Systems

Haivision MCS被美國海軍授予6120萬美元的生產協議,用於下一代作戰可視化和視頻分發系統。
PR Newswire ·  09/03 08:30

MONTREAL, Sept. 3, 2024 /PRNewswire/ - Haivision Systems Inc. ("Haivision") (TSX: HAI), a leading global provider of mission-critical, real-time video streaming and networking solutions, today announced that Haivision MCS, a subsidiary of Haivision, was awarded a significant five-year production agreement by the Naval Sea Systems Command (NAVSEA), with an estimated total value of $61.2 million USD (approximately $82 million CAD). This strategic agreement positions Haivision at the forefront of delivering cutting-edge combat visualization and video distribution systems for the US Navy's Surface Combatant Fleet.

2024年9月3日,蒙特利爾-PR Newswire/ - Haivision Systems Inc.(「Haivision」)(TSX:HAI),一家領先的全球關鍵任務實時視頻流媒體和網絡解決方案提供商,今天宣佈Haivision MCS,Haivision的子公司,與美國海軍海軍船艦指揮系統(NAVSEA)簽訂了一份重要的五年生產協議,估計總價值爲6120萬美元(約合8200萬加元)。這一戰略協議使Haivision處於交付前沿,爲美國海軍的水面作戰艦隊提供先進的戰鬥可視化和視頻分發系統。

Under this new production agreement, Haivision MCS will provide to the US Navy a comprehensive suite of Haivision ultra-high performance video processing solutions for mission-critical display along with video transcoding, storage, and distribution components. These systems will be integral to the Navy's Combat Information Centers (CICs) across various surface combatant vessels, enhancing situational awareness and mission planning capabilities. The advanced visualization technology is designed to support the Navy's future combat systems, including those planned for AEGIS Destroyers (DDGs), Aircraft Carriers (CVNs), Amphibious Ships (LHDs, LHA, LPDs), Frigates (FFGs), Littoral Combat Ships (LCSs), and the next-generation United States Coast Guard (USCG) Cutters, among other critical applications. Haivision's next-generation systems will play a pivotal role in supporting mission-critical applications by delivering superior situational awareness throughout the ship.

根據這一新的生產協議,Haivision MCS將爲美國海軍提供全套Haivision超高性能視頻處理解決方案,包括任務關鍵顯示、視頻轉碼、存儲和分發元件。這些系統將成爲海軍各種水面艦艇的作戰信息中心(CICs)的重要組成部分,增強態勢感知和任務規劃能力。這種先進的可視化技術旨在支持海軍未來的戰鬥系統,包括計劃中的宙斯盾驅逐艦(DDG)、航空母艦(CVNs)、兩棲艦(LHDs、LHA、LPDs)、護衛艦(FFGs)、沿海作戰艦艇(LCSs)和下一代美國海岸警衛隊(USCG)巡邏船,以及其他關鍵應用。Haivision的下一代系統將在船舶上通過提供卓越的態勢感知,發揮至關重要的作用。

This award builds upon Haivision's ongoing success with the US Navy's CANES (Consolidated Afloat Networks and Enterprise Services) program, which already leverages Haivision's state-of-the-art real-time video encoding, transcoding, recording, and playback technology for ship-wide video distribution.


The award highlights the strength and reliability of Haivision's core technologies and demonstrates the valuable synergies achieved through the acquisition of CineMassive in 2021. The integration of CineMassive's Command 360 collaborative visualization platform into Haivision's offerings has significantly enhanced the company's capability to deliver innovative solutions for complex defense applications.

此獎項突顯了Haivision核心技術的強大和可靠性,並展示了2021年收購CineMassive所實現的有價值的協同效應。CineMassive的Command 360協作可視化平台與Haivision的產品整合後,顯著提升了公司爲複雜國防應用提供創新解決方案的能力。

"We are honored to continue our partnership with the US Navy and to be entrusted with this crucial responsibility," said Robert Kaufman, co-founder of CineMassive and now Vice President of Strategic Programs at Haivision MCS. "This award is a testament to the excellence of our technology and our dedicated team. We are committed to delivering high-quality systems that will support the Navy's mission and enhance the operational effectiveness of its Surface Combatant Fleet."

"我們很榮幸能夠繼續與美國海軍合作,並被委託承擔這項關鍵責任," CineMassive的聯合創始人、現任Haivision MCS戰略項目副總裁羅伯特·考夫曼說。"這個獎項證明了我們科技的卓越性和我們專業團隊的執着。我們致力於提供高質量的系統,以支持海軍的任務,並增強其水面戰鬥艦隊的作戰效能。"

For more information on Haivision and its advanced visualization solutions, please visit .


About Haivision


Haivision is a leading global provider of mission-critical, real-time video networking and visual collaboration solutions. Our connected cloud and intelligent edge technologies enable organizations globally to engage audiences, enhance collaboration, and support decision making. We provide high quality, low latency, secure, and reliable live video at a global scale. Haivision invented the award-winning SRT low latency video streaming protocol and founded the SRT Alliance to support its adoption. Awarded four Emmys for Technology and Engineering from the National Academy of Television Arts and Sciences, Haivision continues to fuel the future of IP video transformation. Founded in 2004, Haivision is headquartered in Montreal and Chicago with offices, sales, and support located throughout the Americas, EMEA, and APAC. To learn more, visit Haivision at


About Haivision MCS

關於Haivision MCS

Haivision MCS focuses on providing highly specialized systems to US Federal organizations that address mission-critical challenges in global security operations centers, joint and tactical operations centers, public safety operations centers, and control rooms. Haivision MCS also provides the complete Haivision product portfolio to address the mission-critical, real-time video needs for ISR, defense, government, and enterprise customers.

Haivision MCS致力於爲美國聯邦組織提供高度專業化的系統,解決全球安全操作中心、聯合和戰術操作中心、公共安全操作中心和控制室的任務關鍵性挑戰。Haivision MCS還向ISR、國防、政府和企業客戶提供完整的Haivision產品組合,以滿足實時視頻需求。

SOURCE Haivision Systems Inc.

消息來源:Haivision Systems Inc。

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