Best Day Brewing Brings Total Funding to $22.5M in 2024
Best Day Brewing Brings Total Funding to $22.5M in 2024
The investment will expand product pipeline of non-alcoholic beer and further scale distribution nationwide to meet increased demand
SAUSALITO, Calif., Oct. 18, 2024 /PRNewswire/ -- Best Day Brewing, the #1 fastest-growing, non-alcoholic craft beer brand in the United States, has announced $22.5M in total funding raised in 2024 from new partners and existing investors – showcasing the high-level of confidence in the industry, brand, and Best Day's product. This secures the company's position as the clear #2 pure play in the category.
加利福尼亚州索萨利托,2024年10月18日 / PRNewswire / - 美好啤酒酿造公司,美国排名第一增长最快的无酒精精酿啤酒品牌,宣布从新合作伙伴和现有投资者处在2024年筹集了2250万美元的总融资额 - 展示了对该行业、品牌和美好啤酒产品的高信心水平。这确保了公司在该领域明确的第二名位置。
Since joining the non-alcoholic market in 2022, Best Day quickly emerged as a fast-growing brand helping to drive consumption in this high-growth category. Over the past 12 months, the company's increased growth has established it as the category's rising star and research proves the industry isn't slowing down. In 2023, the global non-alcoholic beer market stood at US$ 20 billion and is estimated to reach a market size of US$ 40 billion by 20331.
"There's a shift happening with drinking behaviors. The future is all about freedom of choice. Consumers are demanding more options, whether they are mindful drinkers, switch drinkers, Cali-sober, sober curious, or just want a really good tasting beer without the impact of alcohol. Best Day Brewing is the defining brand of this movement, reshaping and pioneering the future of drinking," said Tate Huffard, CEO & Founder of Best Day Brewing. "To date, the explosive growth in this category has largely come from word of mouth. The funding we've received this year will help grow our brand awareness and allow us to reach a much larger audience, support our rapidly increasing retail and distribution network, and lead to many more best days across the country."
“饮酒行为正在发生转变。未来关乎选择的自由。消费者要求更多选择,无论是注意饮酒者、转换饮酒者、加州“清醒者”、清醒好奇者,还是只想享用口感极佳但不含酒精的啤酒。美好啤酒正在成为此运动的定义品牌,正在重塑和开拓饮酒的未来,”美好啤酒CEO兼创始人泰特·赫夫德说。 “到目前为止,该类别的爆炸式增长主要来自口耳相传。今年我们收到的资金将有助于增加品牌知名度,让我们能够触及更广泛的观众,支持我们迅速增长的零售和分销网络,带来更多美好的日子遍布整个国家。”
Studies show a majority of consumers - 65% - are drinking more mindfully2. Only 62% of adults under the age of 35 drink alcohol, down from 72% two decades ago3. This generational shift further reinforces Best Day's belief in the long-term trend.
研究显示,大多数消费者 - 65% - 更加注重饮酒2。 35岁以下成年人中只有62%饮酒,比20年前的72%下降3。这一代际变革进一步加强了美好啤酒对长期趋势的信心。
"The non-alcoholic movement is here to stay. Best Day entered the category at the start of the surge and offered consumers a product that complemented their lifestyle," added Jane Armstrong Hockman, President of Best Day Brewing. "With reinforced confidence from current backers, along with expanded support, our total funding in 2024 will allow us to scale exponentially - reaching new markets, introducing new products that consumers are eager for, and growing Best Day's community of doers."
“无酒精运动已经来临。美好啤酒在潮涌开始时进入该类别并为消费者提供了符合他们生活方式的产品,”美好啤酒总裁简·阿姆斯特朗·霍克曼补充道。“在得到现有支持者的信心加强以及扩大支持的同时,我们2024年在总融资方面将能够呈指数增长 - 开拓新市场,推出消费者渴望的新产品,扩大美好啤酒的社区成员。”
Rooted in the relentlessly optimistic ethos of 'Best Day Yet,' Best Day crafts non-alcoholic beer with premium ingredients and unparalleled attention to detail. The beer is first brewed to full strength with the alcohol removed through a process that maintains temperatures and preserves the aromas and flavors. This process gives Best Day the quality, flavor, and craftsmanship expected of a premium beer.
