
Cardiol Therapeutics to Advance CardiolRx(TM) Into a Late-Stage Trial in Patients With Recurrent Pericarditis

Cardiol Therapeutics to Advance CardiolRx(TM) Into a Late-Stage Trial in Patients With Recurrent Pericarditis

Cardiol Therapeutics將在患有複發性心包炎的患者中推進CardiolRx(TM)進入晚期試驗階段
newsfile ·  2024/10/22 06:30

MAVERIC-2 trial will evaluate the impact of CardiolRx(TM) following cessation of interleukin-1 blocker therapy (rilonacept or anakinra) and is expected to run concurrently with the Company's planned Phase III program.


Toronto, Ontario--(Newsfile Corp. - October 22, 2024) - Cardiol Therapeutics Inc. (NASDAQ: CRDL) (TSX: CRDL) ("Cardiol" or the "Company"), a clinical-stage life sciences company focused on the research and clinical development of anti-inflammatory and anti-fibrotic therapies for the treatment of heart disease, today announced plans to expand the MAVERIC clinical development program and advance CardiolRx into a late-stage clinical trial ("MAVERIC-2") to evaluate the impact of CardiolRx in recurrent pericarditis patients following cessation of interleukin-1 ("IL-1") blocker therapy. MAVERIC-2 is expected to be initiated during Q4 at major pericardial disease centres in the United States and Europe and to report results ahead of the Company's planned pivotal Phase III study in recurrent pericarditis.

多倫多,安大略--(Newsfile corp. - 2024年10月22日) - Cardiol Therapeutics公司(納斯達克:CRDL)(tsx:CRDL)("Cardiol"或"公司"),一家專注於心髒病治療反炎和抗纖維化療法的臨床階段生命科學公司,今天宣佈計劃擴展MAVERIC臨床開發項目,並推進CardiolRx進入late-stage臨床試驗("MAVERIC-2")以評估CardiolRx在停止白細胞介素-1("IL-1")阻滯劑治療後對反覆性心包炎患者的影響。MAVERIC-2預計將在美國和歐洲的主要心包疾病中心於Q4期間啓動,並提前報告結果,超前於公司計劃的反覆性心包炎關鍵III期研究。

"MAVERIC-2 provides an exciting opportunity to expand the market potential for CardiolRx through the execution of a cost-effective study and potentially provides a path for an accelerated regulatory approval timeline," said David Elsley, President & CEO of Cardiol Therapeutics. "This important new study, designed in collaboration with an international panel of advisors comprised of experts in pericarditis, will also augment data from our planned Phase III MAVERIC-3 trial by exploring the potential for our lead oral drug candidate to assist the growing number of recurrent pericarditis patients who seek alternative options to chronic use of immunosuppressant biologics."

「MAVERIC-2提供了一個令人興奮的機會,通過進行成本有效的研究,可能爲CardiolRx的市場潛力擴大提供了路徑,」 Cardiol Therapeutics的總裁兼首席執行官David Elsley表示。"這項重要的新研究是與一組由心包炎專家組成的國際顧問團隊合作設計的,還將探索我們主導口服藥物候選藥通過協助尋求替代免疫抑制生物製品長期使用的反覆性心包炎患者的潛力,從而補充計劃中的第III期MAVERIC-3試驗的數據。”

MAVERIC-2 is a randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled Phase II/III trial in approximately 110 patients. Patients with stable disease who are receiving IL-1 blocker treatment will be randomly assigned to receive either CardiolRx or placebo following cessation of the IL-1 blocker. The primary clinical objective of the trial will be to assess the impact of CardiolRx versus placebo on freedom from a new episode of recurrent pericarditis. Other clinical endpoints of interest include time to a new episode of pericarditis recurrence and change in patient-reported pericarditis chest pain score and the inflammatory marker C-reactive protein ("CRP").


IL-1 is a key pro-inflammatory cytokine in the pathophysiology of recurrent pericarditis. It is generated downstream following activation of the NLRP3 inflammasome and amplifies the autoinflammatory response characteristic of the disease. IL-1 blockers (rilonacept or anakinra) target and negate the activity of IL-1, but given their expense and immunosuppressant risks, they are generally prescribed as a third-line intervention in difficult-to-treat patients. There is a growing body of evidence indicating pericarditis recurrence rates are as high as seventy-five percent and onset is rapid following cessation of IL-1 blocker therapy. Currently, many patients who discontinue IL-1 blocker therapy and subsequently suffer a recurrence require rescue treatment with further administration of these biologics, potentially leading to IL-1 blocker dependence.

