
Why Weed Aroma Matters: Aurora Cannabis Collaborates In Study On Marijuana Smells

Why Weed Aroma Matters: Aurora Cannabis Collaborates In Study On Marijuana Smells

Benzinga ·  10/02 10:04

Canadian medical marijuana company Aurora Cannabis Inc. (NASDAQ:ACB) (TSX:ACB) announced its collaboration Wednesday with a research grant provided to the University of British Columbia (UBC) by Genome British Columbia.

加拿大医疗大麻公司Aurora Cannabis Inc.(纳斯达克:ACB)(tsx:ACB)周三宣布与基因组协会提供的研究补助合作,该补助资助不列颠哥伦比亚大学(UBC)。

What Happened: The project, Genomics-Enabled Aroma Breeding in Cannabis, is being led by Drs. Jose Celedon, principal scientist of breeding and genetics at Aurora and Joerg Bohlmann, a professor at UBC. The project focuses on validating genetic and chemical markers for fruity aroma in cannabis.

事件经过:该项目名为“大麻基因组启用香气育种”,由Aurora育种和遗传学首席科学家何塞·塞雷东和UBC教授Joerg Bohlmann领导。该项目旨在验证大麻果香的基因和化学标记。

Why It Matters: This genetics research is in line with Aurora's breeding goals by enabling it to enhance its breeding program with greater accuracy and efficiency on consumer-focused traits, positively impacting future innovation.



"Through this work, Aurora will deepen our understanding of cannabis genetics with a focus on aromas, a leading driver of consumer preference that directly impacts the user experience," Celedon said. "By collaborating with UBC on this Genome BC-funded project, we are able to fully execute this aroma research without the typical financial constraints, allowing us to continue simultaneous work on additional important breeding traits, such as yield, potency and disease resistance."


Read Also: What gives weed its unique aroma? (Hint: it's not just terpenes)


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Why Is Aroma Important?


Aroma is a distinct characteristic of cannabis and an important aspect of consumer inclination.


According to earlier research, the pleasant aroma can be a determining factor in a more positive individual experience, rather than THC potency, dose or terpene expression.


The group of scientists, led by Dr. Ethan Russo as part of the 2022 study, focused on identifying which marijuana features affect its overall appeal.

由Ethan Russo博士领导的科学家团队在2022年的研究中,着重于确定哪些大麻特性影响其整体吸引力。

Based on the data analyzed by independent researchers, a "pleasant subjective aroma" seems to be a "predictive of pleasant subjective effects," the paper noted. Surprisingly, terpene expression as well as THC potency and dose proved to be a less important indicator of the quality of consumed cannabis.


Now, via this new partnership with Genome British Columbia, Aurora intends to move beyond sensory analysis and into validated aroma markers.


Aurora previously patented a series of genetic and chemical markers for fruity aroma, which were identified through its CanD diversity panel. The new collaboration will allow it to validate these markers using cutting-edge approaches that would otherwise require significant funding.


What's Next: The data generated from this work will support the discovery and launch of cultivars with unique and improved aromas, alongside high yield and potency, Aurora said in a press release.


  • Skunk Smell: Study Reveals Origin Of Marijuana's Distinctive Aroma
  • 臭鼬气味:研究揭示了大麻独特香气的起源

ACB Price Action


Aurora's shares traded 0.19% higher at $5.41 per share during the pre-market session on Wednesday morning.


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