Alta Copper Achieves Significant Milestones With Drill Permit Approval and Receipt of CIRAS
Alta Copper Achieves Significant Milestones With Drill Permit Approval and Receipt of CIRAS
VANCOUVER, BC / ACCESSWIRE / October 10, 2024 / Alta Copper Corp. (TSX:ATCU)(OTCQX:ATCUF)(BVL:ATCU) ("Alta Copper" or the "Company") is extremely pleased to announce that its Declaración de Impacto Ambiental ("DIA") drill permit application has been approved by the Ministry of Energy and Mines of Peru ("MINEM") while also receiving Certificates of Non-Existence of Archaeological Remains on Surface ("CIRAS") from the Ministry of Culture of Peru.
温哥华,BC / ACCESSWIRE / 2024年10月10日 / 阿尔塔铜公司(TSX:ATCU)(OTCQX:ATCUF)(BVL:ATCU)("阿尔塔铜"或"公司")非常高兴地宣布,其环境影响声明("DIA")钻探许可申请已获得秘鲁能源和矿业部("MINEM")批准,同时还从秘鲁文化部获得了表面上无考古遗迹证书("CIRAS")。
Drill Permit | CIRAS
钻探许可 | CIRAS
The Company submitted its DIA to MINEM in December 2023 which included advanced Environmental and Social Impact Assessment studies ("ESIA"). As previously reported the DIA process included a successful community participation workshop held in late October 2023 during which the Executive Management of Energy and Mines for the Regional Government of Lambayeque explained the scope of the environmental studies and the DIA application to the community of Cañaris. The DIA determines the environmental viability to drill 42,400 meters to be completed in phases of 10,000 meters which is targeted to commence prior to Q2-2025.
公司于2023年12月向MINEM提交了其DIA,其中包括先进的环境和社会影响评估研究("ESIA")。正如先前报道的,DIA过程包括于2023年10月底举行的一次成功的社区参与研讨会,当时兰巴耶克地区政府能源和矿业执行管理部门向Cañaris社区解释了环境研究的范围和DIA申请。 DIA确定了钻探42,400米的环境可行性,将分阶段完成,目标是在2025年第二季度之前开始。
As required pursuant to the National Environmental Impact Assessment System Law approved by Law No 27446, its regulation and the Environmental Protection Regulations for Mining Exploration Activities approved by Supreme Decree N° 042-2017-EM, Alta Copper was required to file an ESIA and obtain an Environmental Management Instrument. The Environmental Management Instrument to conduct mining exploration activities was required in view of the advanced stage of development of the Cañariaco project.
Alta Copper is pleased with the support provided by MINEM. Several in person working sessions and meetings have been held over the course of the last several months that allowed the Company to address all comments received from the General Directorate of Mining Environmental Affairs ("DGAAM") of MINEM, the National Forestry and Wildlife Service ("SERFOR") and the National Water Authority ("ANA"). The Company successfully addressed all observations and comments which resulted in the approval of the DIA.
In addition, several individual CIRAS have now been received from the Ministry of Culture for the Cañariaco Sur and Quebrada Verde areas, such that together with the previous CIRAS certificate granted for the Cañariaco Norte area, all known copper resources for the Cañariaco project have now been determined not to affect any possible archeological remains.
此外,已从文化部收到Cañariaco Sur和Quebrada Verde地区的几份个人CIRAS,使得加上之前授予Cañariaco Norte地区的CIRAS证书,现已确定Cañariaco项目的所有已知铜资源不会影响任何可能存在的考古遗迹。
Approval of the DIA and receipt of CIRAS are significant milestones which will now allow the Company to continue advancing towards a new community agreement and social license to operate, so it can receive its Authorization to Start Exploration Activities from MINEM.
Giulio T. Bonifacio, Executive Chair and CEO, commented: "We are very pleased to have achieved two significant milestones with the approval of our DIA and receipt of CIRAS. We consider the level of support we have received from both MINEM and our local community as a clear reflection of positive developments taking place in Peru. We look forward to the commencement of our drilling program as recent results from our 3D geological modelling have allowed us to gain a much better understanding of Cañariaco mineral resources. Results to date have clearly demonstrated considerable upside through resource expansion drilling which will further enhance already robust economics as recently published in our Preliminary Economic Assessment."
