Happy Belly's IQ Food Co. QSR Signs 20-Unit Area Development Agreement in Alberta
Happy Belly's IQ Food Co. QSR Signs 20-Unit Area Development Agreement in Alberta
Toronto, Ontario--(Newsfile Corp. - October 17, 2024) - Happy Belly Food Group Inc. (CSE: HBFG) (OTCQB: HBFGF) ("Happy Belly" or the "Company"), a leading consolidator of emerging food brands is pleased to announce that it has signed as of October 16th, 2024, an area development agreement for the province of Alberta for the opening of 20 new franchised restaurants of beloved Toronto-based QSR brand iQ Food Co. ("iQ"), serving a variety of delicious and wholesome food options such as healthy bowls, smoothies, sandwiches, soups, and salads, along with other flavorful clean-eating dishes that the whole family can enjoy.
安大略省多倫多—(Newsfile corp. - 2024年10月17日)—Happy Belly Food Group Inc.(cse: HBFG)(OTCQB: HBFGF)("Happy Belly"或"公司"),作爲新興食品品牌的主要整合者,很高興宣佈,截至2024年10月16日,已簽訂阿爾伯塔省的區域發展協議,以開設20家新的特許連鎖餐廳,屬於備受喜愛的多倫多快餐連鎖品牌iQ食品公司("iQ"),供應各種美味健康的食品選擇,例如健康碗、冰沙、三明治、湯和沙拉,以及其他美味的清潔食品,讓整個家庭都能享受。
iQ 1
iQ 1
"Within the first 30 days of finalizing our 100% acquisition of iQ Foods we have hired former FRESH Restaurant Vice President of Growth and Operations Randall Papineau as our iQ Brand President; opened our first licensed location in partnership with Oliver & Bonacini ("O&B") at the Queen's Cross food court within CF Toronto Eaton Centre; and now signed an area development agreement that will see 20 net new stores open across the province of Alberta," said Sean Black, Chief Executive Officer of Happy Belly.
「在我們完全收購 iQ 食品的頭30天內,我們已任命前 FRESH 餐廳副總裁兼增長與運營 Randall Papineau 爲我們的 iQ 品牌總裁;在與 Oliver & Bonacini(「O&B」)合作在多倫多伊頓中心(CF Toronto Eaton Centre)的 Queen's Cross 餐廳開設了我們的第一家特許經營店;現在簽署了一個區域發展協議,將在阿爾伯塔省開設20家全新門店,」 Happy Belly 首席執行官 Sean Black 說。
"Our first 30 days of execution with the brand in our hands reflects our commitment to expanding iQ organically, with additional plans for new locations in key urban markets. iQ is a flagship brand in Canada's premium healthy eating market and is strategically located in urban and central business districts. iQ caters to thousands of health-conscious customers from local businesses, while expanding into catering services to service an even greater audience in downtown densely populated areas. This strategy has fostered strong brand recognition and a loyal customer base driven by word-of-mouth and, most importantly, satisfied customers."
「我們手中的品牌的頭30天的執行反映了我們擴展 iQ 的承諾,另外還計劃在主要城市市場開設新店。iQ 是加拿大優質健康飲食市場的旗艦品牌,戰略地位於城市和商務區。iQ 受到數千名健康意識客戶的青睞,來自當地企業,同時擴展到商務配餐服務,服務在市區人口密集地區的更廣泛受衆。這一策略促進了品牌的強大認可度和口碑客戶基礎,這主要得益於口碑和,更重要的是,滿意顧客。」
iQ 2
iQ 2
"We will be working with our Western Canada area developer Stephen Travers, who has been working with us since 2023 and has been a key asset in franchise development for Happy Belly's brands in British Columbia and Alberta. Stephen was the first Extreme Pita Franchisee, and later the first ever Area-Developer for Extreme Pita, Mucho Burrito and Via Cibo. He has over 23 years of QSR experience and an impressive track record of developing brands quickly in Western Canada. Stephen has developed over 200 QSR restaurants and has delivered for us time and time again as we built our previous brands.
「我們將與西加拿大區域開發者 Stephen Travers 合作,自 2023 年以來一直與我們合作,並且一直是 Happy Belly 在不列顛哥倫比亞省和阿爾伯塔的品牌特許經營發展中的關鍵資產。Stephen 是第一位 Extreme Pita 特許經營商,後來成爲了 Extreme Pita、Mucho Burrito 和 Via Cibo 的首位區域開發者。他在 QSR 領域有超過 23 年的經驗,並在西加拿大迅速發展品牌上有着令人印象深刻的記錄。Stephen 開發了超過 200 家 QSR 餐廳,並在我們建立先前品牌時多次爲我們交出答卷。」
iQ 3
iQ 3
"As we open new stores within our portfolio, the Happy Belly footprint continues to grow. With 396 contractually committed retail locations from area developers across all emerging brands in the Happy Belly Portfolio-whether in the pipeline, under construction, or already opened-our team is focused on sourcing and reviewing real estate, evaluating franchisee applications, and collaborating closely with area developers to drive the growth of our asset-light franchising model. Currently, five of our restaurant brands are in the midst of simultaneous construction, and we eagerly anticipate announcing multiple brand openings throughout 2024-2025. Our commitment to signing quality franchisees and securing prime real estate locations for our franchisees across Canada will further fuel our expansion efforts."
