
Allergan Aesthetics Launches BOTOX Cosmetic (OnabotulinumtoxinA) for Masseter Muscle Prominence (MMP) in Adults in China

Allergan Aesthetics Launches BOTOX Cosmetic (OnabotulinumtoxinA) for Masseter Muscle Prominence (MMP) in Adults in China

艾伯维公司 ·  09/11 00:00
  • BOTOX Cosmetic is the first neurotoxin approved in China for the treatment of masseter muscle prominence (MMP), the largest global market for MMP.

  • Approval supported by well-established safety profile and robust clinical trials demonstrating BOTOX Cosmetic is effective in reducing the prominence of the masseter muscle.

  • Allergan Aesthetics intends to develop onabotulinumtoxinA treatment for MMP in additional global markets and expand the use of BOTOX Cosmetic in the lower face.

  • BOTOX Cosmetic是中国批准的第一种用于治疗咬肌突出症(MMP)的神经毒素,这是MMP的全球最大市场。

  • 该批准得到了公认的安全性和可靠的临床试验的支持,这些试验表明 BOTOX Cosmetic 可有效降低咬肌的突出度。

  • Allergan Aesthetics打算在其他全球市场开发针对MMP的OnabotulinumToxina疗法,并扩大肉毒杆菌毒素化妆品在下脸的使用。

IRVINE, Calif., Sept. 11, 2024 /PRNewswire/ -- Allergan Aesthetics, an AbbVie company (NYSE: ABBV), today announced that BOTOX Cosmetic (onabotulinumtoxinA) is now available for the treatment of masseter muscle prominence (MMP) in China. The masseter is one of the muscles in the lower face involved in chewing, and prominence of the masseter muscle can result in a wide and square lower face shape1. BOTOX Cosmetic was recently approved for the temporary improvement in the appearance of marked to very marked MMP in adults by the China National Medical Product Administration (NMPA). BOTOX Cosmetic is the first neurotoxin approved in China for MMP and offers the established dosing, robust clinical evidence and physician training that comes with on-label treatment.

加利福尼亚州尔湾,2024年9月11日 /PRNewswire/ — 艾伯维旗下公司Allergan Aesthetics(纽约证券交易所代码:ABBV)今天宣布,肉毒杆菌毒素化妆品(onaBotulinumToxina)现已在中国上市,用于治疗咬肌突出(MMP)。咬肌是下脸部参与咀嚼的肌肉之一,咬肌的突出会导致下脸呈宽而方形的形状1。肉毒杆菌毒素化妆品最近获得中国国家药品监督管理局(NMPA)的批准,用于暂时改善成人中MMP的外观。BOTOX Cosmetic是中国第一种获准用于MMP的神经毒素,可提供成熟的剂量、可靠的临床证据和医师培训,这些都与标签上的治疗相结合。

"Masseter prominence is among the top aesthetics concerns for my patients and the broader Asian population, and there is a significant unmet need for minimally invasive treatment options for patients interested in addressing their lower face shape," said Professor Sun Jiaming, lead clinical study investigator and Director of the Plastic Surgery Department of Union Hospital Affiliated to Tongji Medical College of Huazhong University of Science and Technology. "The approval of BOTOX Cosmetic offers an effective option delivered in a single treatment dosed every six months that relaxes masseter muscles and help patients achieve a slimmer and more defined jawline."