GiuIio T. Bonifacio,执行主席兼首席执行官,评论说:“我们非常高兴通过批准我们的DIA和接收CIRAS来实现两个重要的里程碑。我们认为我们从MINEm和我们当地社区收到的支持程度,清楚反映出秘鲁正发生的积极发展。我们期待着启动我们的钻探计划,因为我们最近进行的3D地质建模已让我们对Cañariaco的矿产资源有了更好的理解。迄今为止的结果清楚地表明,通过资源扩张钻探,已经证实了相当大的上行空间,这将进一步增强已经在我们最近发布的初步经济评估中公布的坚实的经济数字。”
Proposed Drilling Program
In anticipation of the Company's drilling program Alta Copper completed a new geological model for the Cañariaco Norte deposit in 2024 while identifying significant mineralization potential and numerous high priority drill targets which will provide the foundation for future drilling programs. The DIA will allow for up to 42,400 metres of drilling to be completed in phases of 10,000 meters. Figure 1 below highlights both historic drilling and proposed drilling:
在公司的钻探计划即将开始之际,Alta Copper在2024年为Cañariaco Norte矿床完成了一个新的地质模型,同时确定了重要的矿化潜力和许多高优先级的钻探目标,这将为未来的钻探计划奠定基础。 DIA将允许完成长达42,400米的钻探,分为10,000米的阶段进行。下图1突出显示了历史钻探和拟议钻探:
The proposed drill holes have been targeted to cross and fill in the recently identified zones of high-grade copper mineralization extending to depth in Cañariaco Norte which are not included in the current mineral resource estimate due to drill spacing between the holes and limitations of drill data at depth (See Figures 2 to 3).
拟议的钻孔的目标是穿越并填补Cañariaco Norte近期确定的高品位铜矿化区的深部,这些区域由于钻孔间距和深部钻探数据的限制,未包含在当前的矿产资源估算中(请参见图2至3)。
The remaining drill platforms will be used to drill the Cañariaco Sur and Quebrada Verde porphyries, targeting extensions of known mineralization laterally and at depth and near surface geochemical anomalies and mineralization exposed in creek beds.
剩余的钻探平台将用于钻探Cañariaco Sur和Quebrada Verde斑岩体,主要针对已知矿化的横向和深部延伸,以及近地表的地球化学异常和露头矿化在河床上露出。
Geological Modelling completed in 2024 included the re-interpretation of district-scale and project-specific geology including statistical analyses on alteration effects to various lithologies. The 2024 geological modelling identified several high-grade copper zones with previously untested potential depth extensions. These zones as well as internal zones, where infill drilling could expand some high-grade zones, will be drill tested with the goal of further enhancing the current substantial mineral resource already defined at Cañariaco.
2024年完成的地质建模包括对区域尺度和项目特定地质的重新解释,包括对不同岩性的改造效应进行的统计分析。 2024年的地质建模确定了多个高品位铜区,具有先前未经测试的潜在深部延伸。这些区域以及内部区域,其中补充钻探可以扩大一些高品位区域,将进行钻探测试,旨在进一步增强已在Cañariaco地区定义的重要矿产资源。
The 2024 geological model for alteration and lithologies relies on detailed logging of 85,000 metres drilled between 2004 and 2013, largely in Cañariaco Norte. Information which was captured in historic logs has been recently reviewed. Multi-element geochemical data available for most of the holes was used to establish lithological and alteration zonation modelling. The data collected has not previously been incorporated into a formal three-dimensional geological model.
2024年有关改造和岩性的地质模型依赖于2004年至2013年之间钻探的85,000米的详细记录,主要位于Cañariaco Norte。 对历史记录中捕获的信息最近进行了审查。 用于建立岩性和改造分区模型的多元素地球化学数据可用于大多数钻孔。 收集的数据以往尚未纳入正式的三维地质模型。
It is expected that future drilling of our defined high priority targets is expected to improve project economics recently reported in the Company's Preliminary Economic Assessment completed in May 2024. Further drilling and resource expansions will be considered as the project continues along the development and permitting path.
预计未来对我们定义的高优先级目标进行的钻探将有助于改善公司2024年5月完成的初步经济评估中最近报告的项目经济效益。 随着项目在开发和许可路径上的继续推进,进一步的钻探和资源扩张将被考虑。
A review of deeper zones of the Norte deposit recently identified that 32 of 47 drill holes drilled to 400 metres or more bottomed in mineralization. DDH 07-135 bottomed in 0.55 per cent Cu (over last 10 metres) at 721 metres. Of the 32 holes drilled to depths between 400 and 770 metres, 27 drill holes intersected grades from 0.31 to 0.74 per cent Cu. (See Figures 4 to 5).
最近对Norte矿床深部区域的审查发现,47个钻孔中有32个钻孔钻至400米或更深处底部出现矿化。 DDH 07-135在721米处底部出现0.55%的铜(在最后10米内)。 在深度在400至770米之间的32个钻孔中,有27个钻孔的等级在0.31至0.74%的铜之间。(见图4至5)。
Community Relations
Alta Copper continues to advance its involvement with the community in a manner to benefit all stakeholders while strengthening its positive relations with the residents of the communities in the Cañariaco Project's area of influence.
