
Northstar Signs MOU to Mine High Grade Zone 2 at Cam Copper Mine Using Novamera Surgical Mining(TM) Technologies

Northstar Signs MOU to Mine High Grade Zone 2 at Cam Copper Mine Using Novamera Surgical Mining(TM) Technologies

Northstar簽署諒解備忘錄,將使用Novamera Surgical Mining(TM)技術在卡姆銅礦開採2號高品位礦區。
newsfile ·  10/03 08:00

Vancouver, British Columbia--(Newsfile Corp. - October 3, 2024) - Northstar Gold Corp. (CSE: NSG) (OTCQB: NSGCF) ("Northstar" or the "Company"), announces that Novamera Inc. ("Novamera") and Northstar have entered into a Memorandum of Understanding ("MOU", or "Novamera MOU") to model, develop and mine a potentially economically viable mineral resource* at the Company's 100%-owned Cam Copper Mine site ("Project", or "the Project") on the Miller Copper-Gold Property, 20 kilometres southeast of Kirkland Lake, Ontario (Figure 1).

不列顛哥倫比亞省溫哥華-(新聞稿 - 2024年10月3日) - Northstar Gold Corp. (CSE: NSG) (OTCQB: NSGCF) ("Northstar"或"公司"), 宣佈Novamera Inc. ("Novamera")與Northstar已簽署諒解備忘錄("MOU",或"Novamera MOU"),以對公司100%擁有的Cam銅礦項目("項目",或"該項目")進行建模、開發和開採潛在經濟可行的涉礦概念*,該項目位於安大略省基克蘭德湖以東南20公里處的Miller銅金地產內(圖1)。

The MOU agreement sets out terms under which Novamera will secure the necessary financing to Surgically MineTM Cam Copper Project, subject to the definition and permitting of an economic deposit. This includes a multi-staged program (the "Surgical MiningTM Program") to test and extract material from the copper-rich, near vertical Zone 2 VMS horizon at the historic Cam Copper mine site. Zone 2 is the largest of 3 narrow, steeply dipping tabular copper horizons estimated by a previous operator to average 10% copper over a 0.85 metre true width, 42-metre strike length and a minimum 140 metre depth extent from surface1. Northstar recently drilled 4 diamond drill holes that corroborate historic Zone 2 copper widths and grade, including a 14.8% copper over 2.45 metres intercept in drill hole CC03-23 (See Northstar News Release dated Nov. 23, 2023).


Zone 2 is interpreted to host Cu-rich Besshi-type volcanogenic massive sulphides including massive chalcopyrite and bornite and remains open to expansion along strike and down dip (Figure 2). The MOU provides the framework for both parties to gain a clear understanding of the value of Surgical MiningTM at the Project, as well as the necessary stages for commercial deployment and extraction.


* Insufficient exploration has been carried out to define a mineral resource on the property and a qualified person has not done sufficient work to classify Cam Copper as a current mineral resource. Additional exploration including a 43-101 Technical Report, CIM and NI-43-101 reporting compliant mineral resource estimate and Preliminary Economic Assessment are required to establish the economic potential of Cam Copper.


1 Ontario Ministry of Energy, Northern Development and Mines and Mines Assessment File #KL-0843, Prospectus of Fidelity Mining Investments Ltd. 1962

1 安大略省能源、北方發展和礦業部和礦業評估文件#KL-0843,1962年Fidelity Mining Investments Ltd.招股說明書

Northstar Commentary

Northstar 評論

"This marks the second major milestone announcement for Northstar in just two weeks," said Northstar President and CEO Brian Fowler. "The Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) with Novamera for the Cam Copper Mine, along with the recently announced MOU with Hunan Nonferrous-which focuses on developing an NI43-101 gold resource at our nearby Miller Alkalic Intrusive Complex (see Northstar's news release dated September 19, 2024)-represents yet another non-dilutive approach to advance and monetize our high-grade gold and copper projects. We're thrilled to collaborate with Novamera to establish a sustainable mining operation at Cam Copper, utilizing their cutting-edge, eco-friendly Surgical Mining technology for critical minerals."

