
Elon Musk Has Secret Service-Like Security Team That Calls Him 'Voyager:' Growing Threats After Tesla Austin Factory Scare Have Led To The Richest Man In The World Leading An Increasingly Isolated Lifestyle

Elon Musk Has Secret Service-Like Security Team That Calls Him 'Voyager:' Growing Threats After Tesla Austin Factory Scare Have Led To The Richest Man In The World Leading An Increasingly Isolated Lifestyle

Benzinga ·  09/14 01:14

Tesla and SpaceX CEO Elon Musk, the world's wealthiest individual with a net worth of $251 billion has been assigned the codename "Voyager" by his security team.

特斯拉和SpaceX首席执行官埃隆·马斯克是世界上最富有的人,净资产为2510亿美元,他的安全团队已将代号命名为 “旅行者”。

What Happened: Musk's security detail functions similarly to a small-scale Secret Service. The tech billionaire is protected more like a state leader than a corporate executive, with up to 20 security professionals accompanying him at times, reported the New York Times on Friday.


They frequently carry firearms and have a medical professional on hand for the tech mogul's assistance.


As Musk's wealth and popularity have increased, so have the threats against him. His security team has had to evolve to handle stalkers and death threats, a significant departure from the harmless fan messages he used to receive.


The report indicates that Musk's security expenses amount to millions of dollars each year, paid to various security firms including Gavin de Becker & Associates and his own private security company, Foundation Security.

报告显示,马斯克每年的安全费用高达数百万美元,支付给了包括Gavin de Becker & Associates和他自己的私人保安公司Foundation Security在内的多家安全公司。

The report also detailed an incident where a man was apprehended near Tesla's Austin factory, accused of planning a "mass casualty event." Musk's security was fully mobilized for the event, with over three dozen Tesla security officials stationed throughout the room.

该报告还详细介绍了特斯拉奥斯汀工厂附近一名男子被捕的事件,他被指控策划了 “大规模伤亡事件”。马斯克的安保人员已为这次活动做好了充分的准备,三十多名特斯拉安全官员驻扎在整个房间里。

The report suggests that the threats to his safety have led Musk to become more fearful and his lifestyle more isolated. He is rarely without bodyguards, even when he is at his social media company, X, formerly Twitter.


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Why It Matters: Musk's security concerns have been escalating over time. In December 2022, he expressed agreement with a post on Twitter that he had become "public enemy number one to some very very bad people."

为何重要:随着时间的推移,马斯克的安全担忧一直在升级。2022年12月,他表示同意推特上的一篇帖子,即他已成为 “一些非常非常坏的人的头号公敌”。

Previously, Musk has also revealed that his son X's vehicle was followed by a "crazy stalker" who jumped on the car's hood, thinking Musk was inside.

此前,马斯克还透露,他儿子X的车辆被一名 “疯狂的跟踪者” 跟踪,他跳上了汽车的引擎盖,以为马斯克在里面。

In January 2023, Musk posted a seemingly sarcastic tweet about his possible death under mysterious circumstances after sharing an alleged note by Russian space agency chief Dmitry Rogozin that mentioned him and the Pentagon.


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