
New Research From OneStream Finds Broader, More Strategic CFO Remit Crucial to Business Growth and Investor Attention, Overshadowing Even the CEO

New Research From OneStream Finds Broader, More Strategic CFO Remit Crucial to Business Growth and Investor Attention, Overshadowing Even the CEO

PR Newswire ·  10/16 09:00

Study finds the world's largest investors invest an additional 3.6% in organizations where the CFO was seen to be the strategic growth driver


BIRMINGHAM, Mich., Oct. 16, 2024 /PRNewswire/ -- OneStream (NASDAQ: OS), the leading enterprise Finance management platform that modernizes the Office of the CFO by unifying core finance and operational functions – including financial close, consolidation, reporting, planning and forecasting, today launched the Finance 2035 Initiative, with landmark research, that outlines what the next 10 years hold for businesses and how external forces and investor priorities are both elevating and impacting the role of the CFO.

密歇根伯明翰市,2024年10月16日 / PRNewswire/-- OneStream (纳斯达克:OS)是领先的企业财务管理平台,通过统一财务和运营职能 - 包括财务结算、合并、报告、规划和预测,现代化财务总监办公室,今天推出了财务2035计划,以具有开创性的研究,概述未来10年对企业的影响以及外部力量和投资者的优先事项如何提升和影响了财务总监的角色。

According to the report, Finance 2035: Return to Investment, leaders across business and investment communities anticipate a future defined by regulatory convergence and tech-powered gains where Chief Financial Officers (CFOs) take on a broader remit to drive business strategy, risk mitigation, and growth. Investors indicated that their firms place a premium on CFO competence, increasing their initial investment in an organization where the CFO was the main strategic growth driver by an average of 2.6%. For the world's largest asset managers, the average CFO premium rises to 3.6% greater initial investment.

据报道,财务2035: 投资回报商界和投资社区的领导人预计,未来将被监管收敛和科技动力增益所定义,首席财务官(CFOs)扩大职责,推动业务战略、风险缓解和增长。投资者表示,他们的公司高度重视CFO的能力,通过将初始投资增加到首席理财官是主要战略增长驱动者的组织中,平均提高了2.6%。对于全球最大的资产管理公司,首席财务官溢价平均增加到3.6%更高的初始投资额。

The report, based on insights from a survey of 2,000 global CFOs, CEOs, line of business leaders, and investors finds that investors identify the competence of the CFO as the most important factor when considering investing in a business, second only to market expansion and notably ranking above the competency of the CEO. And business leaders and investors envision a 2035 business climate where pressures and requirements place additional spotlight on the CFO role.

该报告基于对2,000名全球财务总监、首席执行官、业务线领导者和投资者的调查所得,投资者认为CFO的能力是考虑对企业投资时最重要的因素,仅次于市场扩张,明显高于首席执行官的能力。 企业领导者和投资者设想到2035年的商业氛围将更多地聚焦于CFO角色的压力和需求。

"Our research found that the large majority of investors believe the role of the CFO will be even more important in ten years than it is today," said Tom Shea, CEO of OneStream. "With persistent economic uncertainties and an evolving regulatory environment, CFOs already feel the pressure to steer the business towards growth. Our Finance 2035 Initiative sets a blueprint for how business leaders expect these dynamics will evolve in the future and creates a clear mandate for where Finance teams must focus their attention across skills, operating models and technology."

我们的研究发现,绝大多数投资者认为财务主管(CFO)的角色在未来十年将比今天更加重要,OneStream的CEO汤姆·谢伯(Tom Shea)表示。"在持续的经济不确定性和不断发展的监管环境下,CFO们已经感受到了引导业务走向增长的压力。我们的财务2035计划为业务领袖们预期这些动态将如何在未来发展并明确规定了财务团队必须关注的技能、运营模式和技术。"

Nearly nine in ten investors (88%) and 65% of business leaders agree the CFO will become more important to business success over the next 10 years. A clear majority of investors (80%) and business leaders (70%) believe that international regulatory efforts will be largely harmonized and that there will be global financial reporting standards. A similar majority thinks technology, including AI, will supercharge economic growth and productivity.


Other insights from the report include:


Pressure mounts on CFOs to be "masters of everything"
A majority (67%) of CEOs believe an organization's success or failure rests on the shoulders of the CFO. Yet, seven out of 10 CFOs (69%) say they are struggling to drive organizational strategy and growth due to ever-expanding responsibilities. They are expected to focus on governance and growth while juggling both operational and strategic roles, as CEOs believe that CFOs need to be profit-led yet purpose-focused.


An overwhelming majority of CEOs say expectations on CFOs have multiplied over the past three to five years (75%), expect CFOs to be "masters of everything" by understanding all business risks and opportunities (67%) and believe that a holistic understanding of the whole organization is more important than technical finance skills (72%).