"這標誌着Northstar在短短兩週內的第二個重要里程碑宣佈,"Northstar總裁兼首席執行官布萊恩·福勒(Brian Fowler)說。"與Novamera簽署關於卡姆銅礦的諒解備忘錄(MOU),以及最近宣佈的與湖南有色的MOU,側重於開發我們附近米勒鹼性侵入岩體的NI43-101黃金資源(參見Northstar於2024年9月19日發佈的新聞稿)-代表着另一種非稀釋的方法來推進和變現我們的高品位黃金和銅項目。我們很高興與Novamera合作,在卡姆銅礦建立一個可持續的採礦運營,利用他們的先進、環保的外科採礦技術來開採關鍵礦產。"

Fowler further emphasized the importance of this development: "The Novamera MOU significantly strengthens Northstar's ability to explore and develop the narrow, high-grade copper zones at Cam Copper. Looking ahead, this partnership could pave the way for further agreements to explore and exploit a 3-kilometre stretch of VMS copper horizons, including the historic high-grade Amity and Patterson Mines on the adjacent Boston Creek Mines Property, as outlined in a Letter of Intent dated May 16, 2024."


Novamera Commentary

Novamera 評論

Novamera's President and CEO Dustin Angelo states, "We are excited to partner with the Northstar team to potentially bring Zone 2 at the Cam Copper Mine into production. At Novamera, our mission is to empower companies like Northstar to unlock small-scale, high-value mineral resources that are critical in today's market. Through our advanced AI and machine learning technologies, we enable mining companies to leverage conventional large-diameter drilling equipment to surgically extract deposits with minimal upfront capital and a quicker path to profitability. This innovative approach offers a transformative model for the industry, allowing mining companies to capitalize on deposits that would otherwise be untapped using traditional methods."

Novamera總裁兼首席執行官達斯汀·安吉洛(Dustin Angelo)表示:"我們很高興與Northstar團隊合作,有望將卡姆銅礦的2號區投入生產。在Novamera,我們的任務是賦予像Northstar這樣的公司權力,開採小規模、高價值的關鍵礦產,在當今市場中至關重要。通過我們的先進人工智能和機器學習技術,我們使礦業公司能夠利用傳統的大直徑鑽機設備,以最少的前期資本和更快的盈利路徑,外科手術般地提取礦牀。這種創新的方法爲行業提供了一種變革模式,使礦業公司能夠利用傳統方法無法開採的礦牀。"

What is Surgical MiningTM?

Surgical MiningTM是什麼?

Surgical MiningTM is Novamera's proprietary mining process that combines its mapping, positioning and steering technologies with conventional drilling equipment to exploit narrow, high-grade copper deposits that are the size and style of the Cam Copper Mine No. 2 Zone. This innovative solution is a more cost-effective, rapid path to production that radically reduces environmental and social impact. Given the low upfront capital costs and minimal development costs, Surgical MiningTM offers junior mining companies the opportunity to exploit small, narrow, high-grade mineralized zones, generating sustainable cash flow to fund strategic plans and reduce their reliance on the capital markets. In addition, permitting time and expense are generally significantly reduced owing to the small environmental footprint and operational scale.

Surgical MiningTM是Novamera的專有采礦工藝,結合其 mapping、positioning 和 steering 科技與傳統鑽探設備,用於開採尺寸和風格類似 Cam 銅礦二號區的窄小、高品位銅礦牀。這種創新性解決方案更具成本效益,可以快速實現生產,極大地降低了環境和社會影響。由於低前期資本成本和最小開發成本,Surgical MiningTM爲初創礦業公司提供了開採小型、窄型、高品位礦化帶的機會,產生可持續的現金流以資助戰略計劃,並減少對資本市場的依賴。此外,由於較小的環境足跡和運營規模,許可時間和費用通常顯著減少。

MOU Stages, Turnkey Mining Provision and Project Funding


The Novamera MOU sets out a 4-Stage process to Surgically MineTM copper at Northstar's Miller Copper-Gold Property over the next 12-18 months that includes:

Novamera的諒解備忘錄規定了一個 4 階段的流程,在未來 12-18 個月內 Surgically MineTM 在 Northstar 的 Miller Copper-Gold Property 上開採銅,包括:

  • Stage 1 Conceptual surgical mining economic desktop evaluation, 3D block model development (near completion).

  • Stage 2 Guidance tool calibration activities, mine permitting, environmental impact assessment.

