
Pure Storage Reinvents File Services, Redefining the Standards for Enterprise-grade Agility and Simplicity

Pure Storage Reinvents File Services, Redefining the Standards for Enterprise-grade Agility and Simplicity

Pure Storage重新定义了文件服务,重新定义了企业级敏捷性和简单性的标准
PR Newswire ·  09/24 08:00

Additional industry first innovations in the Pure Storage platform provide financial flexibility through Universal Credits and a new VM assessment to optimize VMware resources

Pure Storage平台中的其他行业首创创新通过通用积分和新的Vm评估提供财务灵活性,以优化VMware资源

SANTA CLARA, Calif. and LONDON, Sept. 24, 2024 /PRNewswire/ -- Pure Storage (NYSE:PSTG), the IT pioneer that delivers the world's most advanced data storage technologies and services, today announced new innovations to the Pure Storage platform, including Real-time Enterprise File, dynamic file services that change, adapt and reconfigure in real-time to meet the fast paced demands of modern applications. Additional new innovations include a virtual machine (VM) assessment and industry-first Universal Credits, extending Pure Storage's as-a-Service (STaaS) leadership.

加州圣克拉拉和伦敦,2024年9月24日 / PRNewswire / - 纯存储(NYSE:PSTG)是全球最先进数据存储技术和服务的IT先锋,今天宣布了纯存储平台的新创新,包括实时企业文件,动态文件服务即时改变、适应和重新配置以满足现代应用程序的快速需求。额外的新创新包括虚拟机(VM)评估和行业首创的通用积分,扩展了纯存储的即服务(STaaS)领导力。

The Pure Storage platform delivers agility and risk reduction to organizations with a simple, consistent storage platform and subscription based services for the broadest set of use cases across on-premises, public cloud, and hosted environments. With continuous, non-disruptive upgrades and an industry leading as-a-service experience, the Pure Storage platform adapts seamlessly to the evolving needs of modern enterprises.


File Services Reimagined: Real-time Enterprise File
In today's fast paced business environment, data-intensive applications demand more than legacy file storage can offer. Traditional file storage, burdened by outdated, rigid architectures and multiple layers of protocol and management complexity, is extremely hard to update and change, making it impossible to meet the evolving needs of modern workloads like AI, analytics and VDI. Delivered via the Pure Storage platform, Real-time Enterprise File is purpose-built to address the limitations of traditional file storage, enabling customers to respond quickly and manage application demands in real-time. Organizations using Real-time Enterprise File deliver better outcomes at a lower total cost of ownership, while meeting the dynamic demands of the enterprise. Pure's latest innovations provide:


