'Pohlad Family Plans To Sell Minnesota Twins After 40 Years Of Ownership' - Sports Illustrated
'Pohlad Family Plans To Sell Minnesota Twins After 40 Years Of Ownership' - Sports Illustrated
The Pohlad family plans to sell the Minnesota Twins after 40 years of ownership, they announced on Thursday.
Pohlad家族計劃在擁有Minnesota Twins 40年後賣出,他們在週四宣佈。
"For the past 40 seasons, the Minnesota Twins have been part of our family's heart and soul," executive chair Joe Pohlad said in a statement. "This team is woven into the fabric of our lives, and the Twins community has become an extension of our family. The staff, the players, and most importantly, you, the fans – everyone who makes up this unbelievable organization – is part of that. We've never taken lightly the privilege of being stewards of this franchise."
「在過去40個賽季中,Minnesota Twins一直是我們家庭的心靈之一,」 執行主席Joe Pohlad在一份聲明中說道。「這支球隊已經融入了我們生活的面料中,Twins社區已成爲我們家庭的延伸。工作人員,球員,最重要的是,你們,球迷 - 組成了這個不可思議組織的每個人 - 都是其中的一部分。我們從未輕視過作爲這個特許經營權監護者的特權。」
"However, after months of thoughtful consideration, our family reached a decision this summer to explore selling the Twins. As we enter the next phase of this process, the time is right to make this decision public."
The Pohlads purchased the Twins from Calvin Griffith for $44 million in 1984.
Pohlads在1984年以4400萬美元的價格從Calvin Griffith購買了Twins。
Earlier this year, the Baltimore Orioles were sold at a valuation of $1.725 billion. It was the third-highest price paid for a franchise in MLB history and came as Sportico ranked the Orioles as the 18th-most valuable team in the majors. The Twins ranked 19th in Sportico's valuations at $1.7 billion.
"We truly respect and cherish what the Twins mean to Minneapolis, St. Paul, the great state of Minnesota, and this entire region," continues Pohlad's statement. "Our goal is to be as informative as possible with the team, staff, and you, the fans. You deserve that, because in so many ways, this team doesn't belong to any one family – it belongs to all of you. It's our objective to find an ownership group who all of us can be proud of and who will take care of the Minnesota Twins."
「我們對於Twins對明尼阿波利斯,聖保羅,明尼蘇達州以及整個地域板塊的意義表示敬意和珍惜,」Pohlad的聲明繼續說道。「我們的目標是儘可能向球隊,工作人員和你們,球迷,提供信息。你們值得這樣做,因爲在很多方面,這支球隊並不屬於一個家庭 - 它屬於你們所有人。我們的目標是找到一個所有人都可以爲之驕傲並且會照顧好Minnesota Twins的所有權團隊。」
"After four decades of commitment, passion, and countless memories, we are looking toward the future with care and intention – for our family, the Twins organization, and this community we love so much."
「在四十年的承諾,激情和無數回憶後,我們正在謹慎和敬意地展望未來 - 爲我們的家庭,Twins組織和我們如此喜愛的社區。」
The Twins won World Series titles in 1987 and 1991, then went 30 years with just one playoff series victory before breaking that streak last year. After the season, the ownership group infamously reduced payroll by around $30 million. That set the stage for the Twins' epic collapse to miss the postseason this year.