隨着我們在投資組合中開設新門店,Happy Belly的影響力不斷擴大。在Happy Belly投資組合的所有新興品牌中,我們已獲得了來自區域開發商的合約承諾的396家零售店位置,無論是在規劃中、施工中還是已開業,我們的團隊都專注於尋找和審核房地產、評估加盟商申請,並與區域開發商密切合作,推動我們資產輕量化特許經營模式的增長。目前,我們的五個餐廳品牌同時在施工中,並懷揣着期待,預計在2024-2025年期間宣佈多個品牌的開業。我們承諾簽約優質加盟商,併爲他們在加拿大各地尋找優質房地產位置,進一步推動我們的擴張努力。
As the brand's free cash flow grows, we anticipate accelerating our corporate store development timeline, supplemented by the growth of our franchise program.
We are just getting started.
iQ 4
iQ 4
About iQ Food Co.
iQ is a flagship brand in Canada's premium healthy eating market and is strategically located in urban and central business districts. iQ serves a variety of delicious and wholesome food options such as healthy bowls, smoothies, sandwiches, soups, and salads, along with other flavorful clean-eating dishes that the whole family can enjoy. iQ caters to thousands of health-conscious customers from local businesses, while expanding into catering services to service an even greater audience in downtown densely populated areas. This strategy has fostered strong brand recognition and a loyal customer base driven by word-of-mouth and, most importantly, satisfied customers.
關於iQ Food Co.
About Happy Belly Food Group
Happy Belly Food Group Inc. (CSE: HBFG) (OTCQB: HBFGF) ("Happy Belly" or the "Company") is a leading consolidator of emerging food brands.
關於Happy Belly Food Group
Happy Belly Food Group Inc.(CSE:HBFG)(OTCQB:HBFGF)(以下簡稱「Happy Belly」或「公司」)是新興食品品牌的領先整合者。
Happy Belly
Happy Belly
Happy Belly Food Group
Sean Black
Chief Executive Officer
Happy Belly Food Group
Sean Black
Shawn Moniz
Chief Operating Officer
Shawn Moniz
www: or email hello@happybellyfg.com
If you wish to contact us please call: (604) 737-2303
網址: 或者發送郵件至hello@happybellyfg.com
如果您希望與我們聯繫,請撥打電話:(604) 737-2303
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All statements in this press release, other than statements of historical fact, are "forward-looking information" with respect to the Company within the meaning of applicable securities laws. Forward-Looking information is frequently characterized by words such as "plan", "expect", "project", "intend", "believe", "anticipate", "estimate" and other similar words, or statements that certain events or conditions "may" or "will" occur and include the future performance of Happy Belly and her subsidiaries. Forward-Looking statements are based on the opinions and estimates at the date the statements are made and are subject to a variety of risks and uncertainties and other factors that could cause actual events or results to differ materially from those anticipated in the forward-looking statements. There are uncertainties inherent in forward-looking information, including factors beyond the Company's control. There are no assurances that the business plans for Happy Belly described in this news release will come into effect on the terms or time frame described herein. The Company undertakes no obligation to update forward-looking information if circumstances or management's estimates or opinions should change except as required by law. The reader is cautioned not to place undue reliance on forward-looking statements. For a description of the risks and uncertainties facing the Company and its business and affairs, readers should refer to the Company's Management's Discussion and Analysis and other disclosure filings with Canadian securities regulators, which are posted on .
本新聞稿中的所有陳述,除歷史事實陳述外,均爲本公司有關的「前瞻性信息」,意思是指與適用證券法規相關的此類公司的未來表現。前瞻性信息經常以「計劃」、「期望」、「項目」、「打算」、「相信」、「預計」等類似詞語或者表示某些事件或情況「可能」或「將要」發生的陳述爲其特徵,包括Happy Belly及其子公司的未來業績。前瞻性陳述基於陳述發佈日的意見和估計,並受到各種風險、不確定性和其他因素的影響,這些因素可能導致實際事件或結果與前瞻性陳述中預期的事件或結果有所不同。前瞻性信息存在不確定性,包括公司無法控制的因素。不能保證Happy Belly在本新聞稿中描述的商業計劃將按照本文所述的條款或時間框架生效。公司除法律要求外,不承擔更新前瞻性信息的義務。讀者被警告不要過度依賴前瞻性陳述。有關公司、業務和事務面臨的風險和不確定性的描述,讀者應參考該公司的管理層討論和分析以及其他披露文件,這些文件已發佈在加拿大證券監管機構的網站上。