
First Phosphate Chooses Facility in Saguenay-Lac-St-Jean, Quebec, Canada for Deployment of Its Iron Phosphate Plant

First Phosphate Chooses Facility in Saguenay-Lac-St-Jean, Quebec, Canada for Deployment of Its Iron Phosphate Plant

First Phosphate選擇在加拿大魁北克Saguenay-Lac-St-Jean地區部署其磷酸鐵工廠的設施。
newsfile ·  09/09 01:00

Saguenay, Quebec--(Newsfile Corp. - September 9, 2024) - First Phosphate Corp (CSE: PHOS) (OTC: FRSPF) (FSE: KD0) ("First Phosphate" or the "Company") is pleased to announce that it has secured a facility lease for a 10,000 tonne per annum iron phosphate cathode active material pre-cursor ("pCAM") plant ("First Saguenay") in Saguenay (La Baie), Quebec, Canada.

Newsfile Corp.(2024年9月9日,魁北克薩圭內,新聞公司)- 第一磷酸鹽公司(CSE: PHOS)(OTC: FRSPF)(FSE: KD0)(「第一磷酸鹽」或「公司」)非常高興地宣佈,已經成功爲位於加拿大魁北克省(薩圭內(La Baie))的第一磷酸鹽Saguenay 工廠(簡稱「First Saguenay」)獲得了一個場地租賃,用於建設一個每年能生產1萬噸鐵磷酸鹽陰極活性物前體(簡稱「pCAM」)的工廠。

Iron phosphate is a key pre-cursor used in the production of cathode active material ("CAM") for lithium iron phosphate ("LFP") batteries.


Local Support and Job Creation in Saguenay-Lac-St-Jean, Quebec, Canada


The establishment of the First Saguenay plant is intended to lead to the creation of approximately one hundred new high-tech jobs in the Saguenay-Lac-St-Jean Region of Quebec, Canada. The development of First Saguenay is supported by a number of local parties in the region's economic development landscape including:


  • Promotions Saguenay (economic development corporation for the city of Saguenay)
  • 薩圭內促銷(促進薩圭內市經濟發展的機構)
  • Saguenay-Le Fjord Chamber of Commerce and Industry (CCISF)
  • 薩圭內-勒菲約商工會(CCISF)
  • Alliage 02 (Saguenay-Lac-Saint-Jean Manufacturers and Industrial Parks Corporation)
  • Alliage 02(薩圭內-拉克聖讓製造商和工業園區公司)
  • Saguenay-Lac-St-Jean Economic Maximization Committee (CMAX)
  • 薩圭內-拉克聖讓經濟最大化委員會(CMAX)
  • Pekuakamiulnuatsh First Nation (Mashteuiatsh)
  • Pekuakamiulnuatsh 第一民族(Mashteuiatsh)

"This announcement is another very positive step for phosphate mining in our region, and the start of the LFP sector in Saguenay-Lac-St-Jean, Quebec," states Ms. Andrée Laforest, deputy for the Quebec riding of Chicoutimi, Quebec Minister of Municipal Affairs and Minister responsible for the Saguenay-Lac-Saint-Jean region. "We've been talking about this potential for a long time, and we're finally seeing the efforts of the First Phosphate team come to fruition today and for years to come. The Company's regional production will have positive effects for us and for Port Saguenay, which will be a major player in the development of this sector."

「這一宣佈是雀巢-拉克聖讓地區磷酸鹽開採的又一個非常積極的進展,也標誌着拉克聖讓地區的LFP行業的開始,」魁北克省駐Chicoutimi選區副代表、魁北克市政府事務部長兼負責拉克聖讓地區的部長Andréé Laforest女士表示。「我們已經談論這個潛力很長時間了,現在終於看到了第一磷酸鹽團隊的努力取得了成果,對我們和薩聖讓港來說都將有積極的影響,後者將成爲該行業發展的重要參與者。」

"This plant is the first link in the LFP Battery Valley in Saguenay-Lac-St-Jean," emphasizes Éric Larouche, Chairman of the Board of Promotion Saguenay. "Our goal is to facilitate the creation of this North American value chain, right here at home in Saguenay-Lac-St-Jean, Quebec: from the phosphate mine, to LFP cathode powder and, eventually, to the LFP battery itself."

