
Students to Develop Urban Mobility Solutions Using AI

Students to Develop Urban Mobility Solutions Using AI

PR Newswire ·  09/10 08:15

In Otis' Made to Move Communities global competition, students will apply Artificial Intelligence to enable more inclusive and sustainable mobility solutions.

在 Otis 的 “Made to Move Communities” 全球竞赛中,学生将应用人工智能来实现更具包容性和可持续性的出行解决方案。

FARMINGTON, Conn., Sept. 10, 2024 /PRNewswire/ -- Artificial Intelligence is revolutionizing the speed, accuracy and scale at which complex challenges are addressed. Over the next several months, more than 250 students from dozens of schools representing more than 15 countries and territories around the world will participate in the Made to Move Communities challenge to propose innovative ways AI can improve urban mobility. They'll be guided by volunteer mentors from Otis (NYSE: OTIS), the world's leading elevator and escalator manufacturing, installation and service company.

康涅狄格州法明顿,2024年9月10日 /PRNewswire/ — 人工智能正在彻底改变应对复杂挑战的速度、准确性和规模。在接下来的几个月中,来自全球超过15个国家和地区的数十所学校的250多名学生将参加 “Made to Move Communities” 挑战赛,提出人工智能改善城市交通的创新方法。他们将由来自世界领先的电梯和自动扶梯制造、安装和服务公司奥的斯(纽约证券交易所代码:OTIS)的志愿导师指导。

Since 2020, Otis' annual Made to Move Communities global student competition has engaged over 750 students and hundreds of Otis colleagues with the goal of addressing urban mobility challenges while sparking a lifelong interest in STEM.
自2020年以来,奥的斯一年一度的Made to Move社区全球学生竞赛吸引了750多名学生和数百名奥的斯同事,目标是应对城市交通挑战,同时激发人们对STEM的终身兴趣。

"We believe that the next generation of innovation will use AI to make moving in and around cities easier and more efficient for all," said Randi Tanguay, Otis Senior Vice President & Chief Communications Officer. "Today's students are growing up as AI technology matures. They are actively engaged and quickly developing the skills to effectively use and apply it. With their innate curiosity and imagination, combined with the guidance of expert Otis volunteer mentors, I can't wait to see the solutions these students come up with."


Why AI


According to the World Bank, more than 56% of the world population currently lives in cities, and that number is expected to grow to nearly 70% by 2050. The current pace of rapid urbanization and global population growth has the potential to strain urban infrastructure, resulting in increased congestion, pollution, and inadequate public transit. These challenges can be even more acute in underserved neighborhoods and for people with special needs.


"AI is already reshaping transportation. It's enabling self-driving cars, optimizing traffic flows, and even helping drones deliver packages and medicines to those in need," said Ezhil Nanjappan, Otis Senior Vice President and Chief Technology Officer. "As we stand on the brink of the AI revolution, I'm excited to bring this transformational technology to the Made to Move Communities program – to brainstorm solutions to the mobility issues of today and tomorrow, while inspiring young minds and helping to close the STEM skills gap."

“人工智能已经在重塑交通。它为自动驾驶汽车提供了支持,优化了交通流量,甚至帮助无人机向有需要的人运送包裹和药品。” 奥的斯高级副总裁兼首席技术官埃齐尔·南贾潘说。“当我们处于人工智能革命的边缘时,我很高兴将这项变革性技术带入 “Made to Move Communities” 计划——集思广益,解决当今和未来的出行问题,同时激励年轻人并帮助缩小STEM技能差距。”

For the first time – a global winner

首次 — 全球赢家

Since 2020, Otis' annual Made to Move Communities global student competition has engaged over 750 students and hundreds of Otis colleagues with the goal of addressing urban mobility challenges while sparking a lifelong interest in STEM. Participating schools have received nearly $1 million (USD) in grants from Otis to further STEM learning and programs in their schools.

自2020年以来,奥的斯一年一度的 “移动社区” 全球学生竞赛吸引了750多名学生和数百名奥的斯同事,目标是应对城市交通挑战,同时激发人们对STEM的终身兴趣。参与的学校已经从奥的斯获得了近100万美元(美元)的资助,用于在学校进一步开展STEM学习和项目。

Until now, students used to compete regionally, with a winning team selected in each of the four Otis regions. This year, for the first time, the four regional winning teams will compete in a final round to determine a global team champion. Student teams will need to share how their solutions to local challenges can be scaled globally, and the global team champion will receive an additional grant for their school.


Watch this video to learn more about Made to Move Communities and this year's challenge:

观看此视频,详细了解 Made to Move 社区和今年的挑战:

Visit to learn more and follow Otis for updates from participating student teams.

访问 了解更多信息,并关注奥的斯了解参与学生团队的最新动态。

About Otis
Otis gives people freedom to connect and thrive in a taller, faster, smarter world. The global leader in the manufacture, installation and servicing of elevators and escalators, we move 2.3 billion people a day and maintain approximately 2.3 million customer units worldwide – the industry's largest Service portfolio. You'll find us in the world's most iconic structures, as well as residential and commercial buildings, transportation hubs and everywhere people are on the move. Headquartered in Connecticut, USA, Otis is 71,000 people strong, including 42,000 field professionals, all committed to meeting the diverse needs of our customers and passengers in more than 200 countries and territories. To learn more, visit and follow us on LinkedIn, Instagram and Facebook @OtisElevatorCo.

奥的斯让人们能够在更高、更快、更智能的世界中自由地建立联系并茁壮成长。作为电梯和自动扶梯制造、安装和维修领域的全球领导者,我们每天运送23名员工,维护全球约230万个客户单元,这是业界最大的服务组合。您将在世界上最具标志性的建筑、住宅和商业建筑、交通枢纽以及人们出行的任何地方找到我们。奥的斯总部位于美国康涅狄格州,拥有 71,000 名员工,包括 42,000 名现场专业人员,他们都致力于满足 200 多个国家和地区的客户和乘客的多样化需求。要了解更多信息,请在 LinkedIn、Instagram 和脸书上访问并关注我们 @OtisElevatorCo。

Media Contact:
Katy Padgett
+1 860-674-3047
[email protected]

+1 860-674-3047

SOURCE Otis Worldwide Corporation


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