
CelcomDigi Empowers SMEs With 5G-AI Insights at MY5G SME Conference 2024

CelcomDigi Empowers SMEs With 5G-AI Insights at MY5G SME Conference 2024

CelcomDigi ·  09/10 00:00

SUBANG JAYA, 10 September 2024 – CelcomDigi Berhad ("CelcomDigi") continues to champion the digital transformation of Malaysian small and medium enterprises (SMEs) through the MY5G SME Conference 2024 held recently at CelcomDigi's Technology Hub in Subang Jaya, Selangor.

梳邦再也,2024年9月10日——CelcomDigi Berhad(「Celcomdigi」)通過最近在雪蘭莪梳邦再也的CelcomDigi技術中心舉行的2024年MY5G中小企業大會,繼續支持馬來西亞中小型企業(SME)的數字化轉型。

The conference aimed at empowering SMEs with the right insights, strategies, and tools needed to thrive in this age of digital-everything, bringing together industry leaders and technology experts to explore how 5G and AI-powered solutions can help unlock business opportunities and drive innovation, efficiency, and long-term growth for SMEs.


One of the key highlights of the conference was the panel discussion titled "Beyond Connectivity: Igniting Business Innovation Today for Tomorrow," which explored the transformative potential of advanced digital solutions across various industries. Esteemed panelists, including Mervin Yee, Executive Director of Nippon Express, Raja Jesrina Raja Arshad, Co-Founder of PurelyB, and Dato' Sharon Haniffa, Group Executive Director of MAHSA University, shared their insights on how they have leveraged digital tools to improve productivity, scale their operations, foster innovation, and enhance customer experiences.

會議的主要亮點之一是題爲 「超越連接:爲明天點燃商業創新」 的小組討論,該討論探討了高級數字解決方案在各個行業的變革潛力。尊敬的小組成員,包括日本通運執行董事Mervin Yee、Purelyb聯合創始人拉賈·傑西娜·拉賈·阿爾沙德和MAHSA大學集團執行董事拿督沙龍·哈尼法,分享了他們如何利用數字工具來提高工作效率、擴大運營規模、促進創新和增強客戶體驗的見解。

CelcomDigi's Chief Enterprise Business Officer, Afizulazha Abdullah emphasised the company's commitment to be the trusted business partner for SMEs. "These industry leaders and speakers have demonstrated how embracing digitalisation can push the boundaries of what's possible in this age of digital-everything. We want to enable these transformations for SMEs, and empower them to transform, grow, and thrive by supporting them at every stage of their digital journey."


Afizulazha added, "What's the one thing you would like to do better for your business? We are here to inspire change and help SMEs uncover digital solutions that can accelerate that change."


Key highlights from the CelcomDigi MY5G SME Conference 2024:

2024 年 Celcomdigi MY5G 中小企業會議的主要亮點:

  • Industry insights on digitalisation: During the panel discussion, Mervin Yee of Nippon Express highlighted how digital tools have transformed logistics operations, driving efficiency and new growth opportunities. Raja Jesrina shared how the right data has enabled PurelyB to better target their customers, while Dato' Sharon showcased MAHSA University's success in using technology to open doors to a global audience, allowing them to connect with students abroad through their innovative online courses.
  • 關於數字化的行業見解:在小組討論中,日本通運的Mervin Yee強調了數字工具如何改變了物流運營,提高了效率和新的增長機會。Raja Jesrina分享了正確的數據如何使Purelyb能夠更好地定位客戶,而拿督沙龍則展示了MAHSA大學在利用技術向全球受衆敞開大門方面取得的成功,使他們能夠通過創新的在線課程與國外學生建立聯繫。
  • Tech experts sessions: The conference featured additional sessions from leading technology companies, including AWS, Google, Microsoft, Infront Consulting, and Bridgenet Solutions. These speakers explored topics ranging from cloud-driven innovation, AI, and cybersecurity to the transformative potential of edge computing for SMEs.
  • 科技專家會議:會議還包括來自領先科技公司的額外會議,包括AWS、谷歌、微軟、盈方諮詢和Bridgenet Solutions。這些演講者探討了從雲驅動的創新、人工智能和網絡安全到邊緣計算對中小企業的變革潛力等各種話題。
  • AWS: Ronan Casey, Senior Solution Architect, discussed how cloud computing can fuel business growth and innovation.
  • AWS:高級解決方案架構師羅南·凱西討論了雲計算如何推動業務增長和創新。
  • Google: Neelaksh Sharma, Principal Architect for Telco, explored how AI and edge computing are transforming business operations.
  • 谷歌:電信公司首席架構師尼拉克什·夏爾馬探討了人工智能和邊緣計算如何改變業務運營。
  • Microsoft: Ricky Haryadi, ASEAN Go-To-Market Lead for AI at Work and Cybersecurity, and Tan Mei Yan, ASEAN Partner Solutions and Sales Manager provided insights on AI strategies to unlock future organisational potential.
  • 微軟:東盟工作場所人工智能和網絡安全市場進入主管瑞奇·哈里亞迪和東盟合作伙伴解決方案和銷售經理譚美燕提供了有關釋放未來組織潛力的人工智能戰略的見解。
  • Infront Consulting: Law Wen Feng, Solutions Manager, presented on E-Invoicing and its impact on business process efficiency.
  • 盈方諮詢:解決方案經理 Law Wen Feng 介紹了電子發票及其對業務流程效率的影響。
  • Bridgenet Solutions: Lim Choon Meng, Presales Manager, shared best practices for securing business networks with advanced firewall and SD-WAN solutions.
  • Bridgenet 解決方案:售前經理 Lim Choon Meng 分享了使用高級防火牆和 SD-WAN 解決方案保護商業網絡的最佳實踐。

SMEs who attended the conference also got the opportunity to witness first-hand the application of 5G and AI solutions at the CelcomDigi AI Experience (AiX) Centre, a state-of-the-art facility to stimulate rapid innovation of 5G, AI and other emerging technology solutions across diverse industries to accelerate Malaysia's 5G-AI aspirations.

參加會議的中小企業還有機會在CelcomDIGI AI Experience(AIX)中心親眼目睹5G和AI解決方案的應用,該中心是一個最先進的設施,旨在刺激不同行業的5G、AI和其他新興技術解決方案的快速創新,以加速馬來西亞的5G-AI願景。

This MY5G SME Conference is part of the CelcomDigi MY5G Series, which includes a three-part MY5G CEO Series programme and the MY5G SME Digital Workshops across the nation to help create awareness on the benefits of digitalisation as well as 5G adoption and applications amongst the business communities in Malaysia.

本次MY5G中小企業會議是CelcomDIGI MY5G系列的一部分,該系列包括由三部分組成的MY5G首席執行官系列計劃和全國各地的MY5G中小企業數字研討會,旨在幫助馬來西亞商界提高對數字化以及5G採用和應用的好處的認識。

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