Big Lots Chapter 11 Could Mean Growth Opportunity For Ollie's Bargain Outlet, Analyst Says
Big Lots Chapter 11 Could Mean Growth Opportunity For Ollie's Bargain Outlet, Analyst Says
Big Lots, Inc.'s (NYSE:BIG) filing for Chapter 11 bankruptcy protection could signify a growth opportunity for competitor Ollie's Bargain Outlet Holdings, Inc. (NASDAQ:OLLI), an analyst said.
Big Lots, Inc.”一位分析師表示,s(紐約證券交易所代碼:BIG)申請第11章破產保護可能爲競爭對手奧利的Bargain Outlet Holdings, Inc.(納斯達克股票代碼:OLLI)帶來增長機會。
The Columbus, Ohio-based discount retailer confirmed Monday that it would sell all of its assets and ongoing business operations to an affiliate of investment firm Nexus Capital Management as part of a decision that will also include closing some retail outlets.
這家總部位於俄亥俄州哥倫布市的折扣零售商周一證實,它將把所有資產和持續業務出售給投資公司Nexus Capital Management的子公司,這是一項決定的一部分,該決定還將包括關閉一些零售店。
Ollie's may have the chance to take over closed Big Lots locations as it strives to increase store count from a current 525 outlets to a long-term saturation target of 1,300 stores, J.P.Morgan Chase analyst Matthew Boss said.
摩根大通分析師馬修·博斯表示,奧利可能有機會接管已關閉的Big Lots門店,因爲它正在努力將門店數量從目前的525家增加到1300家門店的長期飽和目標。
Read Also: Top Wall Street Forecasters Revamp Big Lots Price Expectations Ahead Of Q2 Earnings
Ollie's may also benefit from the fact that 430 of its stores are within close proximity to Big Lots stores, he said.
他說,奧利的430家門店離Big Lots門店很近,這也可能使奧利受益。
"We see lateral close-out retailer OLLI as a primary beneficiary of traffic gains and accelerated wallet share capture with 80-85% of OLLI's 525 store fleet within five miles of a Big Lots store," he wrote in a note Monday.
他在週一的一份報告中寫道:「我們將橫向平倉零售商OLLI視爲流量增加和加速錢包份額獲取的主要受益者,OLLI的525家門店中有80-85%在距離Big Lots商店的五英里範圍內。」
Big Lots' plans to close 296 out of 1,392 retail locations as of Aug. 29 could help Ollie's to grow its number of stores by 13.5% during fiscal years 2025 and 2026 after it increases the number of outlets to 560 by the end of the current fiscal year, Boss said. This growth in stores and market share could help Ollie's grow its gross profit margin from 40.5% to 41%.
博斯說,Big Lots計劃截至8月29日關閉1392個零售點中的296個,這可能有助於奧利在本財年末將門店數量增加到560家之後,在2025年和2026財年將其門店數量增長13.5%。門店和市場份額的增長可能有助於Ollie's將其毛利率從40.5%提高到41%。
Price Action: Big Lots stayed at 50 cents per share during Monday's trading but dropped 40.22% in after-hours trading to 30 cents. Ollie's gained 5.92% to close at $92.48 on Monday.
價格走勢:在週一的交易中,Big Lots保持在每股50美分,但在盤後交易中下跌40.22%,至30美分。週一,奧利上漲5.92%,收於92.48美元。
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Photo: Robert V. Schwemmer via Shutterstock
照片:Shutterstock 上的 Robert V. Schwemmer