「這個工廠是雀巢-拉克聖讓地區電池谷的第一個環節,」Saguenay推廣委員會董事會主席Éric Larouche強調。「我們的目標是在魁北克的拉克聖讓地區本土爲這個北美價值鏈的創建提供便利:從磷酸鹽礦到LFP陰極粉末,最終到LFP電池本身。」

"This commitment with First Phosphate today sends a clear signal about our potential to position within the battery ecosystem: home-grown raw material and an international shipping corridor. The builders in our region will assume their role in global decarbonization efforts," emphasizes François Tremblay, Quebec Member of Parliament for Dubuc.

「今天與第一磷酸鹽的這一承諾向外界發出了一個明確的信號,關於我們在電池生態系統中的定位潛力:本土原材料和國際航運走廊。我們地區的建築商將在全球去碳化努力中承擔起自己的角色,」魁北克省杜布克選區的議員François Tremblay強調。

An important First Step in Establishing First Phosphate Downstream Operations in Saguenay-Lac-St-Jean, Quebec, Canada


First Saguenay is to be retrofitted into a large portion of the existing building at 5373 Chemin Saint-Anicet, La Baie, Quebec, adjacent to the existing processing plant owned by Logistique Proco Inc. ("Proco"). Proco is to act as the building contractor. Proco is well established in the engineering and construction sector in Quebec, having worked on major projects in the province and, many, specifically in the battery sector (). The First Saguenay lease with Proco is for 10 years and is renewable thereafter.


The facility is heated, equipped with process water, wastewater treatment, natural gas, high-voltage electricity and served by direct North American rail link into the facility. Moreover, the entire facility occupies more than 305,000 square feet of industrial space, portions of which should become available progressively for expanded First Saguenay operations, as well as several hectares of adjacent green-field industrial land available for expanding operations.

該設施配備有加熱設備、工藝水、廢水處理設備、天然氣、高壓電並且由直接連接北美鐵路的設備服務。此外,整個設施佔地超過305,000平方英尺的工業空間,其中一部分將逐步用於擴大First Saguenay的業務,還有幾公頃的毗鄰綠地工業用地可供擴大業務使用。

The investment needed for the commencement of operations at First Saguenay is estimated at approximately USD $65 M (CAD $90 M). The lease is conditional upon First Phosphate arranging the financing necessary to carry-out the proposed activities prior to April 30, 2025. First Phosphate is considering various options for financing and structuring First Saguenay including non-dilutive options.

啓動First Saguenay運營所需的投資估計約爲6500萬美元(9000萬加元)。租賃條款的生效取決於First Phosphate在2025年4月30日之前安排融資以進行擬議的活動。First Phosphate正在考慮各種融資和結構化First Saguenay的選項,包括非稀釋性的選項。

First Saguenay Iron Phosphate Facility (exterior view)

First Saguenay鐵磷酸設施(外景)

An important First Step in Establishing the North American LFP Battery Valley in Saguenay-Lac-St-Jean, Quebec, Canada


First Saguenay is to serve as a key and complimentary part of the Company's planned downstream processing facilities and full vertical integration plans from phosphate mine to creation of LFP CAM. First Saguenay is intended to work synergistically in the transformation and value-added processing of the feedstock from the Company's proposed mining operations which are located approximately 80 km and 120 km from the Company's two major phosphate properties in the region.

First Saguenay將作爲公司計劃的下游加工設施和從礦山到LFP CAm的完全垂直整合計劃的關鍵補充部分。 First Saguenay旨在在公司擬議的採礦業務中與原料進行協同轉化和增值加工,這些業務位於距離該地區公司兩個主要磷酸鹽礦產地約80公里和120公里的位置。

First Saguenay has a strategic logistical advantage located at 20 km from the deep-sea port of Saguenay, where the Company intends to organize the next phases of its industrial activities, as well as its inbound and outbound international trade. The industrial zone at Port Saguenay will become an important location in the development of the LFP battery industry, and First Phosphate plans to set up its future advanced processing operations at the port together with other worldwide LFP battery players.