  • Stage 3 Initial surgical mining employing rotary drilling methods.

  • Stage 4 Expansion of Surgical MiningTM to other areas of the Cam Copper Project.

  • 第一階段:概念性手術採礦經濟桌面評估,3D塊模型的開發(接近完成)。

  • 第二階段:引導工具校準活動,礦許可,環境影響評估。

  • 第三階段:採用迴轉鑽探方法進行初始手術採礦。

  • 第四階段:擴大 Surgical MiningTm 至 Cam 銅項目的其他區域。

Upon completion of the Stage 1 Economic Forecast, Stage 2 Mine Plan and having entered into a definitive agreement related to the Transaction, Novamera will engage with prospective financial partners and government grant agencies to secure financing for Stage 3 of the Cam Copper Mine Zone 2 Surgical MiningTM Program. Project funding is not expressly guaranteed by Novamera. In the event Novamera secures project funding, or the necessary portion thereof to commence Surgical MiningTM in Zone 2, a separate agreement will be entered into defining commitments and obligations related to project financing between the Parties and corresponding financial partner(s).

完成第一階段經濟預測、第二階段礦業規劃,並與交易相關的明確協議後,Novamera將與潛在的金融合作夥伴和政府津貼機構合作,爲Cam Copper礦區2號手術採礦程序的第三階段籌集資金。項目資金並非Novamera明確保證。如果Novamera獲得項目資金,或者必要的資金部分以開始在2號區進行手術採礦,將簽訂單獨協議,定義各方及相應金融合作夥伴之間與項目融資相關的承諾和義務。

Stage 4 Expansion Project Area and Turnkey Solution First Right of Refusal


Upon completion of Stage 3 Surgical MiningTM, Novamera will have a Right of First Refusal ("ROFR") to provide the Turnkey Solution at other steeply dipping mineral deposits within the Project Area (Figure 1), provided those veins are applicable to be mined using Surgical MiningTM. Other deposits where Surgical MiningTM is not the most practical or economic are outside the scope of this MOU and the ROFR will not apply.


Figure 1. Miller Copper-Gold Property
Novamera and Hunan Nonferrous MOU Project Areas

圖1. 米勒銅金礦產權

Underground Development and Historic Copper Production at Cam Copper - Direct Shipping Ore

Cam Copper礦開採地下發展與歷史銅產量-直運礦石

The Cam Copper Mine hosts at least three separate lenses (Zone 1, Zone 2, Zone 3 and a possible Zone 4- Figure 2) of massive copper sulphides about 30-50 metres apart striking and plunging southeast along the contact with the Round Lake Granite Batholith. Underground development took place between 1929 and 1953 which includes sinking of a 220' (66.7m) vertical shaft with 213' (64.5m) of cross cutting and 267' (80.9m) of drifting. The recent drilling and surface sampling results substantiate historic reporting of a 1955 shipment of 346 tons of hoisted underground ore which produced 43,411 lbs. of Cu2 at a Noranda smelter for a recovered grade of 6.3% Cu. The ore was shipped directly from the mine site to the smelter without requiring further concentration in a mill. A previous 1948 shipment of 22 tons of ore to Noranda reportedly graded 12.72% Cu, 0.84 oz/t Ag and 0.03 oz/t Au3, presumably from Zone 1.

Cam Copper礦區至少擁有三個獨立的鏡片(1號區、2號區、3號區和可能的4號區-圖2)的大規模硫化銅,相距約30-50米,沿着與Round Lake花崗岩岩基的接觸面向東南走向及下降。地下開發發生在1929年至1953年之間,其中包括一個220英尺(66.7米)垂直豎井的鑽進,213英尺(64.5米)的橫向開採和267英尺(80.9米)的開拓。最近的鑽探和地表採樣結果證實了關於1955年裝船346噸地下礦石的歷史報告,這些礦石在Noranda冶煉廠生產了43,411磅Cu2,回收率爲6.3% Cu。這些礦石直接從礦山現場運送到冶煉廠,而無需在礦粉廠進行進一步的濃縮處理。據稱此前1948年向諾蘭達運送的22噸礦石平均品位爲12.72% Cu,0.84盎司/短噸Ag和0.03盎司/短噸Au3,可能來自1號區。

