
Hamilton Thorne Announces Shareholder Approval of Going Private Transaction

Hamilton Thorne Announces Shareholder Approval of Going Private Transaction

Hamilton Thorne宣布股东批准私有化交易
GlobeNewswire ·  09/17 17:22

BEVERLY, Mass. and TORONTO, Sept. 17, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Hamilton Thorne Ltd (TSX: HTL) ("Hamilton Thorne" or the "Company"), a leading provider of precision instruments, consumables, software, and services to the Assisted Reproductive Technologies ("ART"), research, and the cell biology fields, today announced that the shareholders of the Company (the "Shareholders"), at a special meeting of Shareholders held earlier today (the "Meeting"), approved a statutory plan of arrangement (the "Transaction") under the Business Corporations Act (Ontario) involving the Company and Cradle Acquisition ULC (the "Purchaser"), pursuant to which the Purchaser will acquire all of the issued and outstanding common shares of the Company (the "Shares" and each, a "Share").

贝弗利,马萨诸塞州和多伦多,2024年9月17日(GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- 汉密尔顿索恩有限公司( TSX: HTL) ("汉密尔顿索恩"或"公司"), 专业提供精密设备,消耗品,软件和服务给辅助生殖技术("ART"),研究和细胞生物学领域的领先提供商, 今天宣布公司股东("股东"), 在今天早些时候举行的股东特别会议("会议")上批准了涉及公司和Cradle Acquisition ULC("买方")的根据安大略公司法的法定安排计划("交易"), 根据该交易, 买方将收购公司的所有已发行和流通的普通股("股份"和每个股份为"Share").

A total of 124,252,793 of the Shares were voted at the Meeting online or by proxy, representing approximately 80.73% of the outstanding Shares. The Transaction was approved by (i) 99.99% of the votes cast by Shareholders at the Meeting and (ii) 99.98% of the votes cast by Shareholders at the Meeting (excluding the votes cast by persons whose votes may not be included in determining minority approval of a "business combination" in accordance with Multilateral Instrument 61-101 - Protection of Minority Security Holders in Special Transactions.)

总共有12,425,2793股股份在线投票或通过代理投票,约占流通股的80.73%。该交易获得了股东投票的99.99%同意(i) 以及股东投票的99.98%同意(ii), (不包括根据多边规则61-101 - 保护特殊交易中少数股东的投票来确认"业务组合"的少数股东同意的投票).

Transaction Update


As previously announced, simultaneously with entering into the arrangement agreement regarding the Transaction with the Company, the Purchaser entered into a binding letter of intent (the "Acquisition LOI") to acquire the ART product portfolio of Cook Medical ("Cook ART") with the intention to combine the Cook ART and Hamilton Thorne operations concurrently with the closing of the Transaction. The Company is pleased to report that all conditions precedent to entering into of the definitive agreement to supersede the Acquisition LOI have been met, and that the Company expects that such definitive agreement will be entered into imminently.

正如先前宣布的一样, 与公司就交易达成安排协议的同时, 买方还签订了有关收购Cook Medical( "Cook ART")的ARt产品组合的约定意向书("收购意向书"), 他们计划在交易关闭时同步合并Cook ARt和Hamilton Thorne的操作。公司高兴地报告, 进入修改收购意向书的最终协议的各项前提条件已被满足, 公司预计将立即签订该最终协议。

In addition, the Company announced that it has received merger control clearance from the relevant authorities in Cypress and Austria and, unless there is further inquiry from the applicable regulators, all required regulatory approvals are expected to be received following the applicable waiting or review periods. The Company reconfirms its expectation that the closing of the Transaction and Acquisition is expected in the fourth quarter of 2024. For more information on regulatory approvals, please refer to the Circular and the Arrangement Agreement, which are available on SEDAR+ () under Hamilton Thorne's issuer profile.

此外,公司宣布已获得塞浦路斯和奥地利有关部门的并购审批,除非适用监管机构有进一步的询问,所有必要的监管批准预计将在适用的等待或审查期后获得。公司重申预计交易和收购将在2024年第四季度完成。有关监管批准的更多信息,请参考在SEDAR+()Hamilton Thorne的发行人简介下可获取的《通函》和《协议书》。

In connection with the closing of the Transaction, the Shares will be delisted from the TSX and the Company will apply to cease to be a reporting issuer in each of the applicable jurisdictions in Canada.


About Hamilton Thorne

有关Hamilton Thorne的详细信息

Hamilton Thorne is a leading global provider of precision instruments, consumables, software and services that reduce cost, increase productivity, improve results and enable breakthroughs in Assisted Reproductive Technologies (ART), research, and the cell biology fields. Hamilton Thorne markets its products and services under the Hamilton Thorne, Gynemed, Planer, IVFtech, Embryotech Laboratories, Tek-Event, Microptic, and Gynetics brands, through its growing sales force and distributors worldwide. Hamilton Thorne customer base consists of fertility clinics, university research centers, animal breeding facilities, pharmaceutical companies, biotechnology companies, and other commercial and academic research establishments.

