Ames Watson Takes the Helm of Champion's Collegiate, Licensed and Teamwear Businesses Following Acquisition by Authentic Brands Group
Ames Watson Takes the Helm of Champion's Collegiate, Licensed and Teamwear Businesses Following Acquisition by Authentic Brands Group
Ames Watson to Drive Growth and Innovation for Iconic Sportswear Brand in Thriving Collegiate Market
Ames Watson将推动蓬勃发展的大学市场中标志性运动服饰品牌的增长和创新。
COLUMBIA, Md., Oct. 1, 2024 /PRNewswire/ -- Ames Watson, a privately held investment firm with a strong track record in revitalizing iconic brands, announces its pivotal role in the acquisition of athleticwear giant Champion. As part of this partnership with Authentic Brands Group (ABG), Ames Watson will lead the management of Champion's long-standing U.S. collegiate apparel and teamwear business. The acquisition marks a key strategic milestone for Ames Watson as it continues to grow its portfolio and extend its expertise in the apparel and retail sectors.
马里兰哥伦比亚,2024年10月1日/ PRNewswire/ - Ames Watson是一家私人持有的投资公司,在振兴标志性品牌方面拥有良好的业绩记录,宣布其在收购体育服装巨头Champion中发挥关键作用。作为与Authentic Brands Group (ABG)的合作伙伴关系的一部分,Ames Watson将领导管理Champion长期以来在美国大学服装和队服业务的业务。这项收购标志着Ames Watson的关键战略里程碑,因为它继续扩大其投资组合并在服装和零售领域延伸其专业知识。
Champion, a brand synonymous with innovation and athletic culture for over a century, generates nearly $3 billion in global retail sales annually. Ames Watson will now oversee Champion's collegiate apparel business through GearCo, which will be managed and operated by Ames Watson. The teamwear division also includes Gear for Sports, Knights Apparel, and Champion Teamwear, all of which will be integrated into Ames Watson's operational framework.
Champion是一个与创新和运动文化密不可分的品牌,一个世纪以来,其全球零售销售额每年达到近30亿美元。 Ames Watson现在将通过GearCo监督Champion的大学服装业务,GearCo将由Ames Watson管理和运营。 队服部门还包括Gear for Sports,Knights Apparel和Champion Teamwear,所有这些将纳入Ames Watson的运营框架。
"This acquisition is a perfect fit for Ames Watson. We are excited to partner with Authentic Brands Group to continue Champion's incredible legacy, particularly in the collegiate and teamwear markets where we have extensive expertise," said Tom Ripley, Partner and Co-Founder at Ames Watson. "We look forward to leveraging our strengths in apparel, retail, and operations to drive the next phase of growth for Champion."
"这次收购对Ames Watson来说是完美的选择。我们很高兴与Authentic Brands Group合作,继续Champion的不同凡响的传统,特别是在我们在大学和队服市场拥有广泛专业知识的领域,"Ames Watson的合伙人兼联合创始人Tom Ripley表示。 "我们期待利用我们在服装、零售和运营方面的优势,推动Champion的下一阶段增长。"
Ames Watson plans to build on Champion's rich heritage while driving innovation in collegiate sportswear. With a proven history of managing iconic brands like Lids and Fan Outfitters, Ames Watson's leadership will ensure Champion's continued success, both in its longstanding collegiate business and its expanding presence in the teamwear market.
Ames Watson计划在推动大学运动服饰创新的同时,发挥Champion丰富的传统。 凭借管理Lids和Fan Outfitters等标志性品牌的成功历史,Ames Watson的领导将确保Champion在其长期的大学业务和在队服市场扩大影响力方面持续取得成功。
"We are proud to take on this exciting challenge and look forward to further elevating Champion's presence in collegiate and teamwear," said Lawrence Berger, Partner and Co-Founder at Ames Watson. "Our goal is to honor Champion's past while unlocking new opportunities for growth and innovation."
"我们很自豪接受这个激动人心的挑战,并期待进一步提升Champion在大学和队服领域的地位,"Ames Watson的合伙人兼联合创始人劳伦斯·伯格(Lawrence Berger)表示。 "我们的目标是在尊重Champion的历史的同时,为增长和创新开启新机遇。"
About Ames Watson
Founded by Lawrence Berger and Tom Ripley in 2018, Ames Watson is a privately held holding company based in Columbia, Md. which purchases, transforms and partners with companies to create long term value. Ames Watson has over $2 Billion in annual revenue. Brands owned or invested in by Ames Watson include Lids, LidsU, South Moon Under, Mitchell & Ness, Ebbets Field Flannels, Zygo, Hungry and Margaux.
关于Ames Watson
由Lawrence Berger和Tom Ripley于2018年创立,Ames Watson是一家总部位于马里兰哥伦比亚的私人控股公司,购买、改革并与公司合作创造长期价值。Ames Watson的年度营业收入超过20亿美元。Ames Watson拥有或投资的品牌包括Lids,LidsU,South Moon Under,Mitchell & Ness,Ebbets Field Flannels,Zygo,Hungry和Margaux。
SOURCE Ames Watson
资料来源:Ames Watson