
Guardian Launches GuardianWell, a New Digital Hub Designed to Enhance Benefits Utilization and Inspire Well-being

Guardian Launches GuardianWell, a New Digital Hub Designed to Enhance Benefits Utilization and Inspire Well-being

PR Newswire ·  10/09 09:15

With half of employers looking to improve workforce understanding of benefits, GuardianWell will enhance benefits utilization by offering relevant wellness education and streamlined access to benefits


NEW YORK, Oct. 9, 2024 /PRNewswire/ -- The Guardian Life Insurance Company of America (Guardian) is announcing the launch of GuardianWell, its new digital well-being hub for Group Benefits members.

紐約時間2024年10月9日 / PRNewswire/ - 美國守護人生命保險公司(Guardian)宣佈推出GuardianWell,這是其集團福利成員的新數字福祉中心。

A centerpiece of Guardian's mission to inspire well-being, GuardianWell provides members with a single self-service online hub where they can engage with their wellness benefits and access educational content on mental, physical, and financial well-being, as well as on family and community support topics.


GuardianWell offers members a personalized experience based on their participation in Guardian's various wellness offerings. For all eligible benefits, members can learn more about services provided and how they can start to utilize and make the most of these wellness resources. Wellness offerings integrated into the platform include caregiver support services through Wellthy, a digital substance use management program for tobacco cessation through Pelago, cancer support services via Osara Health, dedicated mental wellness benefits from Spring Health, and employee assistance programs.

GuardianWell根據會員參與守護公司各種健康福利方案的情況,爲會員提供個性化體驗。對於所有符合條件的福利,會員可以了解提供的服務以及如何開始利用和充分利用這些健康資源。該平台整合的健康福利包括通過Wellthy提供的照料者支持服務、通過Pelago提供的數字物質使用管理計劃幫助戒菸、通過Osara Health提供的癌症支持服務、Spring Health提供的專門心理健康福利和僱員援助計劃。

Guardian continues to build on its record of innovation and was one of the first carriers to build caregiver and cancer support within its long-term disability insurance product and include tobacco cessation services in dental insurance offerings. GuardianWell is designed to help members access, understand, and use this expanded suite of wellness benefits.


According to recent research from Guardian, both employers and employees say there is a critical need for enhanced benefits communication and education. Less than half of employees (45%), for example, say that their employer does a good job of educating them about available benefits. Employers feel similarly, with just half saying they are confident that their employees understand their benefits. Additionally, 51% of employers said they would be interested in a single platform through which all wellness-related benefits could be made available. With workplace benefits playing an influential role in supporting employee well-being, closing this education and utilization gap is essential.


"Employers and employees agree that workplace benefits play an important role in supporting a happy, healthy, and productive workforce," said Jonathan Mayhew, Head of Group Benefits at Guardian. "We are excited to launch GuardianWell to offer a one-stop-digital-hub to enhance understanding of wellness resources, drive utilization, and help our members take care of themselves and their families."

「僱主和員工都認爲職場福利在支持一個快樂、健康和高效的員工隊伍中發揮着重要作用,」 Guardian集團福利部門負責人喬納森·梅休說。「我們很高興推出GuardianWell,提供一個一站式數字中心,加強對健康資源的理解,推動利用率,並幫助我們的會員照顧自己和家人。」

To ensure members can get the most out of their benefits, GuardianWell will have single sign-on integration with Guardian Anytime, Guardian's employee benefits online service portal.

爲了確保會員能充分利用他們的福利,GuardianWell將與Guardian Anytime進行單點登錄集成,Guardian Anytime是Guardian的員工福利在線服務門戶。

The launch of GuardianWell coincides with other efforts by Guardian to support well-being, including:


