Why Hidden Debt Matters
Investors often focus on basic financial figures, but it's essential to consider hidden debt when evaluating a company's true worth.
Insights from Viridian Capital Advisors reveal that overlooked liabilities can significantly change how we view a company's value, making it crucial to dig deeper.
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Viridian's Approach To Valuation
Typically, enterprise value (EV) is calculated using standard methods. However, Viridian takes a more thorough approach by including lease obligations and overdue tax payments.
They also consider long-term tax liabilities that companies have yet to address. This results in a higher debt figure and leads to revised calculations that show companies may be more valuable than initially thought.
The Impact On Investor Decisions
A recent graph compares traditional valuation methods with Viridian's updated figures. Companies that appeared cheap may be less undervalued than previously believed, particularly those burdened by significant lease or tax liabilities.
Courtesy of Viridian Capital Advisors Market Perception of Undervalued Cannabis Stocks
Companies like Planet 13 Holdings (OTC:PLNH) and MariMed (OTC:MRMD), which initially appeared undervalued based on traditional EV/EBITDA multiples, saw significant valuation increases when Viridian Capital's augmented EV calculations factored in hidden debt. This reveals that investors who overlook these liabilities might mistakenly view these companies as more attractive investments than they truly are.
Impact of Debt on Investor Sentiment
In contrast, companies such as Schwazze (OTC:SHWZ), Vext Science (OTC:VEXTF), and Green Thumb Industries (OTC:GTII) show minimal changes in valuation, suggesting cleaner balance sheets that could strengthen investor confidence.
Viridian Capital Advisors的见解显示,被忽视的负债可能会显著改变我们对公司价值的看法,因此深入挖掘至关重要。
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由Viridian Capital Advisors 提供 大麻股被低估的市场认知
像Planet 13 Holdings(场外交易:PLNH)和MariMed(场外交易:MRMD)这样的公司,最初基于传统的EV/EBITDA倍数看似被低估,但当Viridian Capital的增强型EV计算考虑到隐藏债务时,它们的估值出现了显著增长。这表明忽略这些责任的投资者可能错误地将这些公司视为比它们实际更具吸引力的投资。
相比之下,像Schwazze(场外交易:SHWZ)、Vext Science(场外交易:VEXTF)和Green Thumb Industries(场外交易:GTII)这样的公司估值变化很小,表明资产负债表较为清晰,能够增强投资者信心。