VANCOUVER, BC / ACCESSWIRE / October 18, 2024 / Torq Resources Inc. (TSXV:TORQ)(OTCQB:TRBMF) ("Torq" or the "Company") is pleased to announce that it has entered into an interim loan and facility agreement with an affiliate of Gold Fields Limited ("Gold Fields").Advances up to an aggregate amount of US$1,810,000 currently approximately (CAD$2,492,000) (the "Loan") will be drawn in tranches and will enable Torq to make an underlying option agreement payment of US$600,000 currently approximately (CAD$826,260) required for its Santa Cecilia copper-gold project in Chile and to advance the exploration and development of the project in accordance with programs approved by Gold Fields during the remainder of 2024. The Loan is to be funded in an immediate amount of US$600,000 currently approximately (CAD$826,260) with an additional credit facility allowing Torq to draw-down further amounts to a maximum additional amount of US$1,210,000 currently approximately (CAD$1,666,000) to advance the approved programs ("Facility").
The Loan is intended to bridge the period until Torq and Gold Fields complete the option and joint venture agreement ("Earn-inOption") announced August 1, 2024. Under the Earn-in Option, Gold Fields is to be granted a staged option to acquire up to a 75% interest in the Santa Cecilia project in exchange for incurring an aggregate of US$48 million in spending at the project over a maximum of 6 years. Torq and Gold Fields are presently negotiating the definitive agreement required to implement the Earn-in Option (the "Implementation Agreement") and other related agreements. Once the Implementation Agreement is executed, the Earn-in Option will be subject to the approval of a majority of votes cast by disinterested Torq shareholders at a combined annual and special meeting expected to be convened in December 2024 or January 2025. Gold Fields is currently the owner of 20,678,020 common shares, representing 14.87% of Torq's outstanding common shares (with potential to increase its ownership position to up to 16.18% of Torq shares through the exercise of warrants) and these shares will not be voted at the meeting.
The Loan will be advanced to Torq's Chilean subsidiary, Minera Santa SpA, which owns the Santa Cecilia project option and will be reflected by promissory notes to Gold Fields. The Loan will be guaranteed by Torq Resources Chile SpA ("Torq Chile"), a Chilean subsidiary of Torq and the parent of Minera Santa SpA. The Loan will be secured by a pledge by Torq Chile of the shares of Minera Santa SpA. Assuming that Torq shareholders approve the Earn-in Option, the Loan amounts will form part of Gold Field's initial commitment of USD$6 million to earn 10% of Santa Cecilia. If the Implementation Agreement is not entered into by November 15, 2024, all principal and accrued interest will become due and payable on February 15, 2025. If the Implementation Agreement is entered into but the disinterested shareholders do not approve the Earn-in Option at the shareholder meeting, the Loan will become due and payable on the one-year anniversary of the shareholder meeting. If either the Implementation Agreement is not executed, or the Torq shareholder meeting is not held by the outside date of January 31, 2025, the Loan will become due and payable on January 31, 2026. All amounts advanced under the Loan will accrue interest at the rate of 9% per annum from the date of advance. Drawdown requests under the Facility may be made at any time prior to the occurrence of any of the following events after which Gold Fields will have no obligation to make further advances: (i) if the Implementation Agreement is not entered into by November 15, 2024, (ii) if the Torq shareholder meeting is held prior to January 31, 2025 but Torq's shareholders do not approve the Earn-in Option, or (iii) if certain of the definitive agreements are not executed, or the Torq shareholder meeting has not been held, by the outside date of January 31, 2025.
The Santa Cecilia mineral exploration project is a 3,250-hectare property located approximately 100km east of the city of Copiapo, Chile, in the southern region of the world-class Maricunga belt and immediately north of the El Indio belt.
