
SolGold PLC Announces Company Update

SolGold PLC Announces Company Update

SolGold PLC宣布公司更新
Accesswire ·  09/16 02:30

BISHOPSGATE, LONDON / ACCESSWIRE / September 16, 2024 / SolGold plc (LSE:SOLG)(TSX:SOLG) is pleased to provide an update on its 100% owned Cascabel Project ("Cascabel" or "Project"), regional exploration projects, and additional strategic initiatives.

BISHOPSGATE, 伦敦 / ACCESSWIRE / 2024年9月16日 / SolGold plc (LSE:SOLG)(TSX:SOLG) 很高兴地提供了其100%拥有的Cascabel项目("Cascabel"或"项目")、区域勘探项目和其他战略举措的最新进展。



SolGold is making significant progress across its portfolio:


  • Building on SolGold's previous efforts, preparations for the geotechnical program at Cascabel's Tailings Storage Facility ("TSF") are progressing, with drilling locations and depths established. In recent weeks, scouting efforts have been completed evaluating current operating conditions and access routes, ensuring readiness for the planned mobilization of drill rigs in the fourth quarter of 2024.

  • Assay results from the soil samples taken at the Cielito Norte target within the Blanca Nieves project in the first half of 2024 have been received and are undergoing detailed analysis to further understand the mineral potential at this highly prospective target. Cielito Norte covers approximately 6 km2 of variable altered and mineralised intrusive and volcanic rocks hosting previously reported high gold grade quartz veins indicative of a significant intrusive related copper and gold system located approximately 8 km north-northwest of Cascabel.1,2

  • SolGold is entering the consultation phase of permitting for the Porvenir Project ("Porvenir"), an essential part of Ecuador's permitting process to enhance community engagement and regulatory compliance. The Company completed the first stage of the permitting process in July, obtaining the advanced exploration permit for Porvenir from the Ministry of Energy and Mines. The successful completion of the consultation process, application submission, and the Ministry of Environment's approval are required for the issuance of the environmental license necessary to enable any potential future drilling activities at Porvenir.

  • 在SolGold之前的努力基础上,Cascabel尾矿库("TSF")的岩土工程项目准备工作正在进行中,钻探位置和深度已经确定。最近几周,完成了对当前运营条件和进入路线的勘察工作,确保计划于2024年第四季度移动钻机的准备工作。

  • 在2024年上半年在Blanca Nieves项目的Cielito Norte目标地点取得的土壤样本化验结果已经收到,并正在进行详细分析,以进一步了解这一潜力巨大的目标地点的矿产潜力。Cielito Norte约6平方公里区域内变化多端的改造和矿化侵入岩和火山岩,其中包括先前报道的高品位金矿石脉,这些矿石脉表明存在重要的侵入岩相关铜和金系统,该系统位于Cascabel以北北西约8公里处。1,2

  • SolGold即将进入Porvenir项目("Porvenir")的许可咨询阶段,这是厄瓜多尔许可流程的重要环节,旨在加强社区参与和合规性。公司于7月完成了许可流程的第一阶段,从能源和矿业部获得了Porvenir的高级勘探许可。成功完成咨询流程、申请提交以及环境部的批准,这是获得环境许可证所必需的,该许可证是为了在Porvenir开展任何潜在的未来钻探活动。

Cascabel Project Update


  • In August and September, SolGold hosted site visits from Knight Piésold Pty Ltd (Australia and Peru), SRK Consulting (Canada) Inc., Sedgman Canada Ltd and other consultants. These industry experts, specializing in areas such as Block Caving, Geotechnical Studies, Mining, Geology, Mineral Processing, Metallurgy, TSF, Civil Engineering, Permitting, Environmental, Social, and Governance, engaged with senior management to review and refine Project development strategies, and identify opportunities for improvement in the recent Pre-feasibility Study outcomes for Cascabel.3,4

  • To accelerate Project de-risking, SolGold has issued tenders to several internationally recognized consulting firms. These contracts, once assigned, will contribute to advancing the Project to the feasibility study phase.