  • Ensuring a simple and clear path to accessing benefits during major life events, including an employee's maternity journey. Across family planning and education, pregnancy, maternity leave, and return to work, members have access to a range of coordinated benefits and services. This includes fertility benefits through Guardian's critical illness insurance, estate and will preparation assistance through employee assistance programs, caregiving support and mental health services to support work-life balance, and access to short-term disability riders that can include coverage for adoption and paternity leave, as well as coverage to ensure new moms receive their benefits from day one. During it all, employees are supported by case managers who are prepared to provide comprehensive, empathetic support.
  • The development of an exclusive pet wellness offering to support pet parents. Guardian Group Benefits customers can elect to purchase a voluntary pet wellness benefit through Wagmo, which provides reimbursement for preventive and routine pet care expenses. With no restrictions for pet age, breed, or pre-existing conditions for all cats and dogs, there are no waiting periods or deductibles, and reimbursements are paid within 24 hours. The benefit also includes innovative telehealth services through VETalk, which provides pet owners with 24-hour access to a veterinary professional through text and video chat.
  • 確保在重大人生事件期間簡單清晰地獲取福利,包括員工的生殖健康之旅。在家庭規劃和教育、懷孕、產假和返職過程中,會員可以獲得一系列協調的福利和服務。這包括通過Guardian的重疾保險提供生育福利,通過員工援助計劃提供繼承和遺囑準備幫助,通過照護支持和心理健康服務提供工作與生活平衡的支持,以及獲得可以包括領養和父親假覆蓋的短期殘疾騎手,並覆蓋以確保新媽媽從一天開始就獲得她們的福利。在這一切過程中,員工會得到準備提供全面、富有同情心支持的案例經理的支持。
  • 開發獨家寵物福利計劃,以支持寵物父母。Guardian集團福利客戶可以選擇通過Wagmo購買一項自願寵物福利福利,該計劃爲預防性和常規寵物護理費用提供報銷。對所有貓和狗,不論年齡、品種或既往病史,都沒有等待期或免賠額,報銷在24小時內支付。該福利還包括通過VETalk提供的創新遠程醫療服務,爲寵物主人提供24小時通過短信和視頻聊天與獸醫專業人員聯繫的渠道。

Initially available to new members with access to Guardian's caregiving support services through Wellthy, Guardian plans to expand GuardianWell's ecosystem and access to more members throughout 2025. More information can be found at .


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About Guardian
Guardian makes a difference in the lives of people when they need us most. With over 160 years of stability and fiscal integrity, we are a trusted resource to generations of families and business owners, inspiring well-being and helping build financial confidence. Today, we stand behind millions of consumers, helping them prepare and plan for a bright future for themselves and their families. We help business owners care for their employees. And we help people recover and thrive in times of unexpected loss. As a modern mutual insurance company, we believe in driving value beyond dividends. We invest in our colleagues, are building an inclusive and innovative culture, and are helping to uplift communities through thoughtful corporate impact programs. Guardian, which is based in New York City, is a leading provider of life, disability, dental, and other benefits, and has received accolades for its culture and service. Our colleagues and financial professionals serve with care and experience, and our commitments rest on a strong financial foundation, which included a 2024 dividend allocation of $1.398 billion – the largest in the company's history. For more information, visit or follow us on Facebook, LinkedIn, and YouTube.


Guardian is a registered trademark of The Guardian Life Insurance Company of America. Copyright 2024 The Guardian Life Insurance Company of America.


Dividends are not guaranteed. They are declared annually by Guardian's Board of Directors. The total dividend calculation includes mortality experience and expense management as well as investment results.

分紅派息不保證。 它們由保護者的董事會每年宣佈。 總紅利計算包括死亡率經驗和費用管理以及投資結果。

Financial information concerning Guardian as of December 31, 2023, on a statutory basis: Admitted assets = $80.3 billion; liabilities = $71.2 billion (including $58.0 billion of reserves); and surplus = $9.1 billion.

關於Guardian的截至2023年12月31日的財務信息,按照法定基礎計算:承認的資產 = 803億美元;負債= 712億美元(包括580億美元的儲備金);剩餘= 91億美元。

Guardian's Short Term Disability is underwritten and issued by The Guardian Life Insurance Company of America, New York, NY. Products are not available in all states. Policy limitations and exclusions apply. Optional riders and/or features may incur additional costs. This policy provides disability income insurance only. It does NOT provide basic hospital, basic medical, or major medical insurance as defined by the New York State Department of Financial Services.


Wellthy, Inc. ("Wellthy") is a vendor to The Guardian Life Insurance Company of America ("Guardian"). Wellthy and Guardian are not affiliated entities. Wellthy provides a dedicated care coordinator to integrate separately retained caregiver resources (e.g., senior care, childcare, etc.) for the benefit of a member and Wellthy permitted dependents/relatives ("Services"). Guardian does not control or provide any part of the Services and does not bear any liability for their provision. This informational resource is not a contract and is for illustrative purposes only. Only the policy contains applicable terms. Guardian and Wellthy reserve the right to discontinue Services at any time without notice. Services may not be available in all states. 2024 The Guardian Life Insurance Company of America.

