
Dominion Energy Virginia Releases Comprehensive Long-term Plan to Meet Growing Power Demand With Reliable, Affordable and Increasingly Clean Electricity

Dominion Energy Virginia Releases Comprehensive Long-term Plan to Meet Growing Power Demand With Reliable, Affordable and Increasingly Clean Electricity

PR Newswire ·  10/15 14:00
  • "All-of-the-above" approach includes more power generation from every source, historic grid upgrades and energy efficiency programs to maintain grid reliability while meeting unprecedented growth in power demand
  • Nearly 80% of incremental power generation in the plan is carbon-free, including more solar, more storage, more offshore wind, and more nuclear resources
  • “以上所有”方法包括更多来自各种能源的发电能力,历史潮格更新和能源效率计划,以保持电网可靠性,同时满足电力需求的前所未有增长
  • 在该计划中,近80%的递增发电量是无碳的,包括更多太阳能、更多储能、更多海上风电和更多核资源

RICHMOND, Va., Oct. 15, 2024 /PRNewswire/ -- In its 2024 Integrated Resource Plan (IRP) filed today with the Virginia State Corporation Commission (SCC) and the North Carolina Utilities Commission (NCUC), Dominion Energy Virginia laid out multiple portfolio options to meet rising power demand through significant investments in new power generation from every source, expansion and modernization of the power grid, energy storage, and energy efficiency programs. Each portfolio was developed to meet the growing needs of the company's customers.

2024年10月15日,位于弗吉尼亚里士满,通过其提交给弗吉尼亚州公司委员会(SCC)和北卡罗来纳州公用事业委员会(NCUC)的 2024年综合资源计划(IRP) ,Dominion Energy Virginia 提出了多种组合选项,通过对各种能源的新的大量发电投资、电网的扩建和现代化、能源储存以及能源效率计划来满足不断增长的电力需求。每个组合都是为了满足公司客户日益增长的需求而制定的。

The IRP is not a request to build any specific project, but rather a long-term planning document based on a snapshot in time of current technology, market information and load projections. The plan demonstrates the company's commitment to reliable, affordable and increasingly clean electricity. Nearly 80% of the plan's incremental power generation over the next 15 years is carbon-free, including:


  • ~3,400 megawatts (MW) of new offshore wind in addition to the 2,600-MW Coastal Virginia Offshore Wind (CVOW) project currently under development off the coast of Virginia Beach. CVOW is the largest offshore wind project under development in the U.S. and remains on-time and on-budget.
  • ~12,000 MW of new solar, a more than 150% increase to the 4,750 MW of solar the company currently has in operation or under development.
  • ~4,500 MW of new battery storage.
  • Small modular nuclear reactors beginning in the mid-2030s.
  • 除了目前正在弗吉尼亚海滩海岸开发的2,600兆瓦的海洋风电(CVOW)项目之外,还将新增大约3,400兆瓦的新海上风电。CVOW是美国正在开发的最大海上风电项目,仍然按计划进行并预算充足。
  • 新增大约12,000兆瓦的新太阳能,这比公司目前运营或正在开发的4,750兆瓦太阳能增加了150%以上。
  • 新增约4,500兆瓦的储能电池。
  • 从2030年代中期开始实施小型模块化核反应堆。

About 20% of the plan's incremental power generation will come from natural gas, which is a critically important source of reliable backup power to ensure the lights stay on when the company's growing wind and solar fleet are not producing electricity.


The IRP is based on a forecast developed by PJM, which projects that power demand will continue growing at unprecedented levels in the coming decades. Power demand within the company's delivery zone is forecasted to grow 5.5% annually for the next decade and to double by 2039.


"We are experiencing the largest growth in power demand since the years following World War II," said Ed Baine, President of Dominion Energy Virginia. "No single energy source, grid solution or energy efficiency program will reliably serve the growing needs of our customers. We need an "all-of-the-above" approach, and we are developing innovative solutions to ensure we deliver for our customers. I am proud of the affordability we deliver, with residential rates 14% below the national average, and as shown in the plan we intend to continue that focus. Our comprehensive plan ensures we can always deliver reliable, affordable and increasingly clean energy – day or night, rain or shine, winter or summer."