Alta Copper继续加强与社区的互动,以使所有利益相关者受益,同时加强与Cañariaco项目区域社区居民的积极关系。
Our communication efforts regarding mining, its successive phases, the difference between responsible exploration and exploitation, the Project's potential environmental and social impacts, and the benefits that it is bringing and will continue to bring to the community and all stakeholders.
As previously reported, Alta Copper has field personnel working with locals and consultants who are continuing to prepare for the upcoming drill program. Alta Copper's community team has been conducting maintenance work on our field camp as well as other related activities which has allowed for increased community engagement.
正如以前报告的那样,阿尔塔铜有现场人员与当地人和顾问合作,继续为即将到来的钻探项目做准备。 阿尔塔铜的社区团队一直在对我们的野外营地进行维护工作以及其他相关活动,这些活动增加了社区参与。
In view of the community offices that have opened since 2023 Alta Copper's community team has had many more opportunities to connect with the local community. The dialogues and the exchange of information with the local community are frequent and continuous which was not the case during the period 2016 to 2022. Both the engagement allowed by the offices and that through the increased field presence on the project indicates a greater interest and adhesion in the community to advance more quickly and a clear reflection of positive developments taking place in Peru for advanced staged development projects such as the Cañariaco copper project.
鉴于自2023年以来开设的社区办公室,阿尔塔铜的社区团队已经有了更多机会与当地社区联系。 与当地社区的对话和信息交流频繁且持续,这在2016年至2022年期间并非如此。 办公室允许的参与以及通过项目的增加野外存在所产生的参与表明了社区更快地进展的更大兴趣和粘合,这清晰地反映了秘鲁对包括Cañariaco铜矿项目在内的高级开发项目所发生积极进展。
Qualified Person
The scientific and technical information contained in this news release has been reviewed and approved by Joanne Freeze, P.Geo., who is the Qualified Person as defined by National Instrument 43-101 - Standards of Disclosure for Mineral Projects ("NI 43-101").
本新闻稿中包含的科学和技术信息已由符合《国家仪器43-101-矿产项目披露标准》(“NI 43-101”)定义的资格人员Joanne Freeze, P.Geo.审查并获得批准。
About Alta Copper
关于Alta Copper
Alta Copper is focused on the development of its 100% owned Cañariaco advanced staged copper project. Cañariaco comprises 97 square kms of highly prospective land located 150 kms northeast of the City of Chiclayo, Peru, which includes the Cañariaco Norte deposit, the Cañariaco Sur deposit and the Quebrada Verde prospect, all within a 4 km NE-SW trend in northern Peru's prolific mining district. Cañariaco is one of the largest copper deposits in the Americas not held by a major.
阿尔塔铜专注于开发其100%拥有的Cañariaco高级阶段铜矿项目。 Cañariaco包括位于秘鲁Chiclayo市东北150公里处的高潜力土地,占地97平方公里,包括Cañariaco Norte矿床、Cañariaco Sur矿床和Quebrada Verde前景,全部位于秘鲁北部富饶的矿区的4公里NE-SW走向中。 Cañariaco是美洲最大的尚未被大型企业持有的铜矿项目之一。
Cautionary Note Regarding Forward Looking Statements
This press release contains forward-looking information within the meaning of Canadian securities laws ("forward-looking statements"). Forward-looking statements are typically identified by words such as: believe, expect, anticipate, intend, estimate, plans, postulate and similar expressions, or are those, which, by their nature, refer to future events. All statements that are not statements of historical fact are forward-looking statements, including, but not limited to, statements with respect to the timeline, resources expansions and impact on PEA economics. These forward-looking statements are made as of the date of this press release. Although the Company believes the forward-looking statements in this press release are reasonable, it can give no assurance that the expectations and assumptions in such statements will prove to be correct. The Company cautions investors that any forward-looking statements by the Company are not guarantees of future results or performance, and are subject to risks, uncertainties, assumptions and other factors which could cause events or outcomes to differ materially from those expressed or implied by such forward-looking statements. There can be no assurance that forward-looking statements will prove to be accurate, as actual results and future events could differ materially from those anticipated in such statements. Accordingly, readers should not place undue reliance on forward-looking statements. We are under no obligation to update or alter any forward-looking statements except as required under applicable securities laws.
On behalf of the Board of Alta Copper Corp.
代表Alta Copper Corp.董事会
"Giulio T. Bonifacio" Executive Chair & CEO
"Giulio t. Bonifacio" 执行主席兼首席执行官
For further information please contact:
Giulio T. Bonifacio
+1 604 318 6760
Giulio T. Bonifacio
+1 604 318 6760
SOURCE: Alta Copper Corp.
信息来源:Alta Copper Corp.