
AIA Women's Leadership Summit Marks 15th Anniversary With Milestones: Three Years of National Female Leadership and Record Female Membership

AIA Women's Leadership Summit Marks 15th Anniversary With Milestones: Three Years of National Female Leadership and Record Female Membership

aia grp t2s4009女性領導峯會迎來15週年,取得了里程碑式的成就:三年全國女性領導力和創紀錄的女性會員
PR Newswire ·  10/08 10:42

Over 1,000 women designers will attend the aptly named "Building Resilience" conference to discuss and explore resilience, adaptability, and perseverance.


CHICAGO, Oct. 8, 2024 /PRNewswire/ -- The American Institute of Architects (AIA) kicks off its 2024 Women's Leadership Summit (WLS) today, with three days of networking and education for women in design and construction. The summit aims to advance equality and gender parity in the industry. The 2024 theme, "Building Resilience," challenges traditional thinking to foster positive change by exploring resilience, adaptability in a constantly shifting landscape, and perseverance during difficult times.

芝加哥,2024年10月8日 /美通社/ -- 美國建築師協會(aia grp t2s4009)今天啓動了其2024年女性領導峯會(WLS),爲設計和施工領域的女性提供爲期三天的網絡和教育。該峯會旨在促進行業中的平等和性別平衡。2024年主題爲"建設韌性",挑戰傳統思維,通過探討韌性、適應能力及在不斷變化的環境中堅韌的品質來促進積極變革。

Celebrating the 15th anniversary of the first WLS gathering, over 1,000 women attendees will commemorate a significant milestone: for the first time, women make up more than one-fourth—26.8 percent—of AIA's total membership. This year also marks the second of three consecutive years with women serving as AIA national leaders, another first in the organization's history.

慶祝第一次女性領導峯會聚會15週年,超過1,000名女性參與者將紀念一個重要里程碑:首次女性在美國建築師協會(aia grp t2s4009)的總會員中佔比超過四分之一--26.8%。今年也標誌着連續三年中第二次女性擔任aia全國領導之一,這在該組織的歷史上也是首次。

"AIA's membership demographics are shifting," said AIA President Kimberly N. Dowdell, AIA, NOMAC. "We are seeing more women and people of color join our ranks as we approach our goal of reaching 100,000 members this year. Our industry has made some progress in terms of inclusion, but we understand that we have a long way to go. This is why one of the AIA's key strategic goals alongside climate action for human and ecological health is racial, ethnic and gender equity. I'm proud of the work AIA is doing to move the needle, but it is clear that we must do more."

"美國建築師協會(aia grp t2s4009)的會員構成正在發生變化,"美國建築師協會(aia grp t2s4009)會長金伯利·N·道德爾,aia,NOMAC表示"當我們逐步接近今年達到10萬成員的目標時,我們看到更多女性和有色人種加入我們的隊伍。在包容方面,我們的行業已經取得了一些進展,但我們明白我們還有很長的路要走。這就是爲什麼作爲美國建築師協會(aia grp t2s4009)的關鍵戰略目標之一,我們將氣候行動與人類和生態健康的種族、民族和性別平等緊密結合。我爲美國建築師協會(aia grp t2s4009)正在推進變革的工作感到自豪,但明顯地我們必須做得更多。"

According to AIA's 2023 Membership Demographics report, released in 2024, AIA reached a historic membership high of 98,743 members at the end of last year. Women now account for 26.8 percent of the total membership. The number of female licensed architects is 27 percent, according to National Council of Architectural Registration Boards (NCARB) By the Numbers 2024 report. Over 40 percent of the Associate Architects membership category are now women, indicating a strong potential pipeline of future licensed professionals. This correlates with NCARB's reports that 46 percent of their licensure population were women, an increase over the past five years.