Figure 2. Cam Copper Mine 3D Model Illustrating VMS Zones 1, 2 and 3
Historic Drilling

圖2. Cam銅礦三維模型展示VMS區域1、2和3
前運營商在該地區進行了3個鑽孔(BER-G-15、BER-J-14和BER-F-13)於2010年進行。只有BER-J-14在超過400萬的範圍內返回了1.48% Cu和196g/t Ag。這些鑽孔位置邊上有主要銅異常,因此不認爲這些鑽探已經完全測試該地區。而且南北向鑽探的方向也不利於探測西部任何潛在的礦化。

Historic drilling intercepts in Zone 1 by Consolidated Golden Arrow Mines Ltd. at the Cam Copper Mine include: 4

Consolidated Golden Arrow Mines Ltd.在Cam銅礦區1號區的歷史鑽探截獲包括:4

  • 1.6% Cu over 6.6' (2.0m) in DDH 1

  • 9.8% Cu over 4' (1.21m) in DDH 1A

  • 12.4 % Cu over 7.8' (2.36m) in DDH 3

  • 7.0% Cu over 6' (1.82m) in DDH 4

  • 1. 深鑽孔1中的銅含量爲1.6%,長度爲6.6英尺(2.0米)

  • 9.8% Cu over 4英尺(1.21米)的銅含量在DDH 1A中

  • 12.4% Cu over 7.8英尺(2.36米)的銅含量在DDH 3中

  • 7.0% Cu over 6英尺(1.82米)的銅含量在DDH 4中

Average sampling grade reported in Zone 1 was 8.5% Cu over a true width of 4.4' (1.33m) indicated over 100' (30.3m) along strike.


Historic drilling intercepts by Consolidated Golden Arrow Mines Ltd. in Zone 2 include: 4


  • 10.5% Cu over 0.5' (0.15m) in DDH 1A

  • 19.9% Cu over 3.1' (0.94m) in DDH 3

  • 23.1% Cu over 4.6' (1.39m) in DDH 4 ---> down plunge extension below workings

  • 12.4% Cu over 3.3' (1.0m) in DDH 7 ---> down plunge extension below workings

  • 1A號鑽孔中銅含量爲10.5%,長度爲0.5英尺(0.15米)

  • 3號鑽孔中銅含量爲19.9%,長度爲3.1英尺(0.94米)

  • 4號鑽孔中銅含量爲23.1%,長度爲4.6英尺(1.39米)-->朝向工業下伸展延伸

  • 7號鑽孔中銅含量爲12.4%,長度爲3.3英尺(1.0米)-->朝向工業下伸展延伸

Average sampling grade reported in Zone 2 was 10% Cu over a true width of 2.8' (0.85m) indicated over 140' (42.4m) along strike. 4


Bornite was reported to be common in Zone 2 with the bornite rich pods of massive sulphides remaining open down plunge to the southeast.4


Boston Creek Mines Historic Copper Production - Direct Shipping Ore


Additional high grade Cu production was recorded at the Amity and Patterson Mines located on Boston Creek Mines Property less than 2 km to the northwest of Cam Copper (Figure 1). The Amity hosts a 1020' 2-compartment shaft with 5 levels of development (50, 125, 475, 600 and 1000' levels). The best reported ore in the mine graded 7-8% Cu across 11 feet at the 350' level5,7. Multiple shipments of direct shipping ore were reportedly sent to the Noranda smelter between 1926 and 1955.

Amity礦和Patterson礦的額外高品位銅產量位於距離Cam Copper不到2公里的Boston Creek Mines Property上(圖1)。Amity擁有一座1020英尺的雙艙口,有5個開發級(50、125、475、600和1000英尺級)。該礦最佳報道的礦石在350英尺級梯級中評定爲7-8% Cu5,7。據報道,1926年至1955年間多批直接出口礦石被髮送至Noranda冶煉廠。

The Patterson Mine, located less than 1 kilometre to the northwest of Cam Copper along the same stratigraphic horizon hosts a 520' sub vertical shaft with 4 levels of development (125, 250, 375 and 500' levels). Ore shoots up to 4 feet in width produced ore shipments that averaged 8% Cu6,7 and 0.5 oz/T Ag in 1928-29. Overall, the Patterson Mine shipped >4000 Tons of direct shipping ore directly to the Noranda Smelter between 1926 and 1955.

