Why Computershare, EBR Systems, Inghams, and Myer Shares Are Falling Today
Why Computershare, EBR Systems, Inghams, and Myer Shares Are Falling Today
In afternoon trade, the S&P/ASX 200 Index (ASX: XJO) is on course to end the week with a decent gain. At the time of writing, the benchmark index is up 0.45% to 8,228.7 points.
在下午交易中,標普/ASX 200指數(ASX: XJO)有望以可觀的收益結束本週。撰寫本文時,基準指數上漲0.45%,至8,228.7點。
Four ASX shares that have failed to follow the market higher today are listed below. Here's why they are falling:
The Computershare share price is down over 2% to $25.59. This may have been driven by a broker note out of Morgan Stanley. According to the note, the broker has downgraded the transfer agency and share registration company's shares to an equal-weight rating with a lowered price target of $27.70. With interest rates starting to fall, the broker believes that Computershare will be negatively impacted. In addition, it fears that a delay in the recovery of corporate activity could mean that its earnings fall short of consensus estimates. Though, with a strong balance sheet, it does see opportunities to boost its earnings growth through acquisitions.
The EBR Systems share price is down almost 9% to 89 cents. This follows the completion of the medical device company's institutional placement and entitlement offer. EBR Systems has raised approximately $45.8 million from institutional investors. This comprises $37.4 million from the institutional placement and $8.4 million from the institutional entitlement offer. These funds were raised at an issue price of 82 cents per new share, which represents a 15.9% discount to its last close price. The capital raising will support the commercialisation and manufacturing scale up of its novel WiSE CRT system in anticipation of U.S. FDA approval in the first quarter of 2025.
EBR Systems的股價下跌了近9%,至89美分。這是由於完成醫療器械公司的機構配售和配股要約。EBR Systems已從機構投資者那裏籌集了大約4580萬美元。其中包括來自機構配售的3740萬美元和來自機構配股要約的840萬美元。這些資金以每股82美分的發行價籌集,相當於上次收盤價的15.9%折讓。此次資金募集將支持其新型WiSE CRt系統的商業化和製造規模擴大,預期在2025年第一季度獲得美國FDA批准。
The Inghams share price is down 3% to $2.96. The catalyst for this has been the poultry producer and supplier's shares going ex-dividend this morning for its final dividend for FY 2024. Last month, Inghams released its full year results and declared a fully franked final dividend of 8 cents per share. This will be paid to eligible shareholders next month on 9 October.
英厄姆的股價下跌3%,至2.96美元。促使這一情況發生的原因是家禽生產商和供應商的股票今早因FY 2024的最終股息而除權。上個月,英厄姆發佈了全年業績,並宣佈每股8美分的全額分紅。下個月將向有資格的股東支付該股息,日期爲10月9日。
The Myer share price is down 9% to 79.5 cents. This follows the release of the department store operator's full year results. For the 12 months ended 31 July, Myer reported a 2.9% decline in total sales to $3,266.1 million and a 26% reduction in net profit after tax to $52.6 million. Management advised that this reflects the impact of store closures, challenging trading conditions, inflationary cost pressures, and the underperformance of sass & bide, Marcs and David Lawrence.
Myer股價下跌9%,至79.5美分。這是該百貨業股公司發佈全年業績報告後的結果。截至7月31日的12個月內,Myer的總銷售額下降2.9%,至3266.1百萬元,稅後淨利潤下降26%,至526百萬元。管理層表示,這反映了店鋪關閉、交易環境嚴峻、通脹成本壓力以及sass&bide、Marcs和David Lawrence表現不佳等因素的影響。