
腾邦控股(06880):尚未就是否继续进行重组方案作出决定 继续停牌

Tempus Holdings (06880): No decision has been made yet on whether to continue with the restructuring plan. The suspension continues.

Zhitong Finance ·  Sep 13, 2024 07:31

Tempus Hold (06880) has released an announcement, and negotiations with the investor are still ongoing. The company has submitted a resumption proposal to the Hong Kong Stock Exchange on September 11, 2024...

Intelligent Finance News App, Tempus Hold (06880) has released an announcement, and negotiations with the investor are still ongoing. The company has submitted a resumption proposal to the Hong Kong Stock Exchange on September 11, 2024. As of the date of this announcement, no decision has been made on whether to continue with the restructuring plan, and no final agreement has been reached with any party regarding the restructuring plan.

In addition, the company's shares will continue to be suspended.

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