Investors pay a premium for strong CFO
Embracing this emerging CFO role has big implications. More than three quarters of investors (78%) say CFOs must demonstrate technical, operational and strategic competence to gain the confidence of investors. They cite strategic vision and leadership, technology skills, capital allocation skills, and harnessing artificial intelligence (AI) to improve decision-making and performance of finance and the business as the most valuable CFO skills. Four out of five investors say for them to invest in an organization, they must have confidence that the CFO is an ambitious driver of corporate growth. If the CFO meets this criteria, investors are likely to increase their investment by an average of 2.6%.


Siloed structures, skills gaps and legacy technology prevent CFOs from reaching their potential
CFOs express a sense of urgency in addressing the top three barriers to their full effectiveness: limited cross-functional collaboration (70%), legacy systems and technology limitations (72%), and a growing skills gap in the finance department (78%). Seven in ten (68%) of CFOs believe the businesses that fail to invest now in modernizing their financial technologies (including the use of AI) and infrastructure, and developing skills of their teams will not survive the next five years.


Unified data and AI will be a catalyst for transformation
Three quarters of business leaders (74%) believe that data will be their organization's greatest asset in 2035, but the majority of CFOs (68%) say they are struggling to prioritize business growth due to an overwhelming volume of data and information. Still, 70% of CEOs believe that organizations that fail to invest now in tech, infrastructures and skills will not survive the next five years. Digital transformation remains a top priority as business leaders and CFOs agree (74%) that unified data and data-based decision-making are now the key determinants of organization success. AI appears as a powerful catalyst for this transformation, with 74% of CFOs believing that by 2035, AI and automation will have completely reshaped organizations' finance functions.


About the study
OneStream worked with Man Bites Dog to design and conduct a global survey with 1,500 business leaders working in both large, enterprise organizations and mid-market businesses (with a minimum annual revenue of USD $500 million and at least 1,000 employees). The sample consisted of 1,000 CFOs; 250 CEOs; and 250 line of business (LOB) managers (including leaders from operations, procurement, sales, finance, customer, and regional heads). We also surveyed 500 investors, with assets under management (AUM) of $10 billion to over $3 trillion.

关于研究:此二期研究是一项随机,双盲,安慰剂对照,平行组,12周的概念验证研究,旨在评估rilzabrutinib治疗在使用吸入型皮质类固醇(ICS)和长效β2肾上腺素受体激动剂(LABA)治疗效果不理想的中至重度哮喘患者中的疗效、安全性和耐受性。研究进行了两种rilzabrutinib剂量研究,每天800毫克和每天1200毫克。患者被随机分为接受rilzabrutinib或安慰剂,以加入ICS / LABA的背景治疗,并在12周的治疗期间撤出该治疗。
OneStream与Man Bites Dog合作,设计并进行了一项全球调查,调查对象为1,500名工作在大型企业组织和中市场企业(年度营收至少为50000万美元且至少拥有1,000名员工)的业务领导者。样本包括1,000名CFO、250名CEO和250名业务线(LOB)经理(包括运营、采购、销售、财务、客户和区域负责人的领导者)。我们还调查了500名投资者,管理资产(AUM)从100亿美元到超过3万亿美元。

The research was designed to include statistically relevant samples from OneStream's target countries and industries. Respondents were from the following countries: Australia, France, Germany, Singapore, the UK, and the USA, and represented the following sectors: financial services; manufacturing; healthcare (pharmaceuticals and health technology); public sector; and retail and consumer.


Interviews were conducted in 2024 by research company Coleman Parkes. The survey data was supplemented with in-depth interviews with CFOs and business leaders.

2024年,Coleman Parkes研究公司进行了采访。调查数据通过与CFO和商业领袖的深度访谈进行了补充。

To access more detailed findings of the research and download a complimentary copy of the report, please visit


About OneStream
OneStream is how today's Finance teams can go beyond just reporting on the past and Take Finance Further by steering the business to the future. It's the leading enterprise finance platform that unifies financial and operational data, embeds AI for better decisions and productivity, and empowers the CFO to become a critical driver of business strategy and execution.

OneStream 是如何将今天的财务团队超越仅仅报告过去并通过引领业务走向未来来推动财务进一步的。这是一个领先的企业财务平台,统一了财务和运营数据,利用人工智能做出更好的决策和提高生产力,并赋予CFO成为业务策略和执行的关键推动者。

We deliver a comprehensive cloud-based platform to modernize the Office of the CFO. Our Digital Finance Cloud unifies core financial and broader operational data and processes and embeds AI for better planning and forecasting, with an extensible architecture, so customers can adopt and develop new solutions, achieving greater value as their business needs evolve.


With over 1,400 customers, including 15% of the Fortune 500, more than 250 go-to-market, implementation, and development partners and approximately 1,400 employees, our vision is to be the operating system for modern finance. To learn more, visit


Jaclyn Proctor
Media & Analyst Relations Manager
+1 (770) 639-0522
[email protected]

Jaclyn Proctor
+1 (770) 639-0522
[email protected]

SOURCE OneStream, Inc.





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