
And Doホールディングス---不動産売買事業の業容拡大につき 大阪府高槻市に新規出店

And Do Holdings---Expanding its real estate transaction business, it has opened a new store in Takatsuki City, Osaka Prefecture.

Fisco Japan ·  Oct 18, 2024 12:41

And Holding Company Do Co., Ltd. <3457>, on the 18th, announced that its consolidated subsidiary House Do Japan (Headquarters: Kyoto) will open a new branch, "House Do Home and Real Estate Buying Specialist JR Takatsuki Kitaguchi", on the 19th to expand its real estate business.

Takatsuki City in Osaka Prefecture is located in the northeast of Osaka, roughly midway between Osaka City and Kyoto City, boasting high transportation convenience and a good landscape. It has developed as a residential city between Osaka and Kyoto, with an attractive living environment. The area is expected to see increased demand due to its enhanced convenience and living environment, with good access to neighboring cities in the northern Osaka area, anticipating growth as a strategic location.

On the other hand, according to the "6th Takatsuki City Comprehensive Plan" (Year 3 of Reiwa), there is a need for managing vacant houses that have been increasing in recent years, ensuring stability for residents who require housing security, improving the quality of residential environments, and promoting housing acquisition tailored to various family structures and living needs. This emphasizes the necessity for utilizing existing residences effectively and forming a high-quality housing stock based on these considerations.

Within the House Do Group's medium-term management plan, the real estate trading business is positioned as one of the growth enhancement businesses, focusing on enhancing it. Furthermore, aiming to contribute to addressing social issues such as the increase in vacant houses and resource consumption, they are promoting the strengthening of the resale of second-hand properties. With this new branch opening, they aim to expand their business operations, pursue further growth, strive to create added value that customers seek in real estate, and contribute to the revitalization of the local economy through job creation in the region along with revitalizing real estate circulation.

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