
泉为科技(300716.SZ)拟出售肇庆汇展100%股权 优化公司产业结构和业务布局

Guangdong Quanwei Technology (300716.SZ) plans to sell 100% equity of Zhaoqing Huizhan to optimize the company's industrial structure and business layout.

Zhitong Finance ·  Sep 13, 2024 20:35

Guangdong Quanwei Technology (300716.SZ) announced that the company recently signed an equity transfer agreement with individual Liang Longfei. The company plans to transfer its 100% equity in Zhuhai Exhibition to Liang Longfei at a price of RMB 5.7748 million. After this equity transfer, the company will no longer hold equity in Zhuhai Exhibition. This sale of 100% equity in Zhuhai Exhibition is a comprehensive consideration based on the actual development situation of the company, which can optimize the company's industrial structure and business layout.

Guangdong Quanwei Technology (300716.SZ) announced that the company recently signed an equity transfer agreement with individual Liang Longfei. The company plans to transfer its 100% equity in Zhuhai Exhibition to Liang Longfei at a price of RMB 5.7748 million. After this equity transfer, the company will no longer hold equity in Zhuhai Exhibition. This sale of 100% equity in Zhuhai Exhibition is a comprehensive consideration based on the actual development situation of the company, which can optimize the company's industrial structure and business layout.

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