Patterson礦位於Cam Copper西北不到1公里,與同一地層層位相同,擁有一個520英尺的垂直井口,有4個開發級(125、250、375和500英尺級)。寬達4英尺的礦層產生的礦石發貨平均含8% Cu6,7和0.5盎司/噸的Ag在1928-29年。總體上,Patterson礦在1926年至1955年間直接向Noranda冶煉廠發貨超過4000噸的直接出口礦石。

Northstar recently expanded its coverage of the South Boston Creek Copper Trend by signing Letters of Intent with owners of the neighboring and adjacent Boston Creek Mines (Please see Northstar News Release dated May 16, 2024) and Philip Property (Please see Northstar News Release dated May 28, 2024). Three recently defined near-surface EM survey conductors on the Miller Copper-Gold Property, believed to represent near-surface volcanogenic massive sulphides (VMS) horizons, extend southeast onto the Philip Property, with the central conductor extending as much as 350 metres across the property line. Northstar's LOI agreements effectively consolidate the 4-kilometre South Boston Creek Copper Trend, providing the Company an exploration buffer zone, a 6-month exclusivity period and 1 year Right of First Refusal to conduct due diligence studies and negotiate possible acquisition terms.

Northstar最近通過與鄰近的Boston Creek Mines的所有者簽署意向書(請參閱Northstar資訊日期爲2024年5月16日的新聞發佈)和Philip Property意向書(請參閱Northstar資訊日期爲2024年5月28日的新聞發佈)擴大了其南Boston Creek Copper趨勢的覆蓋範圍。最近確定的Miller Copper-Gold Property近表層Em測量電磁波導體,被認爲代表近表層的火山岩漿型大規模硫化物(VMS)地層,延伸至Philip Property東南,中央波導體延伸至物業界線長達350米。Northstar的意向書協議有效地整合了全長4公里的南Boston Creek Copper趨勢,爲該公司提供了勘探緩衝區、6個月的排他期和1年的優先購買權,以進行盡職調查研究並商談可能的收購條款。

2 Ontario Ministry of Energy, Northern Development and Mines Mineral Deposit Inventory Record MDI31M13NW000154: Tretheway-Ossian- 1981, Ch.H. Cameron-1981.

2 Ontario能源、北方開發和礦山部礦產存儲庫記錄MDI31M13NW000154:Tretheway-Ossian- 1981,C.H. Cameron-1981。

3 Ontario Ministry of Energy, Northern Development and Mines and Mines Assessment File #KL-0259, Tretheway-Ossian (Cam Copper Mine). 1961

3 Ontario能源、北方開發和礦山部和礦山評估文件#KL-0259,Tretheway-Ossian(Cam Copper礦)。1961

4 Ontario Ministry of Energy, Northern Development and Mines and Mines Assessment File #KL-0843, Prospectus of Fidelity Mining Investments Ltd. 1962

4 安大略省能源、北方發展和礦山部和礦山評估文件#KL-0843,Fidelity Mining Investments Ltd. 1962年招股說明書

5 Ontario Ministry of Energy, Northern Development and Mines Mineral Deposit Inventory Record MDI32D04SW00006: Amity - 1981, Gilson - 1981, Boston Creek - 1981, Golden Arrow - 1981

5 安大略省能源、北方發展和礦山部礦產儲量清單記錄MDI32D04SW00006: Amity - 1981, Gilson - 1981, Boston Creek - 1981, Golden Arrow - 1981

6 Ontario Ministry of Energy, Northern Development and Mines Mineral Deposit Inventory Record MDI32D04SW00005: Patterson - 1981, Boston Creek Property - 2006, Marge - 1981, Coutts - 1981, Gilson - 1981

6 安大略省能源、北方發展和礦山部礦產儲量清單記錄MDI32D04SW00005: Patterson - 1981, Boston Creek Property - 2006, Marge - 1981, Coutts - 1981, Gilson - 1981

7 Shklanka, Roman (editor) 1969: Copper, Nickel, Lead and Zinc Deposits of Ontario; Ontario Department of Mines, Mineral Resources Circular 12, 394p. Reprinted 1989.p.366

7 Shklanka, Roman (編輯) 1969: 安大略省銅、鎳、鉛和鋅礦牀; 安大略省礦山部,礦產資源通報12,394頁。1989年重印。第366頁

Qualified Person


Brian P. Fowler, P.Geo., President, CEO and Director of Northstar Gold Corp, is a Qualified Person as defined by National Instrument 43-101. Mr. Fowler has reviewed the technical information in this news release and approves the written disclosure contained herein.