根據美國建築師協會(aia grp t2s4009)2023年會員構成報告,該協會在去年年底達到了歷史性的會員高點,達98743名成員。現在女性佔總會員數的26.8%。根據國家建築註冊委員會(NCARB)的《數量統計2024》報告,女執照建築師的比例爲27%。超過40%的助理建築師會員現在是女性,這表明未來有潛力成爲執照專業人員的人才儲備。這與NCARB的報告相一致,其執照人口中46%是女性,這在過去五年中有所增加。

For the first time, women Associate members achieved near parity with their male counterparts in obtaining their license—49.9 percent in 2023. Comparatively, (NCARB) reported that 44 percent of those who completed the Architect Registration Exam (ARE) in 2022 were women. Representation of underrepresented racial and ethnic groups also increased, growing from 12.2 percent in 2013 to 17.9 percent in 2023.


"Women in leadership roles bring transformative perspectives that drive innovation and progress in architecture," said AIA EVP/Chief Executive Officer Lakisha Ann Woods, CAE. "It's essential to ensure that their voices are heard and their contributions are valued at every level. We created the "Stop the Clock" campaign, because research showed that the 5-year time limit for taking the Architecture Registration Exams disproportionately impacted women and people of color. By removing barriers to entry, we can create a more equitable and inclusive profession where women can thrive and lead."

「擔任領導角色的女性爲建築行業帶來了變革性的視角,促進了創新和進步,」 AIA執行副總裁/首席執行官Lakisha Ann Woods,CAE表示。「確保聽取她們的聲音並重視她們的貢獻在各個層面都是至關重要的。我們發起了『停止計時』活動,因爲研究顯示,爲參加建築註冊考試設定的5年時間限制對女性和有色人種的影響最大。通過消除進入障礙,我們可以創造一個更具公平和包容性的職業環境,讓女性能夠蓬勃發展和領導。」

AIA's Growing Gender Diversity
AIA's membership has become more gender-diverse over time, thanks in part to key developments in the professional pipeline. In 2023, the National Architectural Accrediting Board (NAAB) reported that women made up slightly more than half of enrolled students in accredited architecture programs. In the same year, NCARB noted that women represented 44 percent of those completing the ARE and 45 percent of those completing the Architectural Experience Program (AXP), up from 34 percent and 36 percent, respectively, in 2012.


Women in AIA Leadership
In a historic first for AIA, three consecutive years of national female leadership are underway, with 2023 President Emily Grandstaff-Rice, FAIA; 2024 President Kimberly N. Dowdell, AIA; and 2025 President-Elect Evelyn M. Lee, FAIA. Dowdell is the first Black female president and the first millennial president in AIA's history. Woods, the organization's second-ever female CEO, is also the first Black woman to hold the position in its 167-year history. These milestones signal AIA's effort to move the organization into a more inclusive environment.

AIA創歷史性地進行了連續三年的全國女性領導,2023年總裁Emily Grandstaff-Rice,FAIA;2024年總裁Kimberly N. Dowdell,AIA;以及2025年總裁候選Evelyn m. Lee,FAIA。Dowdell是AIA歷史上第一位黑人女性總裁,也是第一位千禧一代總裁。Woods,該組織有史以來第二位女性首席執行官,也是AIA有167年曆史以來第一位黑人女性擔任這一職位。這些里程碑標誌着AIA努力使整個組織進入更具包容性的環境。

AIA continues to promote opportunities for women in the form of leadership, from the national board members and at local chapter levels. More than one-third of AIA's chapter leadership is female.


Supporting Women of Color in Architecture
The U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics reports that women comprised 31 percent of architects in 2023, an all-time high, compared to 29.8 percent in 2022. However, representation of women of color remains a challenge. According to NCARB, the percentage of licensed Black or African American female architects has remained stagnant at just 0.4 percent since 2018. Despite these figures, women of every racial and ethnic group represent a higher proportion within AIA's membership than in the general profession, reflecting the organization's efforts to create a more inclusive community.


To further the progress of women leaders in architecture, AIA launched the Next to Lead program, a nine-month leadership development initiative for racially and ethnically diverse women in architecture aspiring to AIA leadership roles. The program has graduated over 60 women, and the 2024 cohort of 20 participants will attend their first summit as part of the program. Past graduates of the program, such as Sophia Tarkhan, AIA, NOMA, who became President of AIA Georgia in 2024, and Melania Ray, AIA, who elevated to Baltimore NOMA Chapter President and now serves on the Equity and Future of Architecture Committee, exemplify the transformative impact of the program.