Best Day以“最佳日”不屈不挠的乐观理念为基础,采用优质原料和无与伦比的细致关注,酿造非酒精啤酒。这款啤酒首先以全浓度酿造,通过一种保持温度、保留香气和风味的的过程去除酒精。这一过程赋予Best Day优质、口味和手工艺啤酒所期望的品质。
The brand's full-flavored range of craft brews, including West Coast IPA, Hazy IPA, Kölsch, and Electro-Lime, as well as rotating limited-edition flavors, celebrate the freedom of choice without sacrificing quality and experience. As consumers' relationship with alcohol evolves, the future is dedicated to personalized consumption.
该品牌丰富口味的精酿啤酒系列包括西海岸IPA、朦胧IPA、Kölsch 和 Electro-Lime,以及轮换的限量版口味,庆祝选择自由,不损害品质和体验。随着消费者与酒精的关系逐渐演变,未来将致力于个性化消费。
Best Day Brewing is available online on, on Amazon, and in 35 states (and growing) including major and premier partners such as Whole Foods, Trader Joe's, Kroger, Albertsons, Safeway, HEB, Wegmans, Target, Winco, and Sprouts.
Best Day Brewing 可在、亚马逊以及包括Whole Foods、Trader Joe's、Kroger、Albertsons、Safeway、HEb、Wegmans、Target、Winco 和 Sprouts在内的35个州(不断增长)在线购买,并与主要和首要合作伙伴合作。
"This is a very exciting new chapter for Best Day. We have come a long way and know none of this would be possible without the support of investors, key retailers, distributors, team members, and of course, consumers," shared Mike Sheehan, Chief Strategic Officer & Co-Founder of Best Day Brewing. "We cannot thank them enough for their belief in our brand's vision. Cheers to many more best days ahead."
“对Best Day来说,这是一个非常激动人心的新篇章。我们走过了漫长的道路,也知道如果没有投资者、主要零售商、分销商、团队成员和当然是消费者的支持,这一切都不可能实现,”Best Day Brewing 首席战略官兼联合创始人Mike Sheehan分享道,“我们对他们对我们品牌愿景的信任表示衷心的感谢。为更多美好的日子干杯。”
For more information, visit and follow Best Day Brewing on Instagram and Facebook.
欲了解更多信息,请访问,并在Instagram和Facebook上关注Best Day Brewing。
1 Fact.MR | Non-Alcoholic Beer Market | Outlook 2023-2033
1 Fact.MR | 非酒精啤酒市场 | 2023-2033年展望
2 Beer Business Daily | BeerNet | September 12, 2024 Newsletter
2 Beer Business Daily | BeerNet | 2024年9月12日通讯
3 Gallup | Young Adults in U.S. Drinking Less Than in Prior Decades
3 Gallup | 美国年轻人饮酒量低于前几十年
About Best Day Brewing
Best Day Brewing is on a mission to pioneer the 'future of drinking' and create the world's best-tasting non-alcoholic craft beer. Rooted in the relentlessly optimistic ethos of 'Best Day Yet,' Best Day crafts exceptional non-alcoholic beer with unparalleled attention to detail and premium ingredients. This synergy empowers consumers to have a freedom of choice like never before, without sacrificing quality or experience, because life is chock-full of moments that deserve a great beer without the booze.
关于Best Day Brewing
Best Day Brewing的使命是开创'喝不醉的未来',打造世界上口感最好的无酒精工艺啤酒。植根于无尽乐观理念'Best Day Yet'中,Best Day精心制作出色的无酒精啤酒,注重细节和优质原料。这种协同作用赋予消费者前所未有的选择自由,不用牺牲品质或体验,因为生活充满着值得享受优质啤酒的时刻,即使没有酒精。
Best Day Brewing's full-flavored range of craft brews includes West Coast IPA, Hazy IPA, Kölsch, and Electro-Lime, as well as rotating limited-edition flavors. Best Day Brewing donates at least 1% of its annual sales to 1% For The Planet-approved nonprofits. Available online at and Amazon, as well as in 35 states including Whole Foods, Trader Joe's, Kroger, Albertsons, Safeway, HEB, Wegmans, Target, Winco, and Sprouts.
Best Day Brewing的口味丰富的工艺啤酒系列包括西海岸IPA,朦胧IPA,科隆啤酒和电动酸橙口味,以及轮换的限量版口味。Best Day Brewing将其年销售额的至少1%捐赠给1% For The Planet认可的非营利组织。可在网上购买,以及在亚马逊等处,以及35个州的Whole Foods,Trader Joe's,Kroger,Albertsons,Safeway,HEb,Wegmans,Target,Winco和Sprouts有售。
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