  • The Company has renewed option agreements with land and concession owners in areas identified as potential infrastructure zones for the Project's development that were due to expire earlier this year.

  • 在8月和9月,SolGold接待了来自Knight Piésold Pty Ltd(澳大利亚和秘鲁)、SRk Consulting(加拿大)Inc.、Sedgman Canada Ltd等其他顾问的现场考察。这些专业领域的行业专家,专门涉及采矿方法、岩土工程研究、采矿、地质、矿产加工、冶金、TSF、土木工程、许可、环境、社会和治理等领域,与高级管理人员进行了交流,对Cascabel的预可行性研究成果进行了审查和完善,以寻求改进的机会。3,4

  • 为加速项目的降低风险,SolGold已向几家国际知名咨询公司发布了招标。一旦确定合同,将有助于推进项目进入可行性研究阶段。

  • 公司已与土地和特许权所有者续签了原定于今年早些时候到期的作为潜在基础设施区域的选项协议。

Exploration Update


Developments at the Cielito Norte Target in Blanca Nieves, 8 km north-northwest of Cascabel:

Blanca Nieves的Cielito Norte目标发展动态,位于Cascabel以北8公里处:

  • Geological Setting: The Cielito Norte target is strategically positioned between two key vein systems: the northeast-southwest El-Cielito vein system to the south and the northwest-southeast La Florida vein system to the east. This unique geological setting enhances the prospectivity of the area. The vein systems are interpreted to lie on the margins of a significant porphyry target.1,2

  • High-Grade Gold Occurrences: Bonanza gold grades have been identified within quartz veins at El Cielito, occurring at elevations between 1,000 and 1,150 metres above sea level and La Florida, between 1,200 and 1,250 metres above sea level. These findings indicate a consistent and significant level of gold deposition across the target area, reinforcing the potential for high-value mineralization and the potential for a targeted porphyry system at depth. 1,2

  • Extensive Geochemical Anomalies: A comprehensive soil grid covering an area of 3.4 km by 1.8 km was completed at Cielito Norte, yielding 566 soil samples. The results revealed a broad argillic alteration zone with notable anomalies in gold (Au), silver (Ag), antimony (Sb), arsenic (As), and mercury (Hg), predominantly between 1,300 and 1,700 meters above sea level. This extensive geochemical footprint underscores the robustness of the mineralized system.

  • Future Area Exploration Work: The soil anomalies at Cielito Norte, located at the side of and topographically at a higher elevation than the well-documented Au-Ag quartz veins, indicate a highly prospective zone to have a well-preserved mineralized system with the potential for hosting higher-grade epithermal Au-Ag mineralization for a vertical extent of at least 250 meters. The presence of high-grade gold values supports the rationale for exploration efforts that focus on delineating the vertical and lateral extents of these promising mineralized systems and potential related porphyry systems. 1,2

  • 地质背景:Cielito Norte目标位于两个关键脉石系统之间:南部的东北-西南向El-Cielito脉石系统和东部的西北-东南向La Florida脉石系统。这个独特的地质背景增强了这个区域的前景。推测脉石系统位于一个重要的斑岩靶区边缘。1,2

  • 高品位金矿产出:在El Cielito的石英脉中发现了富含金矿的高品位,海拔在海平面1,000到1,150米之间,以及La Florida,海拔在海平面1,200到1,250米之间。这些发现表明,在整个目标区域存在持续且显著的金矿沉积,巩固了高价值矿化和深部有针对性的斑岩系统的潜力。1,2

  • 广泛的地球化学异常:在Cielito Norte完成了一个覆盖面积为3.4公里乘以1.8公里的全面土壤网格,获得了566个土壤样本。结果显示,在海拔1,300到1,700米之间,出现了一个广泛的粘土改造带,金(Au)、银(Ag)、锑(Sb)、砷(As)和汞(Hg)具有明显的异常。这一广泛的地球化学特征显示了矿化体系的强大性。