爲進一步推動建築領域女性領導者的進步,AIA推出了「下一個領袖」計劃,這是爲建築領域不同族裔的女性設計的九個月領導力發展項目,旨在成爲AIA領導角色的人才。該計劃已畢業超過60位女性,2024年的20位參與者將作爲該計劃的一部分參加首次峯會。該計劃的過去畢業生,如Sophia Tarkhan(AIA,NOMA)在2024年成爲了AIA喬治亞分會會長,以及Melania Ray(AIA),她晉升爲巴爾的摩NOMA分會會長,現在是平等與建築未來委員會成員,展示了該計劃的轉變性影響。

On Building Resilience
AIA WLS leaders and sessions will encourage participants to lean in, share and ask how can we safeguard society's health, safety, and welfare amid individual struggles? Questions will be posed about where our power lies and are we identifying our own blind spots and biases? How does intersectionality reveal the skills needed for impactful change?

AIA WLS領導者和會議將鼓勵參與者投入,分享並詢問如何在個人鬥爭中如何保障社會的健康、安全和福祉?問題將涉及我們的權力所在以及是否識別了自己的盲點和偏見?交織性如何呈現出對具有影響力變革所需的技能?

Conference content is organized around the themes of: Equity, Diversity, & Inclusion in Practice & the Workplace; Leadership & Community Resilience; Business & Organizational Operations & Systems; Design Excellence & Equity in the Built Environment; and Personal, Professional, & Social Resilience in Practice.


WLS speakers and event highlights include:


  • Kimberlé Crenshaw: African American Policy Forum Co-founder and executive director
  • Sumayya Vally: Counterspace founder and principal
  • Aileen Fuchs: National Building Museum president & executive director
  • Ciere Boatright: Chicago Department of Planning and Development commissioner
  • Kimberly N. Dowdell, AIA, NOMAC: The American Institute of Architects 2024 president; director of Strategic Relationships at HOK
  • Lakisha Ann Woods, CAE: AIA EVP/Chief Executive Officer
  • Open Houses with Studio Gang & Chicago Architecture Center
  • Kimberlé Crenshaw:非洲裔美國人政策論壇聯合創始人兼總裁
  • Sumayya Vally:Counterspace創始人和負責人
  • Aileen Fuchs:國家建築博物館館長兼董事
  • Ciere Boatright:芝加哥市規劃和發展局局長
  • Kimberly N. Dowdell, AIA, NOMAC:美國建築師協會2024年主席;HOK戰略關係總監
  • Lakisha Ann Woods, CAE:AIA執行副總裁/首席執行官
  • 與Studio Gang和芝加哥建築中心的開放之家

To view the full schedule and get more information about the WLS visit:


ABOUT AIA Women's Leadership Summit:
AIA WLS, being held at the Hyatt Regency Chicago, is the largest event focused on women in design and construction. Attendees will gain actionable insights to build their career and create professional opportunities. This summit brings together women from all corners of the industry--from experienced professionals to recent graduates--for two days of innovative ideas and fearless conversations that will support and empower women on their leadership journeys in design and construction. The first Women's Leadership Summit was held in 2009 in Chicago. The summits were not held every year until 2022 when CEO Woods made them an annual event.

AIA WLS在芝加哥凱悅酒店舉行,是專注於設計和施工領域的女性的最大活動。與會者將獲得可行的見解,以打造自己的職業生涯並創造專業機會。這次峯會匯聚了來自行業各個角落的女性,從經驗豐富的專業人士到應屆畢業生,爲期兩天的創新理念和無畏對話將支持和激勵女性在設計和施工領域的領導之旅。第一屆女性領導峯會於2009年在芝加哥舉行。直到2022年,首席執行官伍茲將其定爲年度活動,才每年舉辦峯會。

Members of the media interested in covering WLS contact: Matt Tinder, [email protected]

媒體成員有意報道WLS,請聯繫:Matt Tinder,[email protected]

Matt Tinder
(202) 626 7462
[email protected]

Matt Tinder
(202) 626 7462
[email protected]

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