  • Real time agility: Legacy file storage is inflexible, forcing organizations into pre-configured silos that can't be used to their maximum capacity nor adjust to dynamic application requirements. Pure allows customers to adjust in real time to dynamic business changes with:
    • Agility across all storage resources: Real-time Enterprise File delivers agility to the business through global storage pools which allow organizations to maximize all of their storage resources, without the complexity of planning and creating storage reservations or allocations for each array. In addition, through Pure Fusion, fleet-wide operations are automated, including workload placement and rebalancing of any combination of arrays across the organization's entire Pure Storage data storage estate.
    • Zero-Move Tiering: With legacy files, if an application requires access to data with a different performance profile, it forces IT to do time consuming physical data movement to the array that meets the performance needs. Real-time Enterprise File delivers industry-first zero move tiering which enables IT to deliver the required performance level without the need to physically move data between tiers.
    • Truly non-disruptive: Legacy systems require data movement, significant pre-planning and end user downtime for every upgrade and reconfiguration within the system. Only Pure offers true non-disruptive upgrades (NDU) across its entire platform. This ensures in-place upgrades for both hardware and software, without the need for data migration or any data loss, no matter what the upgrade is.
    • Expanded support for cost-sensitive workloads: Now introducing the new FlashBlade//S100, an AI-ready platform with GPUDirect support which brings progressive pricing across all price points and markets. It features a scale-out architecture designed for entry-level enterprise use cases, including AI, compliance, content sharing, image repositories, IoT, Edge, and ROBO applications.
  • Simplicity, architected from the ground up: Patchworking new capabilities into legacy storage architectures creates significant complexity and time consuming management. For example, individual workloads need to be configured for QoS. The Pure Storage platform redefines management simplicity with:
    • Cloud-like operations: Through the cloud-like operations of the Pure Storage platform, Real-time Enterprise File delivers radical levels of ease to IT. Data can be simply placed, assigned an SLA enabling storage to expand and auto adjust to data growth. It also ensures services such as QoS and multiprotocol configuration are automatically taken care of.
    • Natural language for files: Pure Storage continues to simplify management with AI Copilot for File, an industry-first natural language model, that further builds on our lead in innovation by empowering IT generalists, DevOps teams, and seasoned storage practitioners alike to address file-related issues and eliminate IT bottlenecks.
  • The power of Storage as a Service - brought to file: Only Pure delivers true storage-as-a-service for file through Evergreen//One, backed by the industry's highest number of concurrent SLAs.
  • 实时灵活性:传统文件存储非常死板,迫使组织进入无法最大限度利用或适应动态应用程序需求的预配置独立体系。Pure允许客户根据动态业务变化实时调整,具有:
    • 在所有存储资源上的灵活性:实时企业文件通过全球存储池为企业提供灵活性,使组织能够充分利用其所有存储资源,而无需规划和创建用于每个数组的存储预留或分配复杂性。此外,通过Pure Fusion,整个机群操作得以自动化,包括工作负载放置以及重新平衡整个Pure存储数据平台的任何组合数组。
    • 无需迁移分层:对于传统文件,如果应用程序需要访问具有不同性能配置文件的数据,它会强制进行耗时的物理数据移动到满足性能需求的数组。实时企业文件提供行业首个零迁移分层,使其能够在无需在层间物理移动数据的情况下提供所需的性能水平。
    • 真正的无干扰:传统系统需要数据迁移、重大预先规划以及每次系统升级和重新配置都会导致最终用户停机。只有Pure提供整个平台的真正无干扰升级(NDU)。这确保了硬件和软件的就地升级,而无需数据迁移或任何数据丢失,不管升级是什么。
    • 扩展对成本敏感工作负载的支持:现在推出全新的FlashBlade//S100,一个支持GPU直通的AI就绪平台,带来跨所有价格点和市场的逐步定价。它采用面向入门级企业用例的扩展式架构,包括AI、合规性、内容共享、Iot、边缘和ROBO应用。
  • 从头开始设计的简单性:将新的功能补丁集成到传统存储架构中会带来重大复杂性和耗时的管理。例如,需要为个别工作负载配置QoS。Pure Storage平台通过重新定义以下来简化管理:
    • 制造行业操作模式:通过Pure Storage平台的云操作,实时企业文件实现了极高的易用性。数据可以简单地放置并分配SLA,使存储能够随数据增长而扩展和自动调整。它还确保诸如QoS和多协议配置等服务被自动处理。
    • 文件的自然语言处理:Pure Storage继续通过AI Copilot for File简化管理,这是行业首创的自然语言模型,进一步加强我们在创新方面的领先地位,赋予IT通用人员、DevOps团队和经验丰富的存储从业者解决与文件相关问题并消除IT瓶颈的能力。
  • 作为一种服务的存储之力 - 转变为文件:只有Pure通过Evergreen//One为文件提供真正的存储即服务,支持行业最高数量的并发SLA。

Other new future-proof innovations announced in the Pure Storage platform include:
Optimize Virtualization Operations with the new Virtual Machines (VM) Assessment
As virtualization environments face increasing uncertainty and disruption, the Pure Storage platform offers an industry-first VM Assessment to help IT decision makers on modernizing their virtualization operations for critical workloads. Unique to our industry, VM Assessment offers performance monitoring, enhanced scenario planning, and rightsizing recommendations through Pure1. Admins can now start identifying opportunities to optimize their VM resources, while gaining deep insights into their utilization and potential subscription impacts. VM Assessment is available to all customers free of charge with their Pure1 subscription.

在Pure Storage平台中宣布的其他未来创新包括:
随着虚拟化环境面临日益不确定性和混乱,Pure Storage平台提供了行业首个VM评估,帮助IT决策者对其关键工作负载的现代化虚拟化操作。VM评估是我们行业独有的,通过Pure1提供性能监控、增强型场景规划和合适规模的建议。管理员现在可以开始识别优化VM资源的机会,同时深入了解其利用率和潜在订阅影响。VM评估对所有Pure1订阅的客户免费提供。

Industry First Universal Credits Delivers Financial Flexibility
Further extending its leadership in STaaS, Pure Storage introduces the industry's first Universal Credits, offering unprecedented flexibility. Universal Credits allow businesses to purchase a pool of credits and use them across various services without being locked into specific subscriptions, while providing predictable billing. Customers can now leverage volume discounts by purchasing Universal Credits, applying them across various Evergreen//One, Pure Cloud Block Store and Portworx services.