华中科技大学同济医学院附属协和医院首席临床研究员兼整形外科主任孙佳明教授说:“Masseter的突出地位是我的患者和广大亚洲人群最关心的美学问题之一,对于有兴趣改善下脸形状的患者,对微创治疗选择的需求仍未得到满足。”“BOTOX Cosmetic的批准提供了一种有效的选择,每六个月进行一次治疗,可以放松咬肌肉,帮助患者获得更纤细、更清晰的下巴线条。”

In a Phase 3 clinical trial, subjects treated with BOTOX Cosmetic had 5.2mm greater average reduction of facial width as compared to subjects treated with placebo. Results typically lasted 6-9 months following BOTOX Cosmetic treatment. Improvement was also seen in all secondary endpoints, as measured by multiple proprietary patient-reported outcome (PRO) instruments assessing psychosocial impact, treatment expectations and treatment satisfaction from the subject perspective. Subjects treated with BOTOX Cosmetic had improved ratings in psychosocial impact (satisfaction with level of interaction in social situations), attractiveness, and confidence compared to subjects treated with placebo.

在一项3期临床试验中,与使用安慰剂治疗的受试者相比,使用BOTOX Cosmetic治疗的受试者的面部宽度平均减小幅度增加了5.2mm。效果通常在肉毒杆菌毒素美容治疗后持续6-9个月。根据多个专有的患者报告结果(PRO)仪器,从受试者角度评估心理社会影响、治疗期望和治疗满意度,所有次要终点也都有所改善。与使用安慰剂治疗的受试者相比,接受BOTOX Cosmetic治疗的受试者在心理社会影响(对社交场合互动水平的满意度)、吸引力和信心方面的评分有所提高。

Treatment-emergent adverse events for BOTOX Cosmetic were mild or moderate and consistent with known pharmacological effects of BOTOX Cosmetic, which has a well-established safety profile throughout its 30-year history. No new safety signals were observed. The clinical study was conducted in multiple centers globally and nearly 90 percent (87.3%) of subjects identified as Asian.


"BOTOX Cosmetic for masseter muscle prominence is a key focus for our global R&D pipeline," said Carrie Strom, President, Global Allergan Aesthetics and Senior Vice President, AbbVie. "We are excited to be approved and launch first in China, one of our most important markets."


With over 150 million vials of BOTOX and BOTOX Cosmetic distributed worldwide2-6, the availability of BOTOX Cosmetic for MMP in China marks another important milestone for the global aesthetic brand that medical providers and patients know and trust. Beyond China, reduction of MMP is a highly desirable, yet undertreated, indication for patients across all age ranges worldwide who may prefer a narrower lower face shape.7 Those bothered by marked or very marked MMP are typically unaware of potential treatment options and very few receive treatment7. Additional regulatory applications for onabotulinumtoxinA treatment for MMP are planned globally. BOTOX Cosmetic is currently not approved by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration for MMP.

随着超过15000万瓶肉毒杆菌毒素和肉毒杆菌毒素化妆品在全球范围内分销2-6,肉毒杆菌毒素化妆品在中国的上市标志着这个全球美容品牌的又一个重要里程碑,医疗提供者和患者都知道和信任。在中国以外,对于全世界所有年龄段的患者来说,减少MMP是非常理想但治疗不足的适应症。7 那些被明显或非常明显的MMP困扰的患者通常不知道潜在的治疗选择,很少有人接受治疗7。全球计划在全球范围内申请针对MMP的OnabotulinumToxina治疗的更多监管申请。肉毒杆菌毒素化妆品目前尚未获得美国食品药品监督管理局的MMP批准。

About Masseter Muscle Prominence
Masseter muscle prominence (MMP) is a benign condition where the masseter muscle along the jaw is enlarged and more noticeable1. This can cause the lower face to appear disproportionately wide and square, which may be an aesthetic concern for some people1. MMP can negatively impact self-perception of facial attractiveness and cause psychological distress1. MMP can be caused by heredity or overuse from activities like chewing gum, sports, clenching, or nocturnal bruxism1. It can be present in people of any age but adults between 20 and 40 are more likely to seek treatment1. Current treatment approaches are primarily surgical1 and BOTOX Cosmetic offers a minimally invasive option.