  • 未来的区域勘探工作:Cielito Norte的土壤异常位于已有良好记录的Au-Ag石英脉的旁边,地形上位于较高的海拔。这表明这个高度潜力的区域具有保存完好的矿化系统,可能承载着至少250米垂直范围内更高品位的浅成热液Au-Ag矿化。高品位金矿值的存在支持聚焦于勾勒这些有前景的矿化系统以及潜在相关斑岩体系的垂直和水平范围的勘探工作的合理性。1,2

Corporate Governance


As part of SolGold's commitment to strong corporate governance, Director and Audit & Risk Committee Chair Charles Joseland, Director and Audit & Risk Committee member María Amparo Albán, Director John Liu, and Director and CEO Scott Caldwell accompanied SolGold's corporate advisors on a visit to the Cascabel site and attended meetings at the Company's office in Quito. The visit and meetings in September were integral to a comprehensive review of the Company's governance, highlighting SolGold's dedication to transparency and rigorous oversight.


Strategic Conferences and Industry Engagement


In September, SolGold is participating in key industry conferences, including the Denver Gold Forum and Beaver Creek Precious Metals Summit, followed by the CGES 2024: Colombia mining conference in October. These events offer opportunities to present the Company's recent technical and financial achievements and strengthen relationships with current and prospective shareholders and industry stakeholders. Management looks forward to engaging in strategic discussions to advance SolGold's objectives further.

今年9月,SolGold将参加包括丹佛金矿论坛和比弗克里克贵金属峰会在内的关键行业会议,然后参加10月的CGES 2024:哥伦比亚矿业大会。这些活动为展示公司最近的技术和财务成就以及加强与现有和潜在股东和行业利益相关方的关系提供了机会。管理层期待参与战略讨论,推动SolGold的更多目标。

Looking Ahead


As SolGold continues to advance its strategic objectives, the management team is focusing on several key initiatives designed to drive progress and enhance shareholder value:


  • Mobilization of Drill Rigs: Preparations are underway for the mobilization of drill rigs for geotechnical work at Cascabel, scheduled to begin in Q4 2024. This phase is critical for ensuring the structural integrity of the proposed infrastructure and tailings storage facilities.

  • Porvenir Permitting: The Company expects to complete the consultation phase for the Porvenir Project during calendar Q4 2024, followed by the submission of the application to the Ministry of Environment in calendar Q1 2025.

  • Expansion of the Project Team: Continuing the efforts outlined last month, SolGold is in the process of expanding its Project team with strategic hires and consultants, bringing expertise in civil engineering, environmental management, and community relations. These efforts are poised to enhance our Project execution capabilities as we gear up for critical phases ahead.

  • Enhanced Community Engagement: Plans are in progress to launch a series of community engagement initiatives aimed at ensuring the sustainable development of our projects. These initiatives include educational programs, local workforce training, and health and safety campaigns.

  • Strategic Exploration Planning: Leveraging the encouraging outcomes from the El Cielito and La Florida vein systems and at the Cielito Norte target, the team is drafting a detailed exploration program to investigate the vertical and lateral extents of these mineralized zones. The proposed program may include expanded soil sampling efforts in the La Florida area and incorporate Induced Polarization (IP) geophysics to trace the continuity of identified anomalies and structures, and a magnetic survey over selected parts of the area to complement an existing partial magnetic survey over Blanca Nieves. It is anticipated that integrative mapping of these data would equip our geological team with a more comprehensive understanding of the prospect's potential.

