
Jones Soda Debuts S'mores Special Release Flavor - 'Campfire in a Bottle'

Jones Soda Debuts S'mores Special Release Flavor - 'Campfire in a Bottle'

Jones Soda推出了特别发行口味——“瓶子里的篝火”。
PR Newswire ·  09/10 07:15

Latest Limited-Edition Soda Joins Multiple New Product Introductions Driving Strong Revenue Increases


SEATTLE, Sept. 10, 2024 /PRNewswire/ -- No campfire? No problem! Jones Soda (CSE: JSDA, QTCQB: JSDA), the original craft soda company known for its unconventional flavors and real cane sugar taste, captures the essence of your favorite campfire dessert with its new limited-edition Jones S'mores Soda. It's the latest in a series of Jones SPECIAL RELEASE beverages that showcase the company's legendary expertise in developing unique soda flavors.

西雅图,2024 年 9 月 10 日 /PRNewswire/ — 没有篝火吗?没问题!琼斯苏打(CSE:JSDA,QTCQB:JSDA)是最初的精酿苏打水公司,以其非常规的口味和真正的蔗糖口味而闻名,其全新限量版琼斯'mores苏打水捕捉了你最喜欢的篝火甜点的精髓。这是琼斯特别发布的一系列饮料中的最新一款,展示了该公司在开发独特的苏打水口味方面的传奇专业知识。

Credit: Jones Soda

Combining the taste of melted chocolate, gooey marshmallows and crisp graham crackers, Jones S'mores Soda evokes the toasty treat traditionally assembled around a firepit at summer camp, on family vacations, or with best buds gazing at the stars. It's available for a limited time at Kroger and other U.S. grocery chains in single bottles and 4-packs, and in 12- and 24-packs at

Jones s'mores Soda 融合了融化的巧克力、粘糊糊糊的棉花糖和脆脆的全麦饼干的味道,让人联想到传统上在夏令营、家庭度假或与最佳伙伴一起凝视星星时围在火盆周围组装的烘焙零食。它在克罗格和其他美国杂货连锁店限时发售,有单瓶和4件装,在Jonessoda.com上有12和24包的版本。

The new soda joins a lineup of Jones Special Releases that have been introduced periodically since 2020. The most recent additions include Key Lime Pie, Hatch Chile & Lime, Orange Chocolate and Nuka Cola Victory, a major Q2 2024 sales driver inspired by Bethesda Game Studios' Fallout video game series and the related Kilter Films series airing on Prime Video.

新款苏打水加入了自2020年以来定期推出的琼斯特别专辑阵容。最近新增的产品包括Key Lime Pie、Hatch Chile & Lime、Orange Chocolate和Nuka Cola Victory,这是2024年第二季度的主要销售推动力,灵感来自贝塞斯达游戏工作室的《辐射》电子游戏系列以及在Prime Video播出的相关Kilter Films系列。

"Our Special Release program not only reinforces our reputation for creating novel craft soda flavors but also serves as a kind of focus group for testing new products. Pineapple Cream began as a Special Release in 2021, for example, and it's now part of our mainline soda portfolio," said David Knight, CEO of Jones Soda. "S'mores is our fifth Special Release soda in 18 months, and it's already flying off the shelves."

“我们的特别发布计划不仅巩固了我们在创造新型精酿苏打水口味方面的声誉,而且还是测试新产品的焦点小组。例如,菠萝奶油最初是2021年的特别发行版,现在是我们主线苏打水产品组合的一部分。” 琼斯苏打首席执行官戴维·奈特说。“S'mores是我们在18个月内第五款特别发行的汽水,它已经下架了。”

Other recent product introductions driving company growth include Jones Minis, 7.5 oz cans of four favorite Jones flavors; Jones+, featuring popular Jones flavors with added caffeine; and Spiked Jones, hard craft soda uniquely combining six of Jones' pure cane sugar soda flavors with hard ciders. Jones Craft Cola and Jones Craft Zero Cola, which launched at Richmond Raceway September 7, will bring the brand into the zero sugar cola space for the first time.

最近推出的其他推动公司增长的产品包括Jones Minis,一罐7.5盎司的四种琼斯口味;Jones+,以广受欢迎的琼斯口味为特色,添加了咖啡因;以及Spiked Jones,一种独特地将琼斯的六种纯蔗糖苏打口味与硬苹果酒混合在一起的硬质苏打水。9月7日在里士满赛道推出的Jones Craft Cola和Jones Craft Zero Cola将首次将该品牌带入零糖可乐领域。

Jones also is seeing rapid growth in its crossover Mary Jones cannabis brand in legal cannabis markets as well as in the HD9 space entered earlier this year.


About Jones Soda
Jones Soda Co. (CSE: JSDA, OTCQB: JSDA) is a leading developer of sodas and cannabis-infused beverages known for their premium taste, unique flavors and unconventional brand personality. Launched in 1996 as the original craft soda brand, the company today markets a diverse portfolio of sodas, mixers and wellness beverages under the Jones Soda brand as well as a line of award-winning cannabis beverages and edibles leveraging Jones' trademark flavors under the Mary Jones brand. For more information, visit , , or


SOURCE Jones Soda

来源 Jones Soda

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