关于 Masseter Muscle Promence
咬肌突出 (MMP) 是一种良性疾病,即下巴上的咬肌增大且更为明显1。这可能会导致下脸显得不成比例的宽度和方形,这可能是某些人的审美问题1。MMP 会对自我对面部吸引力的认知产生负面影响,并造成心理困扰1。MMP 可能是遗传或因口香糖、运动、握紧或夜间磨牙等活动引起的过度使用1。它可能存在于任何年龄的人群中,但20至40岁的成年人更有可能寻求治疗1。目前的治疗方法主要是手术1,肉毒杆菌毒素化妆品提供了一种微创的选择。

BOTOX Cosmetic (onabotulinumtoxinA) Important Information




BOTOX Cosmetic (onabotulinumtoxinA) is indicated in adult patients for the temporary improvement in the appearance of:


  • Moderate to severe glabellar lines associated with corrugator and/or procerus muscle activity

  • Moderate to severe lateral canthal lines associated with orbicularis oculi activity

  • Moderate to severe forehead lines associated with frontalis activity

  • 与波纹肌和/或前列肌活动相关的中度至重度眉间纹

  • 与眼轮圈活动相关的中度至重度侧眼角线

  • 与额叶活动相关的中度至重度额头纹





Postmarketing reports indicate that the effects of BOTOX Cosmetic and all botulinum toxin products may spread from the area of injection to produce symptoms consistent with botulinum toxin effects. These may include asthenia, generalized muscle weakness, diplopia, ptosis, dysphagia, dysphonia, dysarthria, urinary incontinence, and breathing difficulties. These symptoms have been reported hours to weeks after injection. Swallowing and breathing difficulties can be life threatening and there have been reports of death. The risk of symptoms is probably greatest in children treated for spasticity, but symptoms can also occur in adults treated for spasticity and other conditions, particularly in those patients who have an underlying condition that would predispose them to these symptoms. In unapproved uses and approved indications, cases of spread of effect have been reported at doses comparable to those used to treat cervical dystonia and spasticity and at lower doses.

上市后报告表明,BOTOX Cosmetic和所有肉毒毒素产品的作用可能会从注射区域扩散,产生与肉毒毒素效果一致的症状。这些症状可能包括虚弱、全身性肌肉无力、复视、上睑下垂、吞咽困难、发声障碍、构音障碍、尿失禁和呼吸困难。这些症状是在注射后数小时至几周内报告的。吞咽和呼吸困难可能危及生命,而且有死亡报道。接受痉挛治疗的儿童出现症状的风险可能最大,但症状也可能出现在接受痉挛和其他疾病治疗的成人身上,尤其是那些有潜在疾病可能使他们容易出现这些症状的患者。在未获批准的用途和批准的适应症中,已报告了效果扩散的病例,其剂量与用于治疗宫颈肌张力障碍和痉挛的剂量相当,剂量较低。

BOTOX Cosmetic is contraindicated in the presence of infection at the proposed injection site(s) and in individuals with known hypersensitivity to any botulinum toxin preparation or to any of the components in the formulation.

如果拟注射部位存在感染,以及已知对任何肉毒毒素制剂或配方中任何成分过敏的个体,则禁用 BOTOX Cosmetic。

Lack of Interchangeability Between Botulinum Toxin Products
The potency units of BOTOX Cosmetic are specific to the preparation and assay method utilized. They are not interchangeable with other preparations of botulinum toxin products and, therefore, units of biological activity of BOTOX Cosmetic cannot be compared to nor converted into units of any other botulinum toxin products assessed with any other specific assay method.

BOTOX 化妆品的效力单位因所使用的制备和分析方法而异。它们不能与肉毒毒素产品的其他制剂互换,因此,BOTOX Cosmetic的生物活性单位不能与使用任何其他特定测定方法评估的任何其他肉毒毒素产品进行比较,也不能转换为任何其他肉毒毒素产品的单位。

Spread of Toxin Effect
Please refer to Boxed Warning for Distant Spread of Toxin Effect.