  • 钻机动员:为卡斯卡贝尔地区的地质工作准备钻机的工作正在进行中,计划于2024年第四季度开始。这一阶段对确保拟议基础设施和尾矿库设施的结构完整性至关重要。

  • Porvenir项目许可:公司预计在2024年日历第四季度完成Porvenir项目的咨询阶段,随后在2025年日历第一季度向环境部提交申请。

  • 项目团队扩张:延续上个月所述的努力,SolGold正在扩大其项目团队,并引入战略聘请和顾问,为土木工程、环境管理和社区关系方面的专业知识。这些努力旨在提升我们的项目执行能力,以迎接前方关键阶段的到来。

  • 加强社区参与:计划中的一系列社区参与倡议旨在确保我们项目的可持续发展。这些倡议包括教育项目、本地员工培训以及健康和安全宣传活动。

  • 战略勘探规划:利用El Cielito和La Florida矿脉系统以及Cielito Norte目标的令人鼓舞的成果,团队正在起草一份详细的勘探计划,以调查这些矿化带的垂直和横向范围。拟议的计划可能包括在La Florida地区扩大土壤取样工作,并将感应极化(IP)地球物理学用于追踪已确认的异常和构造的连续性,并在该地区的部分区域进行磁测,以补充现有的布兰卡涅沃斯部分磁测。预计这些数据的综合制图将为我们的地质团队提供对前景潜力更全面的了解。

As SolGold advances and de-risks the Cascabel Project, Management remains focused on delivering results through diligent planning and responsible management, with our established commitment to excellence in environmental, social, and governance practices at the core. The Company anticipates sharing additional updates as the Board and Management advance SolGold's initiatives.




1. Refer to news release dated 05 December 2023 on Sedar+ and the Company's website. Link: 2023-12-05 Release

1. 参阅2023年12月5日Sedar+和公司网站上的新闻发布。链接:2023-12-05发布

2. Refer to news release dated 19 March 2024 on Sedar+ and the Company's website. Link: 2024-03-19 Release

2. 参阅2024年3月19日Sedar+和公司网站上的新闻发布。链接:2024-03-19发布

3. Refer to news release dated 16 February 2024 on Sedar+ and the Company's website. Link: 2024-02-16 Release

3. 参考2024年2月16日在Sedar+和公司网站发布的新闻。链接: 2024-02-16 新闻稿

4. Refer to news release dated 12 March 2024 on Sedar+ and the Company's website. Link: 2024-03-12 Release

4. 参考2024年3月12日在Sedar+和公司网站发布的新闻。链接: 2024-03-12 新闻稿

About SolGold SolGold is a leading exploration company focused on the discovery and definition of world-class copper-gold deposits. The company holds a portfolio of exploration projects in Ecuador. SolGold's primary objective is to discover and develop ecological copper and gold deposits through a disciplined exploration approach led by an experienced management team.

关于SolGold SolGold是一家专注于发现和定义世界级铜金矿床的领先勘探公司。该公司在厄瓜多尔持有一系列勘探项目。 SolGold的主要目标是通过经验丰富的管理团队领导的纪律勘探方法,发现和开发生态友好的铜金矿床。

Qualified Person:

本新闻稿所含的科学技术信息已由Serigne Dieng博士,M.Sc.评审并批准,他是国家43-101--矿产项目披露标准("NI 43-101")的资格人员,澳大利亚地质学家学会(AIG)会员(MAIG,# 8095),该公司独立地质顾问。

Above information relating to the exploration results is based on data reviewed by Mr. Santiago Vaca (M.Sc. P.Geo.). Mr. Vaca joined SolGold in 2014 as Chief Geologist for the Cascabel project and is an Ecuadorian geologist with over 19 years of experience in mineral Exploration and research. Mr. Vaca holds a Professional Geoscientist Certification (P.Geo) granted by the Association of Professional Engineers and Geoscientists of Alberta (APEGA) in Canada and is a Qualified Person for the purposes of the relevant LSE and TSX Rules. Mr. Vaca consents to the inclusion of the information in the form and context in which it appears.