“自第二次世界大战后多年以来,我们正经历着电力需求增长最大的时期,” Dominion Energy Virginia总裁Ed Baine表示。“没有任何单一能源来源、电网解决方案或能源效率计划可以可靠地满足我们客户日益增长的需求。我们需要一种‘全面’的方式,我们正在开发创新解决方案,以确保我们为客户提供服务。我为我们提供的经济性感到自豪,住宅电价比全国平均水平低14%,并且正如计划所示,我们打算继续关注这一重点。我们的全面计划确保我们始终可以提供可靠、经济实惠且日益清洁的能源——无论是白天还是黑夜,无论是晴天还是阴天,无论是冬天还是夏天。”

Underscoring the company's commitment to increasingly clean energy, in a separate filing with the SCC today, Dominion Energy proposed more than 1,000 MW of new solar projects in Virginia. If the proposed projects are approved, the company's solar fleet in operation or under development – which is currently the second largest among utilities in the U.S. – will surpass 5,750 MW in Virginia. That is enough to power more than 1.4 million homes at peak output.

强调公司对日益清洁能源的承诺,Dominion Energy今天向SCC提交了另一份文件,提议在弗吉尼亚州投资超过1000兆瓦的太阳能新项目。如果这些提议获得批准,公司在运营或在建的太阳能项目——目前在美国公用事业公司中排名第二——将超过弗吉尼亚州5750兆瓦。这足以为140万个家庭提供电力。

At the same time, the company is also making historic investments to expand the transmission grid. In the first half of 2024, Dominion Energy completed 123 new transmission projects, including nearly 90 miles of new and rebuilt transmission lines and 13 new substations. Just last month, the company jointly proposed several new large transmission projects with First Energy and American Electric Power to strengthen electric reliability across the 13-state PJM region over the next decade. These projects will also support further integration of the significant renewables included in the IRP.

与此同时,公司还在进行历史性的投资以扩大输电网。在2024年上半年,Dominion Energy完成了123个新的输电项目,包括近90英里的新建和重建输电线路以及13个新变电站。就在上个月,公司联合提议了几个新的大型输电项目,与第一能源和美国电力一起加强未来十年内波密19个州的输电可靠性。这些项目还将支持IRP中包括的大规模可再生能源的进一步整合。

The company is also making significant investments in the distribution grid to reduce storm-related outages and shorten power restoration times. Over the last several years, Dominion Energy has buried more than 2,000 miles of overhead distribution lines in outage-prone areas as part of its Strategic Underground Program, with several thousand more miles planned over the next decade. Since 2019, the company has hardened over 265 miles of main distribution lines by replacing older poles with taller, stronger ones that are rooted deeper in the ground to reduce storm damage. The company plans to harden 1,000 miles of main lines by 2030.

该公司还在大力投资电网分配以减少与风暴有关的停电事件,并缩短电力恢复时间。在过去的几年里,Dominion Energy公司已在易受停电影响的区域埋设了超过2,000英里的架空分配线,作为其战略地下化计划的一部分,未来十年计划再多数千英里。自2019年以来,该公司已通过将更高更坚固的新杆取代较旧杆,使其深入地下以减少风暴损坏,来增强超过265英里的主配电线路。该公司计划到2030年将1,000英里的主干线进行加固。

About Dominion Energy


Dominion Energy (NYSE: D), headquartered in Richmond, Va., provides regulated electricity service to 3.6 million homes and businesses in Virginia, North Carolina, and South Carolina, and regulated natural gas service to 400,000 customers in South Carolina. The company is one of the nation's leading developers and operators of regulated offshore wind and solar power and the largest producer of carbon-free electricity in New England. The company's mission is to provide the reliable, affordable, and increasingly clean energy that powers its customers every day. Please visit to learn more.

总部位于弗吉尼亚里士满的Dominion Energy(纽交所:D)为弗吉尼亚、北卡罗来纳和南卡罗来纳的360万家庭和企业提供受监管的电力服务,并为南卡罗来纳的40万客户提供天然气服务。该公司是美国领先的受监管海上风电和太阳能电力开发商和运营商之一,是新英格兰地区最大的无碳电力生产商。公司使命在于提供每天驱动客户的可靠、经济实惠且日益清洁的能源。请访问DominionEnergy.com了解更多。

SOURCE Dominion Energy

资料来源:Dominion Energy




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