Northstar Gold Corp的總裁,首席執行官和董事Brian P. Fowler P.Geo., 是根據第43-101號國家規定文件定義的有資質人員("Qualified Person")。Fowler先生已經審核了本新聞稿中的技術信息,並批准了此處披露的文字。

2024 EM Survey Defines 350m Long, Possible Near-Surface VMS Drill Target South of Cam Copper Mine

2024電磁勘測確定了35000萬長可能接近表層的Cam Copper Mine南部的VMS鑽井目標

Northstar recently completed down-hole and grid-scale EM geophysical surveys over a 900 metre distance from Cam Copper Mine, defining a 350 metre long, 200 Siemens near-surface EM conductor, 600 - 900 metres along strike to the southeast of the mine site. (Please see Northstar News Release Dated May 16, 2024)

Northstar最近完成了針對Cam Copper Mine周圍900米範圍內的下孔和網格尺度的電磁地質勘測,確定了一個長350米、200西門子的接近表層的電磁傳導體,在距礦山東南側的地點沿走向600-900米處。(請參閱Northstar 2024年5月16日新聞稿)

Prior to drill testing the 200 Siemens Conductor, Northstar recently expanded its coverage of the South Boston Creek Copper Trend by signing Letters of Intent with owners of the neighboring and adjacent Boston Creek Mines and Philip Property. The Boston Creek Mines Property contains 2 historic high-grade copper shaft mines along the northwestern half of the South Boston Creek Copper Trend, immediately adjacent to the Miller Copper-Gold Property. Three recently defined near-surface EM survey conductors on the Miller Copper-Gold Property, believed to represent near-surface volcanogenic massive sulphides (VMS) horizons, extend southeast onto the Philip Property, with the central conductor extending as much as 350 metres across the property line. Northstar's LOI agreements effectively consolidate the 4-kilometre South Boston Creek Copper Trend, providing the Company an exploration buffer zone, a 6-month exclusivity period and 1 year Right of First Refusal to conduct due diligence studies and negotiate possible acquisition terms.

在對200 Siemens Conductor進行鑽探測試之前,Northstar最近通過與鄰近的Boston Creek Mines和Philip Property的所有者簽署意向書,擴大了其對南波士頓溪銅礦趨勢的覆蓋範圍。 Boston Creek Mines Property包含2個歷史高品位的銅礦豎井,位於南波士頓溪銅礦趨勢的西北半部,緊鄰Miller銅金礦產權。最近確定的Miller銅金產權上的3個近表層Em測量傳導體被認爲代表近表層火山岩漿鍶鉛鋅礦層,向東南延伸至Philip Property,中央傳導體延伸至財產線長達350米。Northstar的意向書協議有效地整合了4公里的南波士頓溪銅礦趨勢,爲公司提供了勘探緩衝區,6個月的排他性期限和1年的優先購買權,以進行盡職調查研究和協商可能的收購條款。

Northstar is positioning to drill test the Zone 2 Extension Conductor in Q4, 2024.

Northstar正計劃在2024年第4季度對Zone 2 Extension Conductor進行鑽探測試。

About Novamera


Novamera is a surgical mining technology company that has developed data driven hardware and software solutions that pinpoint, map, navigate and extract high value narrow vein deposits. Novamera's precision drilling products integrate into conventional drilling equipment, enabling mining companies to quickly and sustainably mine various metal and mineral deposits that are otherwise uneconomic due to size, geometry and orientation. The process has large scale environmental and social impacts to support ESG targets and improve social licence. Requiring a small footprint with no blasting, the solution produces 95% less waste, 44% less GHG emissions and 99% less water discharge. *


*Readers are warned that historic information referred to in this news release have not been verified by a Qualified Person.