Wellthy,Inc.("Wellthy")是美國守護者人壽保險公司("Guardian")的供應商。Wellthy和Guardian並非附屬實體。Wellthy爲會員及其允許的受撫養人/親屬("服務")提供專門的護理協調員,用於整合單獨保留的護理資源(例如長者護理、兒童護理等)。Guardian不控制或提供服務的任何部分,並且不對其提供承擔任何責任。此信息資源不構成合同,僅供參考。僅保單包含適用條款。Guardian和Wellthy保留在任何時間通知的情況下停止服務的權利。服務可能並非在所有州均提供。2024 美國守護者人壽保險公司。

Osara Health ("Osara") is a vendor to The Guardian Life Insurance Company of America ("Guardian"). Osara and Guardian are not affiliated entities. Osara provides a personalized support program through certified health coaches to address cancer management issues for the benefit of a member ("Services"). Services are designed for members 18 years+ of age, diagnosed with cancer, regardless of cancer type, stage, or prognosis. Services are not meant to provide medical advice/care. Medical advice/care should be sought from your independent healthcare provider(s). Guardian does not control or provide any part of the Services and does not bear any liability for their provision. Guardian and Osara reserve the right to discontinue Services at any time without notice. Services may not be available in all states.

Osara Health("Osara")是美國守護者人壽保險公司("Guardian")的供應商。Osara和Guardian並非附屬實體。Osara通過認證的健康教練爲會員提供個性化支持計劃,以解決癌症管理問題。服務專爲18歲及以上、被診斷患癌症的會員設計,無論癌症類型、分期或預後如何。服務並非旨在提供醫療建議/護理。醫療建議/護理應由您獨立的醫療保健提供者提供。Guardian不控制或提供服務的任何部分,並且不對其提供承擔任何責任。Guardian和Osara保留在任何時間通知的情況下停止服務的權利。服務可能並非在所有州均提供。

Tobacco Cessation benefits discussed herein are provided by Pelago (Pelago Benefits). Pelago is not a medical care provider. The Guardian Life Insurance Company of America (Guardian) does not control or provide any part of the Pelago Benefits and does not bear any liability for their provision. This informational resource is not a contract and is for illustrative purposes only. Only the policy contains applicable terms. Pelago Benefits may not be available in all states. Guardian and Pelago reserve the right to discontinue the Pelago Benefits at any time without notice.

此處討論的戒菸福利由Pelago(Pelago Benefits)提供。 Pelago不是醫療保健提供者。 美國守護者人壽保險公司(Guardian)不控制或提供Pelago福利的任何部分,並不對其提供承擔任何責任。 此信息資源不構成合同,僅用於說明目的。 只有保單包含適用條款。 在某些州可能無法獲得Pelago福利。 守護者和Pelago保留隨時無需通知終止Pelago福利的權利。

Mental wellness benefits discussed herein are provided by Spring Care, Inc., d/b/a Spring Health ("Spring Health"), 60 Madison Avenue, Floor 2, New York, NY 10010. Spring Health is not an insurance benefit. Insured products are offered by The Guardian Life Insurance Company, New York, N.Y. ("Guardian") which has a financial interest in Spring Health.

此處討論的心理健康福利由Spring Care, Inc.,即Spring Health提供,地址爲紐約市麥迪遜大道60號2樓,郵編10010。 Spring Health不是保險福利。 由守護者人壽保險公司(紐約州紐約市)提供保險產品,守護者對Spring Health有財務利益。

Pet wellness benefits discussed herein are solely provided by Wagmo, Inc. (Wagmo). Pet wellness and VETalk are not insurance benefits. Reimbursement is subject to a maximum annual limit as outlined in the wellness benefit agreement. Guardian is solely a distributor of Wagmo's pet wellness benefits. Wagmo delivers and administers its own products/services. Guardian assumes no responsibility for Wagmo products/services. Wagmo is a registered service mark and registered trademark and is used with express permission.

此處討論的寵物健康福利僅由Wagmo, Inc.(Wagmo)提供。 寵物健康和VETalk不是保險福利。 根據福利協議中概述的最大年度限額進行報銷。 守護者僅是Wagmo寵物健康福利的分銷商。 Wagmo提供並管理其自己的產品/服務。 守護者對Wagmo產品/服務不承擔任何責任。 Wagmo是註冊服務商標和註冊商標,獲得明確許可使用。

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