Because Gold Fields is a "related party" to the Company, as defined under Multilateral Instrument 61-101 - Protection of Minority Security Holders in Special Transactions ("MI 61-101") the Loan and Facility will constitute a "related party transaction" under MI 61-101 that is exempt from the MI 61-101 valuation and minority shareholder approval requirements on the basis of Torq's status as a TSX Venture listed company and the Loan being a cash-for-securities transaction under CAD$2.5 million. The Loan has received conditional TSX Venture Exchange acceptance. The Earn-in Option will likewise be a "related party transaction" under MI 61-101 and will be subject to disinterested shareholder approval under MI 61-101 and separate approval by the TSX Venture Exchange. Additional details regarding the Loan will be included in a material change report to be filed by Torq on SEDAR+ (the "MCR"). Torq discloses under Section 5.2(2) of MI 61-101 that it was not possible or reasonable for Torq to file the MCR at least 21 days in advance of the initial Loan draw-down as such initial proceeds of the Loan are required to fund the US$600,000 payment due under the underlying option agreement on October 21, 2024. The Loan has been unanimously approved by the board of directors of Torq.
A Message from Shawn Wallace, CEO & Chair:
"We have been working with Gold Fields on Santa Cecilia since we acquired the asset and are appreciative of this bridge loan which secures our option and gives us time to complete the Earn-in Option agreement"
Shawn Wallace
CEO & Chair
For further information on Torq Resources, please visit or contact the company at (778) 729-0500 or
About Torq Resources
Torq is a Vancouver-based copper and gold exploration company with a portfolio of premium holdings in Chile. The Company is establishing itself as a leader of new exploration in prominent mining belts, guided by responsible, respectful and sustainable practices. The Company was built by a management team with prior success in monetizing exploration assets and its specialized technical team is recognized for their extensive experience working with major mining companies, supported by robust safety standards and technical proficiency. The technical team includes Chile-based geologists with invaluable local expertise and a noteworthy track record for major discovery in the country. Torq is committed to operating at the highest standards of applicable environmental, social and governance practices in the pursuit of a landmark discovery. For more information, visit .
Forward-Looking Information
This release includes certain statements that may be deemed "forward-looking statements". Forward-looking information in this release includes statements that relate to the entry into of definitive agreements with respect to the loan and the joint venture on the Santa Cecilia Project with Gold Fields and the terms thereof and timing therefor, as well as the prospectivity of the Santa Cecilia and Margarita projects for development. These statements involve known and unknown risks, uncertainties and other factors which may cause actual results, performance or achievements of the Company to be materially different (either positively or negatively) from any future results, performance or achievements expressed or implied by some of the principal forward-looking statements. See Torq's Annual Information Form filed April 29, 2024, at for disclosure of the risks and uncertainties faced in this business.