IL-1是複發性心包炎病理生理學中的關鍵促炎細胞因子。它在NLRP3炎性小體被激活後, 在下游-腦機生成並放大該疾病特徵性的自身炎症反應。IL-1阻斷劑(利洛納塞普或阿那昔單抗)靶向並抑制IL-1的活性, 但由於昂貴和免疫抑制風險, 通常被作爲難治患者的第三線干預處方。越來越多的證據表明心包炎複發率高達七十五%, 並且在停止使用IL-1阻斷劑治療後, 發作速度迅速。目前, 許多停止使用IL-1阻斷劑治療後隨後出現復發的患者需要通過進一步使用這些生物製品進行搶救治療, 可能導致對IL-1阻斷劑的依賴。

"CardiolRx has been shown experimentally to inhibit assembly and activation of the NLRP3 inflammasome and the subsequent generation of IL-1, and following oral administration has led to marked reductions in pericarditis pain in patients suffering from chronic pericardial disease," said Dr. Andrew Hamer, Cardiol Therapeutics' Chief Medical Officer and Head of Research & Development. "In addition to potentially offering a more accessible and non-immunosuppressive therapy to thousands of patients who are non-responsive or intolerant to current therapies, CardiolRx may also have therapeutic potential to prevent recurrences following discontinuation of IL-1 blockers, which would address an unmet need in a growing subset of patients dependant on long-term IL-1 blocker therapy."

CardiolRx在實驗中已被證實能抑制NLRP3炎症小體的組裝和激活,以及IL-1的生成,口服後可顯著減少患有慢性心包疾病的患者心包炎痛。Cardiol Therapeutics的首席醫療官兼研發負責人Andrew Hamer博士表示:「除了可能爲數千名對現有療法無反應或無法耐受的患者提供更易獲取且無免疫抑制作用的療法之外,CardiolRx也可能具有治療潛力,可預防停用IL-1阻滯劑後復發,從而滿足長期依賴IL-1阻滯劑治療的患者群體中日益增長的未滿足需求。」

The Company previously announced positive topline data from MAvERIC-Pilot investigating CardiolRx for recurrent pericarditis which showed a substantial reduction in the primary efficacy endpoint of patient-reported pericarditis pain at the end of the 8-week treatment period ("TP"), as well as normalization of inflammation - as measured by CRP - in 80% of the patients with elevated CRP at baseline. Eighty-nine percent of patients (24/27) progressed from the TP into the now completed extension period ("EP") of the study, defined as the additional 18-week period where background therapy was weaned and patients were followed on monotherapy of CardiolRx. Full clinical data will be reported in an oral presentation November 18th, 2024, at the American Heart Association Scientific Sessions 2024 and will include freedom from pericarditis recurrence during the 18-week EP, 26-week pericarditis pain score and inflammatory marker levels, and safety and tolerability outcomes. The totality of the MAvERIC-Pilot data will support and further inform the Company's plans related to a second late-stage study called MAVERIC-3, a Phase III pivotal trial designed to assess CardiolRx for the treatment of the broader population of pericarditis patients to prevent recurrence.




Pericarditis refers to inflammation of the pericardium (the membrane or sac that surrounds the heart) frequently resulting from a viral infection. Following that initial episode patients may have multiple recurrences, and the primary goal of treatment is recurrence prevention. Symptoms include debilitating chest pain, shortness of breath, and fatigue, resulting in physical limitations, reduced quality of life, emergency department visits, and hospitalizations. Significant accumulation of pericardial fluid and scarring can progress to life-threatening constriction of the heart. The only FDA-approved therapy for recurrent pericarditis, launched in 2021, is costly and is primarily used as a third-line intervention. On an annual basis, the number of patients in the United States having experienced at least one recurrence is estimated at 38,000. Approximately 60% of patients with multiple recurrences (>1) still suffer for longer than two years, and one third are still impacted at five years. Hospitalization due to recurrent pericarditis is often associated with a 6-8-day length of stay and cost per stay is estimated to range between $20,000 and $30,000 in the United States.


