
'Senate Dems' Emergency Abortion Care Blitz; Top Senate Democrats Will Force Republicans To Vote On Access To Emergency Abortion Care This Week, In One Of Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer's Final Pre-Election Messaging Pushes' - Axios

'Senate Dems' Emergency Abortion Care Blitz; Top Senate Democrats Will Force Republicans To Vote On Access To Emergency Abortion Care This Week, In One Of Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer's Final Pre-Election Messaging Pushes' - Axios

'民主黨參議員' 緊急墮胎護理行動;最高參議院民主黨人將迫使共和黨本週就應急墮胎護理的獲取進行投票,這是參議院多數黨領袖查克·舒默在選前最後一波信息推動中的一部分。- Axios
Benzinga ·  09/23 16:41

Top Senate Democrats will force Republicans to vote on access to emergency abortion care this week, in one of Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer (D-N.Y.)'s final pre-election messaging pushes, Axios has learned.


The big picture: The death of a Georgia woman who was refused emergency care because of the state's abortion restrictions has become the latest rallying cry for Democrats who are wagering abortion will be a winning issue for their party on Nov. 5.


  • Sen. Patty Murray (D-Wash.), will seek unanimous consent Tuesday to pass a resolution she introduced last week affirming that every person has a right to emergency health care, including abortion care.
  • Murray's move will force Republicans to either block the measure or pass it.
  • Sen. Tammy Baldwin (D-Wisc.) also will seek unanimous consent Tuesday on a bill that would offset travels costs for people seeking abortion care.
  • 華盛頓州民主黨參議員派蒂·默裏將於週二尋求一致同意通過她上週提出的一項決議,確認每個人都有權獲得緊急醫療保健,包括墮胎保健。
  • 默裏的舉動將迫使共和黨要麼否決該提案,要麼通過該提案。
  • 威斯康星州民主黨參議員泰米·鮑德溫還將於週二尋求一致同意通過一項法案,該法案將抵消尋求墮胎保健的人的旅行費用。

Catch up quick: An investigation published by ProPublica last week highlighted the circumstances of Amber Nicole Thurman's 2022 death — the first publicly reported death caused by delayed abortion care.

快速了解:ProPublica上週發佈的一項調查突顯了Amber Nicole Thurman於2022年死亡的情況——這是由於墮胎保健延誤導致的首例公開報道的死亡。

Zoom in: The maneuvers represent Senate Democrats' parting shots in their messaging war with with Republicans before lawmakers go home to campaign ahead of Election Day.


  • Schumer will join a press conference at the Capitol Tuesday focused on access to emergency reproductive care.
  • Senate Democrats have made abortion access their most prominent campaign issue, forcing Republicans this month to block a bill promoting universal IVF coverage.
  • 舒默將於週二在國會大廈參加一場新聞發佈會,重點關注緊急生殖保健的獲取。
  • 參議院民主黨將墮胎權訪問作爲他們最突出的競選議題,迫使共和黨本月阻止一項促進全面試管受孕覆蓋範圍的法案。
  • Schumer has used the Senate floor to go on offense against Republicans over everything from reproductive rights to gun control in the run-up to the election.
  • 舒默已經利用參議院的舞臺,針對共和黨在競選前期關於繁殖權和槍支管制等一切事項發起攻擊。

Zoom out: Senate Republicans have blocked similar attempts from Democrats in the past few months, and there is little reason to believe the outcome will be different this time around.


  • Abortion access will be a top issue in a number of states where Schumer is trying to protect incumbents so he can retain his majority.
  • There also will be abortion measures on the ballot in Arizona, Florida, Maryland, Montana and Nevada — all states where Schumer is trying either to flip or keep a seat.
  • 在一些州,墮胎權問題將是舒默試圖保護現任議員以保留多數席位的頭號議題。
  • 亞利桑那、佛羅里達、馬里蘭、蒙大拿和內華達這些州的選票上也將出現關於墮胎的措施 —— 所有這些州都是舒默試圖翻轉或保住國會席位的地方。
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