Hamilton Thorne是全球领先的精密设备、耗材、软件和服务提供商,可降低成本,提高生产率,改善结果,并促成辅助生殖技术(ART)、研究以及细胞生物学领域的突破。Hamilton Thorne通过全球日益壮大的销售团队和经销商,将其产品和服务以Hamilton Thorne、Gynemed、Planer、IVFtech、Embryotech Laboratories、Tek-Event、Microptic和Gynetics品牌推向市场。Hamilton Thorne的客户群包括生殖诊所、大学研究中心、动物繁育设施、药品公司、生物技术公司及其他商业和学术研究机构。

For more information about Hamilton Thorne:

更多有关Hamilton Thorne 的信息:

About Astorg

关于Astorg Astorg是一家领先的欧洲股权投资公司,管理着超过220亿欧元的资产,并在全球医疗保健投资方面拥有广泛的业绩。Astorg与企业家和管理团队合作,收购总部位于欧洲或美国的全球领先公司,并为其提供实现增长目标所需的战略指导,治理和资本。凭借独特的企业家文化,长期的股东观点和精简的决策机构,Astorg在医疗保健,软件,技术,商业服务和技术为基础的工业公司方面拥有有价值的行业专业知识。Astorg总部位于卢森堡,在伦敦,巴黎,纽约,法兰克福和米兰设有办事处。

Astorg is a leading pan-European private equity firm with over €22 billion of assets under management and an extensive track record in global healthcare investments. Astorg works with entrepreneurs and management teams to acquire market leading global companies headquartered in Europe or the US, providing them with the strategic guidance, governance and capital they need to achieve their growth goals. Enjoying a distinct entrepreneurial culture, a long-term shareholder perspective and a lean decision-making body, Astorg has valuable industry expertise in healthcare, software, technology, business services and technology-based industrial companies. Headquartered in Luxembourg, Astorg has offices in London, Paris, New York, Frankfurt, and Milan.


For more information about Astorg: . Follow Astorg on LinkedIn.

本新闻稿包含“前瞻性信息”和“前瞻性声明”(统称为“前瞻性信息”),目的是提供有关管理层当前对未来计划和期望的期望的信息。读者应当注意,依赖此类信息可能不适用于其他目的。任何此类前瞻性信息或声明(“FLS”)均可能由诸如“建议”,“预计”,“打算”,“可能”,“将”和类似表达的单词所确定。本新闻稿中包含或涉及的FLS包括但不限于有关Transaction或Acquisition的拟议时间和各种步骤,公司股东在公司会议上持有和批准Transaction以及Transaction完成后的结果,公司和Cook Medical的ARt业务的组合,由此产生的ARt / IVF业务以及对客户,未来创新和增长潜力的影响以及Transaction和Acquisition完成的可能性。

Forward-Looking Statements


This press release contains "forward-looking information" and "forward-looking statements" (collectively, "forward-looking information") within the meaning of applicable securities laws. Such forward-looking information or statements ("FLS") are provided for the purpose of providing information about management's current expectations and plans relating to the future. Readers are cautioned that reliance on such information may not be appropriate for other purposes. Any such FLS may be identified by words such as "proposed", "expects", "intends", "may", "will", and similar expressions. FLS contained or referred to in this press release includes, but is not limited to, statements regarding the proposed timing and various steps contemplated in respect of the Transaction or the acquisition of the Cook ART business, the combination of the Cook ART and Hamilton Thorne operations, and the likelihood that the Transaction and the Acquisition will be consummated.

本新闻稿包含《前瞻性信息》和《前瞻性陈述》(统称为《前瞻性信息》),在适用证券法的意义下。此类前瞻性信息或陈述(《FLS》)旨在提供关于管理层有关未来预期和计划的信息。读者应当注意,依赖此类信息可能不适合其他目的。此类FLS可以通过“拟议”、“预计”、“打算”、“可能”、“将”等字眼来识别。本新闻稿中包含或提及的FLS包括但不限于,有关交易或收购Cook ARt业务拟议的时间安排和各种步骤,有关整合Cook ARt和Hamilton Thorne业务的声明,以及交易和收购完成的可能性。