About Cardiol Therapeutics


Cardiol Therapeutics Inc. (NASDAQ: CRDL) (TSX: CRDL) is a clinical-stage life sciences company focused on the research and clinical development of anti-inflammatory and anti-fibrotic therapies for the treatment of heart disease. The Company's lead small molecule drug candidate, CardiolRx (cannabidiol) oral solution, is pharmaceutically manufactured and in clinical development for use in the treatment of heart disease. It is recognized that cannabidiol inhibits activation of the inflammasome pathway, an intracellular process known to play an important role in the development and progression of inflammation and fibrosis associated with myocarditis, pericarditis, and heart failure.

Cardiol Therapeutics Inc.(納斯達克:CRDL)(TSX:CRDL)是一家臨床階段的生命科學公司,專注於抗炎和抗纖維化療法的研究和臨床開發,用於治療心臟疾病。公司的主力小分子藥物候選品CardiolRx(大麻二酚)口服溶液,經過藥廠生產,目前正處於臨床開發階段,用於治療心臟疾病。人們已經認識到,大麻二酚抑制了炎症小體通路的激活,這是一種細胞內過程,已知在心肌炎、心包炎和心力衰竭中的炎症和纖維化發展過程中發揮重要作用。

Cardiol has received Investigational New Drug Application authorization from the United States Food and Drug Administration ("US FDA") to conduct clinical studies to evaluate the efficacy and safety of CardiolRx in two diseases affecting the heart: recurrent pericarditis and acute myocarditis. The MAVERIC Program in recurrent pericarditis, an inflammatory disease of the pericardium which is associated with symptoms including debilitating chest pain, shortness of breath, and fatigue, and results in physical limitations, reduced quality of life, emergency department visits, and hospitalizations, comprises the Phase II MAvERIC-Pilot study (NCT05494788), the Phase II/III MAVERIC-2 trial, and the planned Phase III MAVERIC-3 trial. The ARCHER trial (NCT05180240) is a Phase II study in acute myocarditis, an important cause of acute and fulminant heart failure in young adults and a leading cause of sudden cardiac death in people less than 35 years of age. The US FDA has granted Orphan Drug Designation to CardiolRx for the treatment of pericarditis, which includes recurrent pericarditis.

Cardiol已獲得美國食品和藥物管理局("US FDA")授權進行臨床研究,評估CardiolRx在兩種影響心臟的疾病中的功效和安全性:複發性心包炎和急性心肌炎。複發性心包炎是心包的炎症性疾病,與症狀包括難以忍受的胸痛、氣促和疲勞有關,導致身體功能受限、生活質量下降、急診就診和住院治療,幷包括第二期MAvERIC-Pilot研究(NCT05494788)、第二/三期MAVERIC-2試驗和計劃中的第三期MAVERIC-3試驗。ARCHER試驗(NCT05180240)是急性心肌炎的第二期研究,急性心肌炎是年輕成年人急性與暴發性心力衰竭以及35歲以下人群猝死的主要原因。美國FDA已授予CardiolRx治療心包炎(包括複發性心包炎)的孤兒藥品認定。

Cardiol is also developing CRD-38, a novel subcutaneously administered drug formulation intended for use in heart failure - a leading cause of death and hospitalization in the developed world, with associated healthcare costs in the United States exceeding $30 billion annually.

Trevor Burns,投資者關係,+1-289-910-0855 ,

For more information about Cardiol Therapeutics, please visit

請訪問cardiolrx.com獲取有關Cardiol Therapeutics的更多信息。

Cautionary Statement Regarding Forward-Looking Information:


