
Yorbeau Signs Agreement to Sell the Rouyn Property to Australian Investors

Yorbeau Signs Agreement to Sell the Rouyn Property to Australian Investors

GlobeNewswire ·  10/02 07:30

MONTREAL, Oct. 02, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Yorbeau Resources Inc. (TSX: YRB) (the "Company" or "Yorbeau") is pleased to announce that it has signed, on October 1, 2024, a definitive asset purchase agreement in the context of a transaction (the "Transaction") whereby Lac Gold (Rouyn) Inc. ("Lac Gold"), a Canadian based subsidiary of Lac Gold Pty Ltd (Au) newly created for purposes of the Transaction, would, subject to certain conditions, acquire a 100% interest in Yorbeau's Rouyn property (the "Property").

蒙特利尔,2024年10月2日(GLOBEAU NEWSWIRE)——Yorbeau Resources Inc.(多伦多证券交易所股票代码:YRB)(“公司” 或 “Yorbeau”)欣然宣布,它已于2024年10月1日签署了最终资产购买协议(“交易”),Lac Gold的加拿大子公司Lac Gold(Rouyn)Inc.(“Lac Gold”)为本次交易而新成立的私人有限公司(Au)将在某些条件下收购Yorbeau的Rouyn房产(“房产”)的100%权益。

The asset purchase agreement provides that, in consideration of a 100% interest in the Property, Lac Gold must pay a purchase price of C$25,000,000 to the Company as follows:

资产购买协议规定,以该物业的100%权益作为对价,Lac Gold必须向公司支付25,000,000加元的收购价,如下所示:

  • C$2,000,000 paid to the Company within 48 hours of signing;
  • C$3,000,000 payable to the Company on the closing date of the Transaction, but no later than December 16, 2024; and
  • three equal instalments of $6,666,666 payable to the Company on each of the second, third and fourth anniversary of the closing date of the Transaction, collectively making up the C$20,000,000 unpaid balance of the purchase price, as evidenced by a promissory note to be issued by Lac Gold to the Company carrying interest at a rate of 5% per annum.
  • 在签署后的48小时内向公司支付了200万加元;
  • 在交易截止日向公司支付3,000,000加元,但不迟于2024年12月16日;以及
  • 在交易截止日期的第二、三和四周年之际分别向公司支付三笔等额的6,666,666美元,共计2,000,000加元的收购价未付余额,Lac Gold将以每年5%的账面利率向公司发行的期票即为证。

In addition to the purchase price payable by Lac Gold, upon closing of the Transaction, Lac Gold will issue and grant to the Company a 2% net smelter royalty ("NSR") on any minerals produced from the Property.

除了Lac Gold应支付的收购价外,交易完成后,Lac Gold还将向公司发放并授予该物业生产的任何矿物的2%净冶炼厂特许权使用费(“NSR”)。

Assuming satisfaction of customary closing conditions in respect of the Transaction, title to the Property shall be transferred to Lac Gold upon payment of the second tranche of C$3,000,000. Lac Gold has until the fourth anniversary of the closing date of the Transaction to pay the final instalment on the unpaid balance of the purchase price, but may accelerate any such payment. Lac Gold's payment of the unpaid balance of the purchase price, together with accrued and unpaid interest thereon, will be secured, as of the closing date of the Transaction, by a first-ranking hypothec on the Property.

假设交易的惯例成交条件得到满足,在支付第二笔300万加元的款项后,该物业的所有权将转让给Lac Gold。Lac Gold必须在交易截止日四周年之前支付收购价未付余额的最后一期付款,但可能会加快任何此类付款。截至交易截止日,Lac Gold对收购价款的未付余额及其应计和未付利息的支付将由该物业的第一级抵押权人担保。

Yorbeau intends to use the proceeds from the sale of the Property to fund exploration programs and pre-development activities on its other properties, as well as for general corporate purposes.