Neither the TSX Venture Exchange nor its Regulation Services Provider (as that term is defined in the policies of the TSX Venture Exchange) accepts responsibility for the adequacy or accuracy of this release.
SOURCE: Torq Resources Inc.
ビジネス、BC / ACCESSWIRE / 2024年10月18日 / Torq Resources Inc.(TSXV:TORQ)(OTCQB:TRBMF)(以下「Torq」または「会社」)は、ゴールドフィールズリミテッド(「Gold Fields」の関連会社とのインタームローン契約および施設契約に調印したことを喜んでお知らせします。合計US$1,810,000(現在約CAD$2,492,000)までの進歩(「ローン」)が段階的に引き出され、Torqにチリのサンタセシリア銅・金プロジェクトのために必要なUS$600,000(現在約CAD$826,260)の基礎オプション契約支払いを行い、残りの2024年にGold Fieldsが承認したプログラムに従ってプロジェクトの探索と開発を推進することができます。ローンは、US$600,000(現在約CAD$826,260)の直ちに引き出される金額で資金提供され、Torqが最大追加額のUS$1,210,000(現在約CAD$1,666,000)までの追加クレジット施設を引き出すことを可能にします(「施設」)。
ローンは、2024年8月1日に発表されたエン-インオプションというTorqとゴールドフィールズが完了するまでの期間を橋渡しすることを意図しています。エン-インオプションに基づいて、ゴールドフィールズは最大6年間のプロジェクトでの出費をUS$48 millionまで負担する見返りに、サンタセシリアプロジェクトの75%までの権利を取得する段階的なオプションが与えられます。Torqとゴールドフィールズは、エン-インオプションを実施するために必要な最終的な合意書(「実施契約」)およびその他の関連契約について現在交渉中です。実施契約が締結されると、エン-インオプションは、2024年12月または2025年1月に招集される統合年次総会において無利害なTorqの株主からの投票の過半数の承認を受ける予定です。ゴールドフィールズは現在、Torqの発行済普通株式の14.87%を表す20,678,020株を所有しており(オプションの行使により最大で株式の16.18%まで所有権を拡大できる可能性があります)、これらの株は会議で投票されません。
LoanはTorqのChilean subsidiaryであるMinera Santa SpAに先行して支払われ、Santa Ceciliaプロジェクトのオプションを所有しており、Gold Fieldsによる手形で反映されます。Loanは、Torq Resources Chile SpA(「Torq Chile」)、TorqのChilean subsidiaryであるMinera Santa SpAの親会社(「Torq Chile」)、によって保証されます。Loanは、Torq ChileがMinera Santa SpAの株式を担保にすることで確保されます。Torq株主がEarn-in Optionを承認すれば、Loan額はSanta Ceciliaの10%を稼ぐためのGold Fieldの最初のコミットメントUSD$600万の一部となります。実施契約が2024年11月15日までに締結されない場合、元本と利息は2025年2月15日に償還されることとなります。実施契約が締結されたが、無関係な株主が株主総会でEarn-in Optionを承認しない場合、Loanは株主総会の1周年に償還されます。実施契約が締結されないか、またはTorq株主総会が2025年1月31日の期限までに開催されない場合、Loanは2026年1月31日に償還されます。Loanの範囲内で支払われる全額は、支払日から年9%の利率で利息が発生します。Facilityの下での出資要求は、以下のいずれかの事象が発生するまでいつでも行うことができます。その後、Gold Fieldsにはさらなる支払い義務はありません:(i)2024年11月15日までに実施契約が締結されない場合、(ii)2025年1月31日より前にTorq株主総会が開催されるがTorqの株主がEarn-in Optionを承認しない場合、または(iii)ベンチャー株主会合が開催されず、2025年1月31日の外部日までに決定事項のいくつかが締結されない、またはTorq株主総会が開催されない場合。
Santa Cecilia鉱物探査プロジェクトは、チリのCopiapo市の東約100kmに位置する3,250ヘクタールの敷地であり、世界クラスのMaricungaベルトの南部、およびEl Indioベルトのすぐ北に位置しています。
ゴールドフィールズは会社の「関係当事者」であり、Multilateral Instrument 61-101「少数株主の保護に関する法規」(「MI 61-101」)の定義の下で会社との関係があるため、ローンおよび設備はMI 61-101の下で「関係当事者取引」となります。「MI 61-101」の評価および少数株主承認要件の例外として免除され、TSXベンチャー上場企業であるTorqの地位とローンがCAD$250万の証券現金取引であることを根拠にしています。ローンは条件付きのTSXベンチャー取引所の承認を受けています。アーンインオプションも同様にMI 61-101の「関係当事者取引」となり、MI 61-101の非関係株主承認およびTSXベンチャー取引所の別個の承認を受けます。ローンに関する詳細は、TorqがSEDAR+(「MCR」)に提出する重大な変更報告書に記載されます。Torqは、初回のローン引き出しの少なくとも21日前にMCRを提出することができなかったか、合理的ではないことをMI 61-101の第5.2(2)項に基づいて開示しており、その初回のローンの収益は、2024年10月21日に基になるオプション契約の下で支払われるUS$600,000を賄う必要があります。ローンはTorqの取締役会で一致して承認されました。
CEO兼会長のShawn Wallaceからのメッセージ:
Torq Resourcesに関する詳細情報については、http://www.torqresources.comをご覧いただくか、電話(778)729-0500、info@torqresources.comにお問い合わせください。
このリリースには、「将来を展望する声明」と見なされる可能性がある特定の声明が含まれています。このリリースの将来を展望する情報には、Gold FieldsとのSanta Ceciliaプロジェクトに関するローンおよびジョイントベンチャーに関する確定契約の締結、その条件およびその時期、およびSanta CeciliaおよびMargaritaプロジェクトの開発の見込みに関連する声明が含まれています。これらの声明には、企業の実績を実際の結果、業績、または業績が、いくつかの主要な将来を展望する声明によって明示または暗示されている結果と著しく異なる(正または負に)可能性がある既知および未知のリスク、不確実性、その他の要因が関係しています。ビジネスで直面しているリスクと不確実性の開示については、2024年4月29日に提出されたTorqの年次情報書を参照してください。
出典:Torq Resources Inc。