First Saguenay擁有戰略性的物流優勢,位於桑讓的深水港口距離20公里,公司計劃在那裏組織其工業活動的下一階段,包括進出口國際貿易。桑讓港的工業區將成爲LFP電池行業發展的重要地點,First Phosphate計劃與其他全球LFP電池廠家一起在港口建立未來的先進加工工廠。

First Saguenay is also positioned at a few kilometers from Canadian Air Forces NATO Base Bagotville and its local airport providing passenger and freight linkages to the world.


First Saguenay is to be linked directly and seamlessly to the Canadian National Railway network which connects directly to other railway networks across North America for easy entry of supplies and delivery of product to clients across the North American battery industry.

First Saguenay將直接無縫地連接加拿大國家鐵路網絡,該網絡直接連接北美其他鐵路網絡,便於供應品進入和產品交付給北美電池行業客戶。

Details of First Phosphate's strategy to create a fully integrated supply chain for LFP batteries in North America, based on the establishment of the Saguenay-Lac-St-Jean region of Quebec, Canada as the LFP battery valley of North America, can be found at: .

First Phosphate在北美爲LFP電池打造一個完全集成的供應鏈策略的詳細信息,基於將加拿大魁北克省薩格奈-拉克-聖讓地區建設爲北美LFP電池谷地的戰略的詳細信息,請參閱:。

Logistical Advantage of the LFP Battery Valley in Saguenay-Lac-St-Jean, Quebec, Canada


Feasibility and Client Relationships


The Company has begun the first phase of its project feasibility study with Ultion Technologies ("Ultion"), a US-based company that is a pioneer in the LFP battery industry. The study is to determine the infrastructure required to support the permit applications as well as the lease facility retrofitting requirements.

公司已開始與美國LFP電池行業的先驅Ultion Technologies(「Ultion」)進行項目可行性研究的第一階段。該研究是爲了確定支持許可申請所需的基礎設施,以及租賃設施的改造要求。

The technology to be implemented is proven and already operating in two other facilities in the world, one with a capacity of 10,000 tonnes per annum and another with a capacity of 50,000 tonnes per annum, as announced on December 11, 2023 (). Thanks to the industrial capacity of the chosen technology, First Saguenay expects to be able to move directly into commercial-size, scalable production without having to go through a pilot stage.

要實施的技術已在世界上其他兩個工廠中得到驗證並正在運行,一個的年產能爲1萬噸,另一個的年產能爲5萬噸,該消息於2023年12月11日宣佈。因爲選擇的技術具有工業能力,First Saguenay預計能夠直接進入商業規模的、可擴展的生產,而無需通過試驗階段。

Initial production from First Saguenay is anticipated for the first quarter of 2026 to meet anticipated demand from the Company's existing partners: American Battery Factory (), Ultion ( and other potential clients in the fields of energy storage, electric vehicles and specialized battery products with which the Company is in advanced discussions.

預計First Saguenay將於2026年第一季度開始初期生產,以滿足公司現有合作伙伴:美國電池廠、Ultion以及與公司進行了進一步討論的能源存儲、新能源車和專業電池產品等其他潛在客戶的預期需求。

The commencement of operations at First Saguenay entails meeting a number of project requirements. The Company is working diligently through the process to satisfy all such requirements.

First Saguenay的運營開始需要滿足一系列項目要求。公司正在努力完成整個流程以滿足所有的要求。

About First Phosphate Corp.


First Phosphate (CSE: PHOS) (OTC: FRSPF) (FSE: KD0) is a mineral development company fully dedicated to extracting and purifying phosphate for the production of cathode active material for the Lithium Iron Phosphate ("LFP") battery industry. First Phosphate is committed to producing at high purity level, in responsible manner, and with low anticipated carbon footprint.

First Phosphate(CSE: PHOS)(OTC: FRSPF)(FSE: KD0)是一家完全致力於提取和精製磷酸鹽用於鋰鐵磷酸鹽(「LFP」)電池行業生產陰極活性材料的礦產開發公司。First Phosphate致力於高純度、負責任的生產,並具有預期低碳足跡。

First Phosphate plans to vertically integrate from mine source directly into the supply chains of major North American LFP battery producers that require battery grade LFP cathode active material emanating from a consistent and secure supply source. First Phosphate holds over 1,500 sq. km of royalty-free district-scale land claims in the Saguenay-Lac-St-Jean Region of Quebec, Canada that it is actively developing. First Phosphate properties consist of rare anorthosite igneous phosphate rock that generally yields high purity phosphate material devoid of high concentrations of harmful elements.