上述与勘探结果相关的信息基于Santiago Vaca先生(m.Sc. P.Geo.)审核的数据。 Vaca先生于2014年加入SolGold公司,担任Cascabel项目的首席地质师,是一名拥有超过19年矿产勘探和研究经验的厄瓜多尔地质学家。 Vaca先生持有加拿大艾伯塔省专业工程师和地质学家协会(APEGA)颁发的专业地球科学家认证执照(P.Geo),并且是相关伦敦证券交易所(LSE)和多伦多证券交易所(TSX)规则的合格人士。 Vaca先生同意在所呈现的形式和背景中包含这些信息。



Chris Robinson
Director of Corporate Operations
& Communications

Tel: +44 (0) 20 3807 6996

Tavistock (Media)
Jos Simson/Gareth Tredway

Tel: +44 (0) 20 7920 3150

Chris Robinson

电话:+44 (0) 20 3807 6996

Jos Simson/Gareth Tredway

电话:+44 (0) 20 7920 3150



SolGold is a leading resources company focused on the discovery, definition and development of world-class copper and gold deposits and continues to strive to deliver objectives efficiently and in the interests of shareholders.


The Company operates with transparency and in accordance with international best practices. SolGold is committed to delivering value to its shareholders while simultaneously providing economic and social benefits to impacted communities, fostering a healthy and safe workplace, and minimizing environmental impact.


SolGold is listed on the London Stock Exchange and Toronto Stock Exchange (LSE/TSX: SOLG).

SolGold在伦敦证券交易所和多伦多证券交易所上市(LSE/TSX:SOLG)。关注我们的X @SolGold_plc。

See for more information. Follow us on X @SolGold_plc.




News releases, presentations and public commentary made by SolGold plc (the "Company") and its Officers may contain certain statements and expressions of belief, expectation or opinion which are forward looking statements, and which relate, inter alia, to interpretations of exploration results to date and the Company's proposed strategy, plans and objectives or to the expectations or intentions of the Company's Directors, including the plan for developing the Project currently being studied as well as the expectations of the Company as to the forward price of copper. Such forward-looking and interpretative statements involve known and unknown risks, uncertainties and other important factors beyond the control of the Company that could cause the actual performance or achievements of the Company to be materially different from such interpretations and forward-looking statements.

SolGold Plc(以下简称“公司”)及其官员发布的新闻稿、演示文稿和公开评论可能包含某些前瞻性陈述、信仰、期望或意见,这些前瞻性陈述涉及到迄今为止的勘探结果的解释以及公司的拟议战略、计划和目标,或者涉及到公司的董事的期望或意图,包括目前正在研究的开发该项目的计划,以及该公司作为对铜未来价格的期望。这样的前瞻性和解释性声明涉及公司无法控制的已知和未知的风险、不确定性和其他重要因素,这些因素可能导致公司的实际业绩或成就与这些解释和前瞻性声明所述的情况及其有重大差异。

Accordingly, the reader should not rely on any interpretations or forward-looking statements; and save as required by the exchange rules of the TSX and LSE or by applicable laws, the Company does not accept any obligation to disseminate any updates or revisions to such interpretations or forward-looking statements. The Company may reinterpret results to date as the status of its assets and projects changes with time expenditure, metals prices and other affecting circumstances.

因此,读者不应依赖任何解释或前瞻性声明;除了tsx和lse的交易规则或适用法律规定外,公司不承担任何更新或修订此类解释或前瞻性声明的责任。 随着时间开支,金属价格和其他影响因素的变化,公司可能会重新解释至今的结果作为其资产和项目的状态。

This release may contain "forward looking information". Forward looking information includes, but is not limited to, statements regarding the Company's plans for developing its properties. Generally, forward looking information can be identified by the use of forward-looking terminology such as "plans", "expects" or "does not expect", "is expected", "budget", "scheduled", "estimates", "forecasts", "intends", "anticipates" or "does not anticipate", or "believes", or variations of such words and phrases or state that certain actions, events or results "may", "could", "would", "might" or "will be taken", "occur" or "be achieved".