"Yorbeau looks forward and has committed to working closely with the team at Lac Gold in satisfying all closing conditions expeditiously and closing this transaction as well as assisting Lac Gold in bringing the Rouyn property into production," commented G. Bodnar Jr., President and CFO of Yorbeau. "Terry Kocisko, CEO of Yorbeau, and I are pleased about this new beginning for Yorbeau. The proceeds from the sale of the Rouyn property (against which Yorbeau intends to offset accumulated tax attributes), as well as the 2% NSR, will allow Yorbeau to shore up its balance sheet for many years to come and allocate funds to further delineate resources and conduct work our numerous other properties. The Yorbeau exploration team, led by Laurent Hallé P. Geo, will now have the necessary funds to accelerate exploration on key target sites which shall be announced shortly in our subsequent press releases. We would like to thank our longstanding shareholders for their continued support and confidence over the last 30 plus years."

Yorbeau总裁兼首席财务官小G. Bodnar评论说:“Yorbeau展望未来,并承诺与Lac Gold的团队密切合作,迅速满足所有成交条件,完成本次交易,并协助Lac Gold将Rouyn房产投入生产。”“Yorbeau首席执行官Terry Kocisko和我对Yorbeau的这一新起点感到高兴。出售Rouyn房产(Yorbeau打算抵消累积的税收属性)的收益以及2%的NSR将使Yorbeau能够在未来许多年内支撑其资产负债表,并分配资金以进一步划定资源并开展我们众多其他房产的施工。由洛朗·哈雷·P.Geo领导的Yorbeau勘探团队现在将拥有必要的资金来加快关键目标地点的勘探,这些勘探将在我们随后的新闻稿中很快宣布。我们要感谢我们的长期股东在过去30多年中一直以来的支持和信心。”

Matthew Keegan, Chairman of Lac Gold stated: "The Rouyn property is an outstanding opportunity. We are focused on Quebec, being ranked as one of the world's most attractive mining investment jurisdictions and it is apparent that the Yorbeau team has defined a considerable mineral endowment with clear potential to rapidly increase in size. We are looking forward to commencing our on-ground works, including economic and baseline studies as well as resource drilling. We are excited to be establishing ourselves in the Rouyn-Noranda district and look forward to working closely with local stakeholders in developing this district scale package."

Lac Gold董事长马修·基根表示:“鲁恩的房产是一个绝佳的机会。我们专注于魁北克,它被评为世界上最具吸引力的矿业投资司法管辖区之一,很明显,Yorbeau团队已经定义了可观的矿产资源,其规模显然有可能迅速扩大。我们期待着开始我们的地面工作,包括经济和基线研究以及资源钻探。我们很高兴能在鲁安-诺兰达地区站稳脚跟,并期待与当地利益相关者密切合作,制定这一地区规模的一揽子计划。”

About Yorbeau Resources Inc.

关于 Yorbeau 资源公司

Yorbeau Resources is a Canadian public company (TSX: YRB) involved in gold and base metal exploration in Quebec, Canada. Upon the sale of the Company's Rouyn property, the Company intends to focus on seeking a partner to further explore and develop its Scott Lake zinc copper deposit near Chibougamau Quebec (refer to Yorbeau's National Instrument 43-101 compliant technical report dated December 6, 2017, titled "Technical Report on the Preliminary Economic Assessment for the Scott Lake Project, Northwestern Québec, Canada," available on the Company's SEDAR+ profile at ). Yorbeau also intends to focus on continuing exploration on its well-located properties in the Detour, Joutel and Selbaie region of north western Quebec. These properties include the Beschefer property which is adjacent to the B26 base metal deposit now being explored by Abitibi Metals Corp.( AMQ:CHI) and the Selbaie West property adjacent to Soquem (Wagosic property) where they are presently intersecting base metal values along the Selbaie mine horizon.