About Northstar


Northstar's primary focus is to advance and expand the near-surface, Allied Gold Zone bulk-tonnage gold-telluride deposit by way of the recently signed Hunan Nonferrous MOU and develop high-grade VMS copper mineral deposits by way of the recently signed Novamera Surgical MiningTM MOU on the Company's flagship, 100%-owned Miller Copper Gold Property, situated 18 km southeast of Kirkland Lake, Ontario. The Company's strategy is to develop a material (+1M ounce gold / high-grade copper) mineral resource base to either supplement a nearby mining operation or support a stand-alone mining operation(s) at the Property.

Northstar的主要重點是通過最近簽署的Hunan Nonferrous MOU推進和擴展近表層的聯盟黃金區大型金-碲礦牀,並通過最近簽署的Novamera Surgical MiningTm MOU開發高品位的VMS銅礦牀,位於距離安大略柯克蘭湖東南18公里的旗艦、100%擁有的Miller銅金礦產權上。公司的策略是發展一個可補充附近採礦業務或支持該產權上獨立採礦業務的物質(+100萬盎司黃金/高品位銅)礦產資源基礎。

On behalf of the Board of Directors,


Mr. Brian P. Fowler, P.Geo.
President, CEO and Director
(604) 617-8191

Brian P. Fowler先生,P.Geo。

Cautionary Note Regarding Forward-Looking Statements


All statements, other than statements of historical fact, contained in this news release constitute "forward-looking information" within the meaning of applicable Canadian securities laws and "forward-looking statements" within the meaning of the United States Private Securities Litigation Reform Act of 1995 (referred to herein as "forward-looking statements"). Forward-looking statements include, but are not limited to, disclosure regarding the completion of the Offering and potential gross proceeds to be raised pursuant thereto, the receipt of all applicable regulatory approvals, the prospective nature of the Company's property interests, exploration plans and expected results, conditions or financial performance that is based on assumptions about future economic conditions and courses of action; planned use of proceeds, expenditures and budgets and the execution thereof. Generally, these forward-looking statements can be identified by the use of forward-looking terminology such as "plans", "expects" or "does not expect", "is expected", "budget", "scheduled", "estimates", "forecasts", "intends", "anticipates" or "does not anticipate" or "believes", or the negative connotation thereof or variations of such words and phrases or state that certain actions, events or results, "may", "could", "would", "will", "might" or "will be taken", "occur" or "be achieved" or the negative connotation thereof.


All forward-looking statements are based on various assumptions, including, without limitation, the expectations and beliefs of management, the receipt of applicable regulatory approvals. availability of financing, the assumed long-term price of gold, that the current exploration and other objectives concerning its mineral projects can be achieved and that its other corporate activities will proceed as expected; that the current price and demand for gold will be sustained or will improve; the continuity of the price of gold and other metals, economic and political conditions and operations; the prospective nature of the Company's properties, availability of financing, and that general business and economic conditions will not change in a materially adverse manner.


Forward-looking statements are subject to known and unknown risks, uncertainties and other factors that may cause the actual results, level of activity, performance or achievements of NSG to be materially different from those expressed or implied by such forward-looking statements, including but not limited to: risks and uncertainties related to the completion of the Offering as presently proposed or at all, the failure to obtain all applicable regulatory approvals; actual results of current exploration activities; environmental risks; future prices of gold; operating risks; accidents, labour issues and other risks of the mining industry; delays in obtaining government approvals or financing; and other risks and uncertainties. These risks and uncertainties are not, and should not be construed as being, exhaustive.


Although NSG has attempted to identify important factors that could cause actual results to differ materially from those contained in forward-looking statements, there may be other factors that cause results not to be as anticipated, estimated or intended. There can be no assurance that such statements will prove to be accurate, as actual results and future events could differ materially from those anticipated in such statements. In addition, forward-looking statements are provided solely for the purpose of providing information about management's current expectations and plans and allowing investors and others to get a better understanding of our operating environment. Accordingly, readers should not place undue reliance on forward-looking statements.


Forward-looking statements in this news release are made as of the date hereof and NSG assume no obligation to update any forward-looking statements, except as required by applicable laws.


声明:本內容僅用作提供資訊及教育之目的,不構成對任何特定投資或投資策略的推薦或認可。 更多信息