No definitive serious adverse event reports of distant spread of toxin effect associated with dermatologic use of BOTOX Cosmetic at the labeled dose of 20 Units (for glabellar lines), 24 Units (for lateral canthal lines), 40 Units (for forehead lines with glabellar lines), 44 Units (for simultaneous treatment of lateral canthal lines and glabellar lines), and 64 Units (for simultaneous treatment of lateral canthal lines, glabellar lines, and forehead lines) have been reported. Patients or caregivers should be advised to seek immediate medical care if swallowing, speech, or respiratory disorders occur.

没有明确的严重不良事件报告表明与皮肤科使用BOTOX Cosmetic相关的毒素效应远距离扩散,其标示剂量为20单位(针对眉间线)、24个单位(针对眉间侧线)、40个单位(针对有眉间线的额头线)、44个单位(用于同时治疗眼角线和眉间线)和64个单位(用于同时治疗眼角外侧线)、眉间线条和额头纹)已有报道。如果出现吞咽、言语或呼吸系统疾病,应建议患者或护理人员立即就医。

Serious Adverse Reactions With Unapproved Use
Serious adverse reactions, including excessive weakness, dysphagia, and aspiration pneumonia, with some adverse reactions associated with fatal outcomes, have been reported in patients who received BOTOX injections for unapproved uses. In these cases, the adverse reactions were not necessarily related to distant spread of toxin, but may have resulted from the administration of BOTOX to the site of injection and/or adjacent structures. In several of the cases, patients had pre-existing dysphagia or other significant disabilities. There is insufficient information to identify factors associated with an increased risk for adverse reactions associated with the unapproved uses of BOTOX. The safety and effectiveness of BOTOX for unapproved uses have not been established.


Hypersensitivity Reactions
Serious and/or immediate hypersensitivity reactions have been reported. These reactions include anaphylaxis, serum sickness, urticaria, soft-tissue edema, and dyspnea. If such reactions occur, further injection of BOTOX Cosmetic should be discontinued and appropriate medical therapy immediately instituted. One fatal case of anaphylaxis has been reported in which lidocaine was used as the diluent and, consequently, the causal agent cannot be reliably determined.


Cardiovascular System
There have been reports following administration of BOTOX of adverse events involving the cardiovascular system, including arrhythmia and myocardial infarction, some with fatal outcomes. Some of these patients had risk factors including pre-existing cardiovascular disease. Use caution when administering to patients with pre-existing cardiovascular disease.


Increased Risk of Clinically Significant Effects With Pre-existing Neuromuscular Disorders
Individuals with peripheral motor neuropathic diseases, amyotrophic lateral sclerosis, or neuromuscular junction disorders (eg, myasthenia gravis or Lambert-Eaton syndrome) should be monitored when given botulinum toxin. Patients with neuromuscular disorders may be at increased risk of clinically significant effects including generalized muscle weakness, diplopia, ptosis, dysphonia, dysarthria, severe dysphagia, and respiratory compromise from onabotulinumtoxinA (see Warnings and Precautions).


Dysphagia and Breathing Difficulties
Treatment with BOTOX and other botulinum toxin products can result in swallowing or breathing difficulties. Patients with pre-existing swallowing or breathing difficulties may be more susceptible to these complications. In most cases, this is a consequence of weakening of muscles in the area of injection that are involved in breathing or oropharyngeal muscles that control swallowing or breathing (see Boxed Warning).


Pre-existing Conditions at the Injection Site
Caution should be used when BOTOX Cosmetic treatment is used in the presence of inflammation at the proposed injection site(s) or when excessive weakness or atrophy is present in the target muscle(s).


Dry Eye in Patients Treated With BOTOX Cosmetic
There have been reports of dry eye associated with BOTOX Cosmetic injection in or near the orbicularis oculi muscle. If symptoms of dry eye (eg, eye irritation, photophobia, or visual changes) persist, consider referring patients to an ophthalmologist.