Forward looking information is subject to known and unknown risks, uncertainties and other factors that may cause the actual results, level of activity, performance or achievements of the Company to be materially different from those expressed or implied by such forward looking information, including but not limited to: transaction risks; general business, economic, competitive, political and social uncertainties; future prices of mineral prices; accidents, labour disputes and shortages and other risks of the mining industry. Although the Company has attempted to identify important factors that could cause actual results to differ materially from those contained in forward-looking information, there may be other factors that cause results not to be as anticipated, estimated or intended. There can be no assurance that such information will prove to be accurate, as actual results and future events could differ materially from those anticipated in such statements. Factors that could cause actual results to differ materially from such forward-looking information include, but are not limited to, risks relating to the ability of exploration activities (including assay results) to accurately predict mineralization; errors in management's geological modelling and/or mine development plan; capital and operating costs varying significantly from estimates; the preliminary nature of visual assessments; delays in obtaining or failures to obtain required governmental, environmental or other required approvals; uncertainties relating to the availability and costs of financing needed in the future; changes in equity markets; inflation; the global economic climate; fluctuations in commodity prices; the ability of the Company to complete further exploration activities, including drilling; delays in the development of projects; environmental risks; community and non-governmental actions; other risks involved in the mineral exploration and development industry; the ability of the Company to retain its key management employees and skilled and experienced personnel; and those risks set out in the Company's public documents filed on SEDAR+ at . Accordingly, readers should not place undue reliance on forward looking information. The Company does not undertake to update any forward-looking information, except in accordance with applicable securities laws.


The Company and its officers do not endorse, or reject or otherwise comment on the conclusions, interpretations or views expressed in press articles or third-party analysis.


Quality Assurance / Quality Control on Sample Collection, Security and Assaying


SolGold operates according to its rigorous Quality Assurance and Quality Control (QA/QC) protocol, which is consistent with industry best practices.


Primary sample collection involves secure transport from SolGold's concessions in Ecuador, to the ALS certified sample preparation facility in Quito, Ecuador. Samples are then air freighted from Quito to the ALS certified laboratory in Lima, Peru where the assaying of drill core, channel samples, rock chips and soil samples is undertaken. SolGold utilises ALS certified laboratories in Canada and Australia for the analysis of metallurgical samples.


Samples are prepared and analysed using 100g 4-Acid digest ICP with MS finish for 48 elements on a 0.25g aliquot (ME-MS61). Laboratory performance is routinely monitored using umpire assays, check batches and inter-laboratory comparisons between ALS certified laboratory in Lima and the ACME certified laboratory in Cuenca, Ecuador.

样品是用100g 4酸消化ICP和MS进行制备和分析的,对0.25g的样品抽取(ME-MS61)。实验室性能定期通过对ALS认证实验室和厄瓜多尔昆卡的ACME认证实验室的比对化验、检查批次和实验室间对比来监控。

In order to monitor the ongoing quality of its analytical database, SolGold's QA/QC protocol encompasses standard sampling methodologies, including the insertion of certified powder blanks, coarse chip blanks, standards, pulp duplicates and field duplicates. The blanks and standards are Certified Reference Materials supplied by Ore Research and Exploration, Australia.


SolGold's QA/QC protocol also monitors the ongoing quality of its analytical database. The Company's protocol involves Independent data validation of the digital analytical database including search for sample overlaps, duplicate or absent samples as well as anomalous assay and survey results. These are routinely performed ahead of Mineral Resource Estimates and Feasibility Studies. No material QA/QC issues have been identified with respect to sample collection, security and assaying.


Reviews of the sample preparation, chain of custody, data security procedures and assaying methods used by SolGold confirm that they are consistent with industry best practices and all results stated in this announcement have passed SolGold's QA/QC protocol.


This information is provided by RNS, the news service of the London Stock Exchange. RNS is approved by the Financial Conduct Authority to act as a Primary Information Provider in the United Kingdom. Terms and conditions relating to the use and distribution of this information may apply. For further information, please contact or visit .

This information is provided by RNS, the news service of the London Stock Exchange. RNS is approved by the Financial Conduct Authority to act as a Primary Information Provider in the United Kingdom. Terms and conditions relating to the use and distribution of this information may apply. For further information, please contact or visit .


来源:SolGold PLC

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