
Expert Says Warren Buffett's Top Executive Ajit Jain Sold Berkshire Hathaway Stake Because 'The Stock Was Fully Pricing The Business'

Expert Says Warren Buffett's Top Executive Ajit Jain Sold Berkshire Hathaway Stake Because 'The Stock Was Fully Pricing The Business'

Benzinga ·  22:40

Berkshire Hathaway Inc. (NYSE:BRK) (NYSE:BRK) executives have recently made significant sales of the company's stock, raising questions about the market's valuation. The sales, which come amid a historic market cap milestone, could indicate a shift in the company's outlook.

紐交所: 伯克希爾-哈撒韋公司(NYSE:BRK)的高管最近大量出售了公司股票,引發了市場估值的疑問。 這些銷售發生在一個歷史性市值里程碑之際,可能表明公司展望的轉變。

What Happened: On Monday, it was revealed that Ajit Jain, the insurance chief at Berkshire Hathaway for nearly four decades, sold over half of his Berkshire stake, amounting to $139 million. This marked Jain's largest stock sale since joining the company in 1986.

發生了什麼:週一,據披露,務幾十年的保險主管阿吉特·賈因出售了他的伯克希爾-哈撒韋股票超過一半,金額達到13900萬美元。 這是賈因自1986年加入公司以來最大的股票交易。

These sales, which occurred as Berkshire's Class A stock closed above $700,000 for the first time and the company reached a $1 trillion market cap, have led some to speculate that Jain may be signaling that Berkshire shares are no longer undervalued.


According to Steve Check, founder of Check Capital Management, "I think Ajit sold because the stock was fully pricing the business," reported CNBC.

據Check Capital Management創始人史蒂夫·切克稱,「我認爲阿吉特出售是因爲股價已充分反映了業務,」CNBC報道。

This view is further supported by Berkshire's minimal buyback activity, which suggests that even Warren Buffett may share Jain's perspective on valuations. Earlier this year, the legendary investor also urged caution, noting that his vast empire may only slightly outperform the average American company due to its size and limited impactful investment opportunities. "With our present mix of businesses, Berkshire should do a bit better than the average American corporation and, more important, should also operate with materially less risk of permanent loss of capital," Buffett stated in his annual letter.

這種觀點得到了伯克希爾的最低迴購活動的進一步支持,這表明甚至連禾倫·巴菲特也可能與賈因在估值方面持相似的觀點。 今年早些時候,這位傳奇投資者也敦促謹慎,指出他龐大的帝國可能僅因規模和有限的有影響力的投資機會稍微勝過普通的美國公司。「以我們目前的業務組合,伯克希爾應該比普通的美國公司做得稍微好一些,更重要的是,應該也能在資本永久損失方面運作具有實質性更低的風險,」巴菲特在他的年度信中說。

Buffett has also been reducing his stakes in some of his favorite stocks, including Bank of America and Apple. This trend, along with the overall sales of stocks by Berkshire, could indicate a bearish sentiment on the market and valuations.

巴菲特還在減少他對一些最喜愛的股票的持股,包括美國銀行和蘋果。 這一趨勢,加上伯克希爾的股票整體銷售,可能表明對市場和估值持看淡態度。

Why It Matters: These developments also come in the wake of Buffett's $13 billion bet on Occidental Petroleum turning sour, with shares plummeting 29% since mid-April. This has led to speculation that Buffett might buy more shares, although he is unlikely to take over the company.

爲何重要:這些發展也發生在巴菲特對西方石油130億美元的賭注變得不利的情況下,股價自4月中旬以來暴跌了29%。 這引發了有關巴菲特可能會買更多股份的猜測,儘管他不太可能接管該公司。

Buffett has also been reducing his stake in Bank of America, selling nearly $7 billion worth of shares since mid-July. This has raised questions about his investment strategy, with Bank of America CEO Brian Moynihan stating, "I don't know what exactly he is doing because frankly we can't ask."


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