Human Albumin and Transmission of Viral Diseases
This product contains albumin, a derivative of human blood. Based on effective donor screening and product manufacturing processes, it carries an extremely remote risk for transmission of viral diseases and variant Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease (vCJD). There is a theoretical risk for transmission of Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease (CJD), but if that risk actually exists, the risk of transmission would also be considered extremely remote. No cases of transmission of viral diseases, CJD or vCJD have ever been identified for licensed albumin or albumin contained in other licensed products.


The most frequently reported adverse reactions following injection of BOTOX Cosmetic for glabellar lines were eyelid ptosis (3%), facial pain (1%), facial paresis (1%), and muscular weakness (1%).


The most frequently reported adverse reaction following injection of BOTOX Cosmetic for lateral canthal lines was eyelid edema (1%).


The most frequently reported adverse reactions following injection of BOTOX Cosmetic for forehead lines with glabellar lines were headache (9%), brow ptosis (2%), and eyelid ptosis (2%).


Co-administration of BOTOX Cosmetic and aminoglycosides or other agents interfering with neuromuscular transmission (eg, curare-like compounds) should only be performed with caution as the effect of the toxin may be potentiated. Use of anticholinergic drugs after administration of BOTOX Cosmetic may potentiate systemic anticholinergic effects.

肉毒杆菌毒素化妆品和氨基糖苷类药物或其他干扰神经肌肉传递的药物(例如类固醇化合物)的联合给药只能谨慎行事,因为毒素的作用可能会增强。给药BOTOX Cosmetic后使用抗胆碱能药物可能会增强全身抗胆碱能作用。

The effect of administering different botulinum neurotoxin products at the same time or within several months of each other is unknown. Excessive neuromuscular weakness may be exacerbated by administration of another botulinum toxin prior to the resolution of the effects of a previously administered botulinum toxin.


Excessive weakness may also be exaggerated by administration of a muscle relaxant before or after administration of BOTOX Cosmetic.

在给药 BOTOX 化妆品之前或之后服用肌肉松弛剂也可能会夸大过度虚弱。

There are no studies or adequate data from postmarketing surveillance on the developmental risk associated with use of BOTOX Cosmetic in pregnant women. There are no data on the presence of BOTOX Cosmetic in human or animal milk, the effects on the breastfed child, or the effects on milk production.


Please see BOTOX Cosmetic full Prescribing Information including Boxed Warning and Medication Guide.

请参阅BOTOX Cosmetic的完整处方信息,包括盒装警告和用药指南。

About Allergan Aesthetics


At Allergan Aesthetics, an AbbVie company, we develop, manufacture, and market a portfolio of leading aesthetics brands and products. Our aesthetics portfolio includes facial injectables, body contouring, plastics, skin care, and more. Our goal is to consistently provide our customers with innovation, education, exceptional service, and a commitment to excellence, all with a personal touch. For more information, visit

在艾伯维旗下的Allergan Aesthetics,我们开发、制造和销售一系列领先的美学品牌和产品。我们的美容产品组合包括面部注射剂、身体轮廓、塑料、皮肤护理等。我们的目标是始终如一地为客户提供创新、教育、卓越服务和追求卓越的承诺,所有这些都以个性化的方式进行。欲了解更多信息,请访问

About AbbVie

关于 AbbVie

AbbVie's mission is to discover and deliver innovative medicines and solutions that solve serious health issues today and address the medical challenges of tomorrow. We strive to have a remarkable impact on people's lives across several key therapeutic areas – immunology, oncology, neuroscience, and eye care – and products and services in our Allergan Aesthetics portfolio. For more information about AbbVie, please visit us at . Follow @abbvie on LinkedIn, Facebook, Instagram, X (formerly Twitter), and YouTube.

