財聯社9月27日訊(編輯 夏軍雄)據媒體援引消息人士報道,美國司法部正在調查人工智能(AI)服務器製造商超微電腦,原因是該公司涉嫌會計違規。就在一個月前,知名做空機構興登堡研究公司宣佈做空該公司。
8月27日,興登堡發佈了一份關於超微電腦的報告,並表示已做空該公司的股票。這份報告的重點關注了超微電腦前員工Bob Luong提出的指控,以及該公司與梁見後家族成員經營的公司之間的交易。
9月3日,梁見後在致客戶的一封信中表示,做空報告「包含關於我們公司的虛假或不準確的陳述」,「我們將在適當的時候處理這些陳述」。 梁見後稱,公司預計不會對之前發佈的2024財年財務業績做出任何重大調整。
Misleading information !!! Not the department of Justice only a lawyer? Read the news very carefully and try to search for truth .... a friend is a lawyer and says there is no legal basis for this. And it will probably also have to come before the "Council Chamber" and can therefore be refused. It's not that simple as it looks.
There are no fundamentals? Every lawyer can try ?
u r wrong ?
Or ur purpose got something with it ?
indeed, but 3 years ago there was an investigation not NOW at all !!!
The are also allegations against Hindenburg Research and THEY are quite complex.
SEBI Allegations**: The Securities and Exchange Board of India (SEBI) has accused Hindenburg Research of using non-public information to place short bets against the Adani Group. "SEBI" claims that Hindenburg worked with another entity to obtain and use this information⁴.
Hindenburg Response; Hindenburg Research has denied these allegations, calling them "nonsense". They claim that their research and reports are based on public information and thorough analysis.
But that's not true, they use insiders information that you can read on their report