Yorbeau Resources是一家加拿大上市公司(多伦多证券交易所股票代码:YRB),参与加拿大魁北克的黄金和贱金属勘探。出售公司Rouyn房产后,公司打算重点寻找合作伙伴,进一步勘探和开发其位于魁北克希布加莫附近的斯科特湖锌铜矿床(参见Yorbeau于2017年12月6日发布的符合国家仪器43-101标准的技术报告,标题为 “加拿大魁北克西北部斯科特湖项目初步经济评估技术报告”,可在该公司的SEDAR+简介中查阅)。Yorbeau还打算专注于继续勘探其位于魁北克西北部Detour、Joutel和Selbaie地区的位置优越的房产。这些地产包括毗邻Abitibi Metals Corp.(AMQ: CHI)正在勘探的B26贱金属矿床的Beschefer地产,以及毗邻Soquem的Selbaie West地产(Wagosic地产),它们目前正与塞尔拜矿山地平线上的贱金属价值相交。

About Lac Gold Pty Ltd

关于Lac Gold Pty Ltd

Lac Gold Pty Ltd is an Australian private company established to acquire and develop precious metal resources. The Lac Gold team is backed by a combination of investors including high net worth individuals, family offices and resource industry professionals. With the signing of the Rouyn property acquisition documentation, Lac Gold will shortly initiate its strategy of demonstrating the viability of developing Rouyn as a new mining operation in Quebec. This work includes economic and technical studies and expanding the gold resources.

Lac Gold Pty Ltd是一家澳大利亚私人公司,旨在收购和开发贵金属资源。Lac Gold团队由包括高净值个人、家族办公室和资源行业专业人士在内的投资者共同支持。随着Rouyn房地产收购文件的签署,Lac Gold将很快启动其战略,以证明在魁北克将Rouyn开发为一家新的采矿企业的可行性。这项工作包括经济和技术研究以及扩大黄金资源。

For further information, please contact:


G. Bodnar Jr.
President, Chief Financial Officer
Yorbeau Resources Inc.
Tel: 514-384-2202

G. Bodnar Jr.
Yorbeau 资源公司

Toll free in North America: 1-855-384-2202


Forward-looking statements: Except for statement of historical fact, all statements in this news release, including, without limitation, statements regarding the Transaction, payments in respect of the purchase price and the timing thereof, satisfaction of closing conditions, Lac Gold's future intentions, development of the Property and any production thereon, the Company's intended use of proceeds, including any future exploration plans of the Company, and any statements regarding future plans and objectives, are forward-looking statements which involve significant risks and uncertainties. These risks and uncertainties include, but are not limited to, the failure of the parties to satisfy the closing conditions to the Transaction, failure of the parties to satisfy such conditions in a timely manner, significant transaction costs and unknown liabilities, risks related to the payment of the unpaid balance of the purchase price and the timing of any such payments, failure to realize the expected benefits of the Transaction, risks related to Lac Gold, including its activities on the Property, and the risk that the Property may not be developed or begin production in a timely manner, or at all. Failure of the parties to satisfy the conditions to the completion of the Transaction or to complete the Transaction may result in the Transaction not being completed on the proposed terms, within the anticipated timeframe, or at all. There can be no assurance that such statements will prove to be accurate; actual results and future events could differ materially from those anticipated in such statements. Yorbeau disclaims any obligation to update such forward-looking statements, other than as required by applicable securities laws.

前瞻性陈述:除历史事实陈述外,本新闻稿中的所有陈述,包括但不限于有关交易的陈述、收购价格及其时机的付款、成交条件的满足情况、Lac Gold的未来意向、该物业的开发及其任何生产、公司对收益的预期用途,包括公司的任何未来勘探计划,以及有关未来计划和目标的任何陈述,均为前瞻性陈述,涉及重大风险和不确定性。这些风险和不确定性包括但不限于双方未能满足交易成交条件、双方未能及时满足这些条件、巨额交易成本和未知负债、与支付未付购买价款余额和任何此类付款的时间相关的风险、未能实现交易的预期收益、与Lac Gold相关的风险,包括其在物业上的活动,以及以下风险房产可能无法开发或启动及时生产,或者完全生产。如果双方未能满足完成交易的条件或未能完成交易,则可能导致交易无法按照拟议的条款、在预期的时间框架内完成,或根本无法完成。无法保证此类陈述会被证明是准确的;实际结果和未来事件可能与此类声明中的预期存在重大差异。除非适用的证券法要求,否则Yorbeau不承担任何更新此类前瞻性陈述的义务。

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