First Phosphate計劃從礦山直接垂直整合到主要北美LFP電池製造商的供應鏈中,這些製造商需要來自一致而安全的供應源的電池級LFP陰極活性材料。First Phosphate在加拿大魁北克省薩圭內-拉克-聖讓地區擁有1,500平方公里的無版稅區域性土地權益,並正在積極開發這些土地。First Phosphate的物業包括稀有輝長岩火成磷酸鹽岩,通常產出沒有高濃度有害元素的高純度磷酸鹽材料。

For additional information, please contact:


Bennett Kurtz, CFO
Tel: +1 (416) 200-0657

首席財務官Bennett Kurtz

Investor Relations:
Media Relations:


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Forward-Looking Information and Cautionary Statements


This news release contains certain statements and information that may be considered "forward-looking statements" and "forward looking information" within the meaning of applicable securities laws. In some cases, but not necessarily in all cases, forward-looking statements and forward-looking information can be identified by the use of forward-looking terminology such as "plans", "targets", "expects" or "does not expect", "is expected", "an opportunity exists", "is positioned", "estimates", "intends", "assumes", "anticipates" or "does not anticipate" or "believes", or variations of such words and phrases or statements that certain actions, events or results "may", "could", "would", "might", "will" or "will be taken", "occur" or "be achieved" and other similar expressions. In addition, statements in this news release that are not historical facts are forward looking statements, including, among other things, the Company's planned exploration and production activities, the properties and composition of any extracted phosphate, the Company's plans for vertical integration into North American supply chains including the full integrational plans from phosphate mine to the creation of LFP CAM, the viable commercialization of Company products and demand for the end product, availability of partnership and client relationships, the availability of existing or new facilities to accommodate the First Saguenay operations and any enlargement thereto, the completion of the Financing, including any non-dilutive options, the acquisition and retrofitting of infrastructure, and receipt of all required approvals, project timelines and budgets, the implementation of the technology and the ability to move straight into commercial size, scalable production, the availability of raw materials necessary to operate First Saguenay on terms acceptable to the Company, and the viable commercialization of Company products.

本新聞公告包含某些被視爲「前瞻性陳述」和「前瞻性信息」的聲明和信息,適用證券法。在某些情況下,但不一定在所有情況下,前瞻性陳述和前瞻性信息可通過使用「計劃」、「目標」、「預期」或「未預期」、「預計」、「存在機會」、「定位」、「預估」、「意圖」、「假設」、「預期」或「未預期」或「相信」等前瞻性術語加以識別,或諸如這樣的短語或表述的聲明,即某些行動、事件或結果「可能」、「可能」、「可能」、「可能」、「可能」、「可能被採取」、「可能發生」或「可能實現」以及其他類似的表達方式。此外,本新聞發佈中的非歷史事實是前瞻性聲明,包括但不限於公司計劃的勘探和生產活動、提取磷酸鹽的物性和成分、公司垂直整合進入北美供應鏈的計劃,包括從磷酸鹽礦到LFP CAm的完全整合計劃,公司產品的商業化可行性和對終端產品的需求、夥伴關係和客戶關係的可用性、現有或新的設施用於容納First Saguenay操作及其任何擴增計劃、融資的完成,包括任何非稀釋性選擇權、基礎設施的收購和改造以及獲得所有所需批准、項目時間表和預算、技術的實施以及能夠直接轉入商業規模的可伸縮生產,First Saguenay運營所需的原材料的可用性是否符合公司可接受的條件以及公司產品的商業化可行性。