AbbVie的使命是发现和提供创新的药物和解决方案,以解决当今严重的健康问题并应对未来的医疗挑战。我们努力在多个关键治疗领域——免疫学、肿瘤学、神经科学和眼部护理——以及Allergan Aesthetics产品组合中的产品和服务对人们的生活产生显著影响。有关 AbbVie 的更多信息,请访问我们。在 LinkedIn、脸书、Instagram、X(前身为 Twitter)和 YouTube 上关注 @abbvie

Forward-Looking Statements


Some statements in this news release are, or may be considered, forward-looking statements for purposes of the Private Securities Litigation Reform Act of 1995. The words "believe," "expect," "anticipate," "project" and similar expressions and uses of future or conditional verbs, generally identify forward-looking statements. AbbVie cautions that these forward-looking statements are subject to risks and uncertainties that may cause actual results to differ materially from those expressed or implied in the forward-looking statements. Such risks and uncertainties include, but are not limited to, challenges to intellectual property, competition from other products, difficulties inherent in the research and development process, adverse litigation or government action, and changes to laws and regulations applicable to our industry. Additional information about the economic, competitive, governmental, technological and other factors that may affect AbbVie's operations is set forth in Item 1A, "Risk Factors," of AbbVie's 2023 Annual Report on Form 10-K, which has been filed with the Securities and Exchange Commission, as updated by its subsequent Quarterly Reports on Form 10-Q. AbbVie undertakes no obligation, and specifically declines, to release publicly any revisions to forward-looking statements as a result of subsequent events or developments, except as required by law.

就1995年《私人证券诉讼改革法》而言,本新闻稿中的一些陈述是前瞻性陈述,或可能被视为前瞻性陈述。“相信”、“期望”、“预期”、“项目” 等词以及未来或条件动词的类似表达和用法通常指前瞻性陈述。艾伯维警告说,这些前瞻性陈述存在风险和不确定性,可能导致实际结果与前瞻性陈述中表达或暗示的结果存在重大差异。此类风险和不确定性包括但不限于对知识产权的挑战、来自其他产品的竞争、研发过程中固有的困难、不利诉讼或政府行动,以及适用于我们行业的法律法规的变化。有关可能影响艾伯维运营的经济、竞争、政府、技术和其他因素的更多信息,见艾伯维2023年10-k表年度报告的第1A项 “风险因素”,该报告已提交给美国证券交易委员会,并由其随后的10-Q表季度报告进行了更新。除非法律要求,否则艾伯维没有义务公开发布因后续事件或事态发展而对前瞻性陈述的任何修订,也明确表示拒绝。



  1. Almukhtar RM and Fabi S. Plast Reconstr Surg. 2019;143:39e-48e.

  2. BOTOX Cosmetic Prescribing Information, November 2023.

  3. BOTOX Prescribing Information, November 2023.

  4. Data on file, Allergan Aesthetics, October 29, 2020; Westport Manufacturing Process.

  5. Data on file, Allergan, December 5, 2022; Number of Total Vials Produced at Westport.

  6. Data on file, Allergan Aesthetics, January 2023; Worldwide Marketing Authorization Status.

  7. Masseter Global Assessment – Patient Assessment Quantitative Report May 2021. Allergan Aesthetics Primary Market Research performed by LRW.

  1. Almukhtar Rm 和 Fabi S. Plast Remostr Surge。2019 年;143:39 e-48e。

  2. BOTOX 化妆品处方信息,2023 年 11 月。

  3. 肉毒杆菌毒素处方信息,2023年11月。

  4. 存档数据,《艾尔根美学》,2020年10月29日;韦斯特波特制造工艺。

  5. 存档数据,Allergan,2022年12月5日;韦斯特波特生产的药瓶总数。

  6. 存档数据,Allergan Aesthetics,2023年1月;全球上市授权状态。

  7. Masseter 全球评估 — 2021 年 5 月患者评估定量报告。由 LRW 进行的 Allergan Aesthetics 主要市场研究。


来源 AbbVie

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