MILWAUKEE--(BUSINESS WIRE)--Ademi LLP is investigating Kaival Brands (NASDAQ: KAVL) for possible breaches of fiduciary duty and other violations of law in its transaction with Delta.
Click here to learn how to join our investigation or call Guri Ademi toll-free at 866-264-3995. There is no cost or obligation to you.
In the transaction, Kaival Brands shareholders will receive approximately only $2.66 per share or, in the aggregate, $270 million in ordinary shares of the newly created holding company Pubco, subject to certain adjustments. At closing, Kaival Brands shareholders are anticipated to collectively own approximately only 10.30% of the outstanding ordinary shares of Pubco, and Delta shareholders are anticipated to collectively own approximately 89.70% of the outstanding ordinary shares of Pubco.
The transaction agreement unreasonably limits competing transactions for Kaival Brands by imposing a significant penalty if Kaival Brands accepts a competing bid. Kaival Brands insiders will receive substantial benefits as part of change of control arrangements.
We are investigating the conduct of Kaival Brands' board of directors, and whether they are fulfilling their fiduciary duties to all shareholders.
If you own Kaival Brands common stock and wish to obtain additional information, please contact Guri Ademi either at or toll-free: 866-264-3995, or here.
We specialize in shareholder litigation involving buyouts, mergers, and individual shareholder rights throughout the country. For more information, please feel free to call us. Attorney advertising. Prior results do not guarantee similar outcomes.
Contacts Ademi LLP
Guri Ademi
Toll Free: (866) 264-3995
Fax: (414) 482-8001
アデミLLPは、デルタとの取引でKaival Brands(NASDAQ:KAVL)における信託義務違反やその他の違反の可能性について調査しています。
この取引では、Kaival Brandsの株主は1株あたり約$2.66または総額$27000万の新たに設立された持株会社Pubcoの普通株式を受け取り、一定の調整を受けます。クロージング時、Kaival Brandsの株主はPubcoの発行済普通株式の約10.30%を集体的に所有する見込みであり、デルタの株主はPubcoの発行済普通株式の約89.70%を集体的に所有する見込みです。
取引契約は、競合する取引を制限し、Kaival Brandsが競合入札を受け入れた場合に著しいペナルティを課すことでKaival Brandsの利益を不当に制限しています。Kaival Brandsの内部者は経営権の移転に伴う措置の一環として莫大な利益を得ることになります。
Kaival Brandsの取締役会の行為を調査しており、彼らが全株主に対する信託責任を果たしているかどうかを調査しています。
Kaival Brandsの普通株式を保有して追加情報を取得したい場合は、gademi@ademilaw.comまたは無償電話:866-264-3995、またはこちらにお問い合わせください。
Ademi LLP
Guri Ademi