

Noiz Group (08163): Da You Financing has been appointed as the independent financial advisor.

Zhitong Finance ·  Oct 21, 2024 06:55

Noiz group (08163) announced that Taiyue Financing Limited (according to the Securities and Futures Ordinance (Chapter 571 of the Laws of Hong Kong)...

Zhixin Finance News APP, Noiz group (08163) announced that Taiyue Financing Limited (according to the Securities and Futures Ordinance (Chapter 571 of the Laws of Hong Kong) licensed to conduct Type 1 (Securities Trading) and Type 6 (Providing advice on corporate finance to institutions) regulated activities) has been appointed as the independent financial advisor to provide advice to the independent directorate and independent shareholders on the subscription matters and whether the terms of the subscription agreement are conducted on general commercial terms, fair and reasonable, and in the overall interest of independent shareholders, and to provide advice on voting to independent shareholders. According to the relevant GEM listing rules, this appointment has been approved by the independent board of directors.

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