在STaaS领域进一步扩展其领导地位,Pure Storage推出了行业首个通用积分,提供前所未有的灵活性。通用积分允许企业购买一定数量的积分并在各种服务之间使用,而不会被锁定在特定的订阅中,同时提供可预测的计费方式。客户现在可以通过购买通用积分以应用于各种Evergreen//One、Pure Cloud Block Store和Portworx服务来利用量贩折扣。

Executive Insight
"Once again Pure is dramatically raising the bar for a modern data storage platform. For years, outdated and rigid legacy file storage has done customers a huge disservice by holding them back and forcing them towards frequent technology refresh cycles. Through the Pure Storage platform, Real-time Enterprise File along with the new VM assessment and Universal Credits empowers our customers to navigate today's fast-moving, complex business environment with confidence." — Ajay Singh, Chief Product Officer, Pure Storage

“Pure再次显著提升了现代数据存储平台的标准。多年来,过时而僵化的传统文件存储已经让客户严重受害,阻碍了他们的发展,并迫使他们不断进行频繁的技术更新周期。通过Pure存储平台,实时企业文件以及新的Vm评估和通用积分使我们的客户能够自信地应对当今快速变化、复杂的商业环境。” — Ajay Singh,Pure Storage首席产品官

"Storage modernization is a critical imperative for the data-driven modern business. A simplified storage environment easily accessed and managed is a must have for organizations measured by time to market. Pure Storage's highly differentiated platform has changed customers' perception of what a modern storage infrastructure can deliver. The introduction of Real-time Enterprise File and the extension of its STaaS capabilities further solidifies Pure's leadership in the market." — Matt Kimball, VP & Principal Analyst, Moor Insights & Strategy.

“存储现代化对于数据驱动的现代企业至关重要。一个简化的存储环境易于访问和管理,对于以市场时间衡量的组织来说是必不可少的。Pure Storage极具差异化的平台改变了客户对现代存储基础设施可以提供的成见。实时企业文件的引入和对STaaS功能的扩展进一步巩固了Pure在市场上的领先地位。” — Matt Kimball,Moor Insights & Strategy副总裁兼首席分析师

Learn More:


  • Universal Credits are available now
  • FlashBlade//S100, FlashBlade Zero Move Tiering and VM Assessment will be generally available in FY25 Q4
  • Blog: Leave Legacy Behind with the Pure Storage Platform
  • 通用积分现已可用
  • FlashBlade//S100、FlashBlade Zero Move Tiering和Vm评估将在FY25 Q4全面推出
  • 博客:摒弃传统,选择Pure Storage平台

About Pure Storage
Pure Storage (NYSE: PSTG) delivers the industry's most advanced data storage platform to store, manage, and protect the world's data at any scale. With Pure Storage, organizations have ultimate simplicity and flexibility, saving time, money, and energy. From AI to archive, Pure Storage delivers a cloud experience with one unified Storage as-a-Service platform across on premises, cloud, and hosted environments. Our platform is built on our Evergreen architecture that evolves with your business – always getting newer and better with zero planned downtime, guaranteed. Our customers are actively increasing their capacity and processing power while significantly reducing their carbon and energy footprint. It's easy to fall in love with Pure Storage, as evidenced by the highest Net Promoter Score in the industry. For more information, visit .

Pure Storage(纽交所代码:PSTG)提供业界最佳的平台,用于存储、管理和保护全球数据。通过统一的存储操作环境提供云体验,Pure 赋予每个组织快速满足不断变化的数据需求的敏捷性和规模性,同时降低总体拥有成本。Pure 相信,通过提供存储平台,可以在全球范围内大幅减少数据中心的排放量,从而产生有意义的影响。Pure 自诩为以客户为先的企业,在行业中享有最高的净推广得分。欲了解更多信息,请访问
Pure Storage(NYSE:PSTG)向行业板块提供最先进的数据存储平台,以存储、管理和保护全球数据。借助Pure Storage,组织可以拥有终极简单性和灵活性,节省时间、金钱和能量。从人工智能到存档,Pure Storage通过一种统一的存储即服务(Storage-as-a-Service)平台提供云体验,涵盖本地环境、云和托管环境。我们的平台建立在不停机计划的Evergreen架构上,与您的业务一起发展,始终获得更新和更好的体验。我们的客户正在积极增加其容量和处理能力,同时显着减少其碳排放和能源占用。如行业中最高的净推广者得分所证明的那样,爱文思控股很讨人喜欢。有关更多信息,请访问 .

Pure Storage, the Pure Storage P Logo, Portworx, Pure Fusion, FlashArray, FlashBlade, Evergreen, Evergreen//One, Pure1, Pure Cloud Block Store and the marks on the Pure Storage Trademark List are trademarks or registered trademarks of Pure Storage Inc. in the U.S. and/or other countries. The Trademark List can be found at Other names may be trademarks of their respective owners.

Pure Storage, Pure Storage P Logo,Portworx, Pure Fusion, FlashArray, FlashBlade, Evergreen, Evergreen//One, Pure1, Pure Cloud Block Store以及Pure Storage Inc.在美国和/或其他国家的商标或注册商标。商标列表可在此处找到。其他名称可能是其各自所有者的商标。

Analyst Recognition:
Leader in the 2024 Gartner Magic Quadrant for Primary Storage Platforms
Leader in the 2023 Gartner Magic Quadrant for Distributed File Systems & Object Storage


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