FLS is based on a number of factors and assumptions which have been used to develop such statements and information, but which may prove to be incorrect. Although the Company believes that the expectations reflected in such FLS are reasonable, undue reliance should not be placed on FLS because the Company can give no assurance that such expectations will prove to be correct. Factors that could cause actual results to differ materially from those described in such FLS include, without limitation, the following factors, many of which are beyond the Company's control and the effects of which can be difficult to predict: (a) the possibility that the Transaction will not be completed on the terms and conditions, or on the timing, currently contemplated, and that it may not be completed at all, due to a failure to obtain or satisfy, in a timely manner or otherwise, required shareholder, court and the Required Regulatory Approvals and other conditions of closing necessary to complete the Transaction or for other reasons; (b) risks related to the nature of the Acquisition LOI, including the failure to enter into the definitive agreement governing the Acquisition; (c) the possibility of adverse reactions or changes in business relationships resulting from the announcement or completion of the Transaction or the Acquisition; (d) risks relating to the abilities of the parties to satisfy conditions precedent to the Transaction and the Acquisition; (e) a third party superior proposal materializing prior to the completion of the Transaction; (f) credit, market, currency, operational, liquidity and funding risks generally and relating specifically to the Transaction and the Acquisition, including changes in economic conditions, interest rates or tax rates; (g) risks related to the Company resulting from the combination of the Company and the Cook ART operations in retaining existing customers and attracting new customers, retaining key personnel, executing on growth strategies, advancing its product line and protecting its intellectual property rights and proprietary information; (h) changes and trends in the Company's industry and the global economy; and (i) the identified risk factors included in the Company's public disclosure, including the annual information form dated March 27, 2024, which is available on SEDAR+ at . If any of these risks or uncertainties materialize, or if the assumptions underlying the FLS prove incorrect, actual results or future events might vary materially from those anticipated in the FLS. Although the Company has attempted to identify important risk factors that could cause actual results to differ materially from those contained in FLS, there may be other risk factors not presently known to the Company or that the Company presently believes are not material that could also cause actual results or future events to differ materially from those expressed in such FLS. The FLS in this press release reflect the current expectations, assumptions, judgements and/or beliefs of the Company based on information currently available to the Company and are subject to change without notice.

FLS基于多个因素和假设,这些因素和假设用于制定这些声明和信息,但可能被证明是不正确的。尽管公司认为这些FLS所反映的期望是合理的,但不应过度依赖FLS,因为公司无法保证这些期望会被证明是正确的。导致实际结果与这些FLS描述不符的因素包括但不限于以下因素,其中许多因素超出公司的控制范围,其影响难以预测:(a) 交易可能不会按照目前考虑的条款、条件或时间完成,甚至完全不会完成,由于未能及时或以其他方式获得或满足所需的股东、法院和必要的监管批准以及完成交易或出于其他原因所需的其他封闭条件;(b) 与收购LOI性质相关的风险,包括未能签署规管收购的最终协议;(c) 由于交易或收购的公告或完成可能导致业务关系的不利反应或变化的风险;(d) 与交易和收购各方满足交易和收购先决条件的能力相关的风险;(e) 在交易完成之前出现第三方提出的优势提案;(f) 信用、市场、货币、运营、流动性和资金风险,一般与交易和收购有关,包括经济状况、利率或税率的变化;(g) 与公司与Cook ARt业务整合相关的风险,包括如何保留现有客户、吸引新客户、留住关键人员、执行增长战略、推进产品线和保护知识产权和专有信息;(h) 公司所在行业和全球经济的变化和趋势;以及(i) 包含在公司公开披露中的确定风险因素,包括2024年3月27日的年度信息表,可在SEDAR上获取。 如果这些风险或不确定性中的任何一种变得现实,或者如果FLS基础假设被证明不正确,实际结果或未来事件可能会与FLS中预期的大不相同。尽管公司已经试图确定可能导致实际结果与FLS中包含的结果大相径庭的重要风险因素,但公司可能存在其他风险因素,目前公司尚不知晓,或者公司目前认为这些风险因素不重要,这些因素也可能导致实际结果或未来事件的差异与FLS中表达的差异。本新闻发布中的FLS反映了公司基于目前公司当前所掌握的信息对当前的期望、假设、判断和/或信念,并可能在不发出通知的情况下发生变化。

Any FLS speaks only as of the date on which it is made and, except as may be required by applicable securities laws, the Company disclaims any intent or obligation to update any FLS, whether as a result of new information, future events or results or otherwise, except as required under applicable securities laws. The FLS contained in this press release are expressly qualified by this cautionary statement. For more information on the Company, please review the Company's continuous disclosure filings that are available at .

了解更多信息,投资者和分析师请联系: Kate Torchilin,David Wolf 有关媒体的更多信息,请联系: Hamilton Thorne Aiden Woglom,Anne Hart Astorg Samia Hadj

No securities regulatory authority has either approved or disapproved of the contents of this news release. The TSX accepts no responsibility for the adequacy or accuracy of this release.

没有证券监管机构批准或不批准本新闻发布内容的内容。 TSX不承担此发布的充分性或准确性的责任。

For more information, investors and analysts please contact:

了解更多信息,投资者和分析师请联系: Kate Torchilin,David Wolf

Kate Torchilin, David Wolf
Hamilton Thorne Ltd.

Kate Torchilin,David Wolf
Hamilton Thorne Ltd.

Glen Akselrod
Bristol Investor Relations

Glen Akselrod

For more information, press please contact:

有关媒体的更多信息,请联系: Hamilton Thorne Aiden Woglom,Anne Hart

Hamilton Thorne
Aiden Woglom, Anne Hart
Prosek Partners

Hamilton Thorne
Aiden Woglom,Anne Hart
Prosek Partners

Samia Hadj

Samia Hadj

Prosek Partners

Prosek Partners

声明:本内容仅用作提供资讯及教育之目的,不构成对任何特定投资或投资策略的推荐或认可。 更多信息