
大幸薬品 Research Memo(2):2024年12月期は増収増益。営業・経常利益予想を上方修正

Daiko Pharmaceutical Research Memo (2): Increased revenue and profit for the fiscal year ending December 2024. Revised upward forecast for operating and ordinary profit.

Fisco Japan ·  Sep 13, 2024 02:02

■Future prospects for Taiko Pharmaceutical <4574>

For the fiscal year ending 2024/12, sales are expected to be 6,800 million yen (up 11.1% from the previous fiscal year), operating income of 550 million yen (loss of 1,005 million yen in the previous fiscal year), 590 million yen (loss of 1,248 million yen) in ordinary income, and 550 million yen (loss of 3,611 million yen) in net income attributable to parent company shareholders. In addition to recording special profit, the plan was revised upward, with net income attributable to parent company shareholders increasing 200 million yen from 350 million yen at the beginning of the fiscal year in 2024/3, operating income increasing 140 million yen from 410 million yen in 2024/8, and ordinary income increasing 230 million yen from 360 million yen, respectively, based on exchange rate effects and various cost reductions in the first half.

Sales in the pharmaceutical business are expected to be 6,194 million yen (up 19.5% from the previous fiscal year). Domestically, it is planned to implement production system strengthening measures that have been developed until now and carry out stable supply to the market. In addition to favorable market trends that have surpassed demand before the COVID-19 pandemic, the impact of product shortages from other companies and the recovery in inbound related demand are also positive factors. Furthermore, the shipping price revisions implemented in 2024/5 were accepted by consumers and distributors, and there was a prospect of securing proper profits. Overseas, following Hong Kong, China in the first half, supply systems were established to China and Taiwan to respond sequentially to strong demand.

Sales in the infection control business are forecast to be 600 million yen, down 35.5% from the previous fiscal year. Efforts to restore trust continue by strengthening evidence on the efficacy and safety of chlorine dioxide, which is the main component of “cleverin,” but since sales are difficult to predict in the sterilization market, cost control of advertising costs etc. will be strengthened, aiming to improve profitability. In the winter season, when demand for “cleverin” increases, marketing focusing on families of examinees whose awareness of sterilization has greatly increased due to the COVID-19 pandemic, is planned.

The second-quarter progress rate against company-wide sales forecasts was 42.1% (31.5% in the same period last year), and progress is progressing smoothly, while there was originally a trend of focusing on the second half.

As for gross profit, it is assumed that inventory valuation losses, etc. that have occurred continuously in the infection control business will not occur, and the gross profit margin is expected to improve. As for sales and administration expenses, we will continue to promote slimming down through structural reforms over the past few years, and strive to strengthen cost control.

The initial forecast for operating income was 410 million yen, but it was revised upward to 550 million yen to reflect exchange rate effects and various cost reductions. We believe that there is a high possibility that measures to strengthen the supply system in the pharmaceutical business have achieved results, that the effects of price revisions for domestic pharmaceuticals will be reflected in the second half, and that “creverine” sales bottomed out and new marketing developments in the infection control business will exceed the revision plan.

(Written by FISCO Visiting Analyst Hideo Kakuta)

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