These statements and other forward-looking information are based on assumptions and estimates that the Company believes are appropriate and reasonable in the circumstances, including, without limitation, expectations of the Company's long term business outcomes given its short operating history; expectations regarding revenue, expenses and operations; the Company having sufficient working capital and ability to secure additional funding necessary for the exploration of the Company's property interests; expectations regarding the potential mineralization, geological merit and economic feasibility of the Company's projects; expectations regarding drill programs and the potential impacts successful drill programs could have on the life of the mine and the Company; mineral exploration and exploration program cost estimates; expectations regarding any environmental issues that may affect planned or future exploration programs and the potential impact of complying with existing and proposed environmental laws and regulations; receipt and timing of exploration and exploitation permits and other third-party approvals; government regulation of mineral exploration and development operations; expectations regarding any social or local community issues that may affect planned or future exploration and development programs; expectations surrounding global economic trends and technological advancements; and key personnel continuing their employment with the Company, as well as, the Company's market analysis of the expected economics of First Saguenay's operations, including the initial investment, operating expenditures, raw material costs and availability, and ability to leverage and grow third party client relationships, the historical track-record of the technology, the direction from its partners regarding infrastructure needs and implementation, and the Company's ability to raise sufficient capital to complete the Financing, maintain corporate capacity; and stability in financial and capital markets.

這些陳述和其他前瞻性信息是基於公司認爲在適當和合理的情況下所做的假設和估計,包括但不限於根據公司短暫的運營歷史對公司的長期業務結果的預期;關於收入、費用和運營的預期;公司有足夠的營運資本和能夠獲得額外資金以開展公司的物業權益勘探的預期;關於公司項目的潛在礦化、地質價值和經濟可行性的預期;關於鑽探計劃及其成功對礦山壽命和公司可能產生的影響的潛在影響的預期;礦產勘探和勘探計劃成本估計;關於可能影響計劃或未來勘探計劃的任何環境問題以及遵守現有和擬議的環境法規的潛在影響的預期;收到和時間探索和開發許可和其他第三方批准的預期和時間;礦產勘探和開發運營的政府監管;關於可能影響計劃或未來勘探和開發計劃的任何社會或社區問題的預期;全球經濟趨勢和技術進步的預期;公司對First Saguenay運營的預期經濟分析,包括初始投資、營運支出、原材料成本和可用性以及能夠利用和發展第三方客戶關係的能力,技術的歷史記錄,合作伙伴關於基礎設施需求和實施的指導,以及公司能夠獲得足夠資金完成融資、維持公司能力和金融和資本市場的穩定性的預期。

There can be no assurance that such statements will prove to be accurate, and actual results and future events could differ materially from those anticipated in such statements. Important factors that could cause actual results to differ materially from the Company's expectations include: limited operating history; high risk of business failure; no profits or significant revenues; limited resources; negative cash flow from operations and dependence on third-party financing; the uncertainty of additional funding; no dividends; risks related to possible fluctuations in revenues and results; insurance and uninsured risks; litigation; reliance on management and key personnel; conflicts of interest; access to supplies and materials; dangers of mineral exploration and related liability and damages; risks relating to health and safety; government regulation and legal uncertainties; the company's exploration and development properties may not be successful and are highly speculative in nature; dependence on outside parties; title to some of the Company's mineral properties may be challenged or defective; Aboriginal title and land claims; obtaining and renewing licenses and permits; environmental and other regulatory risks may adversely affect the company; risks relating to climate change; risks related to infrastructure; land reclamation requirements may be burdensome; current global financial conditions; fluctuation in commodity prices; dilution; future sales by existing shareholders could cause the Company's share price to fall; fluctuation and volatility in stock exchange prices; and risks related to market demands. There can be no assurance that any opportunity will be successful, commercially viable, completed on time or on budget, or will generate any meaningful revenues, savings or earnings, as the case may be, for the Company. In addition, the Company will incur costs in pursuing any particular opportunity, which may be significant.


These factors and assumptions are not intended to represent a complete list of the factors and assumptions that could affect the Company and, though they should be considered carefully, should be considered in conjunction with the risk factors described in the Company's other documents filed with the Canadian and United States securities authorities, including without limitation the "Risk Factors" section of the Company's Annual Information Form dated November 29, 2023 and Annual Report on 20-F which are available on SEDAR at . Although the Company has attempted to identify factors that would cause actual actions, events or results to differ materially from those disclosed in the forward-looking information or information, there may be other factors that cause actions, events or results not to be as anticipated, estimated or intended. The Company does not undertake to update any forward-looking information, except in accordance with applicable securities laws.


声明:本內容僅用作提供資訊及教育之目的,不構成對任何特定投資或投資策略的推薦或認可。 更多信息