This news release contains "forward-looking information" within the meaning of applicable securities laws. All statements, other than statements of historical fact, that address activities, events, or developments that Cardiol believes, expects, or anticipates will, may, could, or might occur in the future are "forward-looking information". Forward looking information contained herein may include, but is not limited to statements regarding the Company's plans to expand the MAVERIC clinical development program and advance CardiolRx into a late-stage clinical trial called MAVERIC-2, the Company's expectation to initiate the MAVERIC-2 study during the fourth quarter of 2024 at major pericardial disease centres in the United States and Europe and report results ahead of the Company's planned pivotal Phase III study in recurrent pericarditis, the Company's plans to conduct its Phase III study in recurrent pericarditis concurrently with MAVERIC-2, the Company's intention to report full clinical data from the MAvERIC-Pilot study in an oral presentation at the American Heart Association Scientific Sessions 2024, the Company's expectation that the full clinical data from the MAvERIC-Pilot study presented will include freedom from pericarditis recurrence during the 18-week EP, 26-week pericarditis pain score and inflammatory marker levels and safety and tolerability outcomes, the Company's belief that the MAvERIC-Pilot study data will support and further inform the Company's plans related to a second late-stage study called MAVERIC-3 which the Company intends to be a Phase III pivotal trial designed to assess CardiolRx for the treatment of the broader population of pericarditis patients to prevent recurrence, the Company's focus on developing anti-inflammatory and anti-fibrotic therapies for the treatment of heart disease, the molecular targets and mechanism of action of the Company's product candidates, the Company's intended clinical studies and trial activities and timelines associated with such activities, including the Company's plan to complete the Phase III study in recurrent pericarditis with CardiolRx, and the Company's plan to advance the development of CRD-38, a novel subcutaneous formulation of cannabidiol intended for use in heart failure. Forward-looking information contained herein reflects the current expectations or beliefs of Cardiol based on information currently available to it and is based on certain assumptions and is also subject to a variety of known and unknown risks and uncertainties and other factors that could cause the actual events or results to differ materially from any future results, performance or achievements expressed or implied by the forward looking information, and are not (and should not be considered to be) guarantees of future performance. These risks and uncertainties and other factors include the risks and uncertainties referred to in the Company's Annual Report on Form 20-F filed with the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission and Canadian securities regulators on April 1, 2024, as well as the risks and uncertainties associated with product commercialization and clinical studies. These assumptions, risks, uncertainties, and other factors should be considered carefully, and investors should not place undue reliance on the forward-looking information, and such information may not be appropriate for other purposes. Any forward-looking information speaks only as of the date of this press release and, except as may be required by applicable securities laws, Cardiol disclaims any intent or obligation to update or revise such forward-looking information, whether as a result of new information, future events, or results, or otherwise. Investors are cautioned not to rely on these forward-looking statements and are encouraged to read the Supplement, the accompanying Base Prospectus and the documents incorporated by reference therein.

本新聞稿包含適用證券法意義下的「前瞻性信息」。除了歷史事實陳述之外,凡涉及 Cardiol 認爲、期待或預期將來可能會發生的活動、事件或進展的陳述(無論是「將」、「可能」、「可能」還是「可能」),均屬於「前瞻性信息」。本公告中包含的前瞻性信息可能包括但不限於有關公司計劃擴大 MAVERIC 臨床開發計劃並將 CardiolRx 推進至一個名爲 MAVERIC-2 的晚期臨床試驗,公司期望在 2024 年第四季度在美國和歐洲的主要心包疾病中心啓動 MAVERIC-2 研究並在公司計劃的關鍵第三階段研究之前報告結果,公司計劃與 MAVERIC-2 同時開展第三階段研究,公司計劃在美國心臟協會科學年會 2024 年講座中報告 MAvERIC-Pilot 研究的完整臨床數據,公司期望 MAvERIC-Pilot 研究所呈現的完整臨床數據將包括在 18 周 EP 期間出現的心包炎復發情況,26 周心包炎疼痛評分和炎症標記水平以及安全性和耐受性結果,公司相信 MAvERIC-Pilot 研究數據將支持並進一步指導公司關於第二個名爲 MAVERIC-3 的晚期研究的計劃,公司計劃將其設計爲一項旨在評估 CardiolRx 用於預防更廣泛心包炎患者復發的第三階段關鍵試驗,公司專注於開發抗炎和抗纖維化治療心臟疾病,公司產品候選物的分子靶標和作用機制,公司擬定的臨床研究和試驗活動及與此類活動相關的時間表,包括完成與 CardiolRx 相關的第三階段心包炎研究的計劃,以及推進 CRD-38 的開發,這是一種用於心力衰竭的新型皮下大麻二酚配方的產生。 本處所述的前瞻性信息反映了基於目前向其提供的信息的 Cardiol 對當前預期或信念,並基於某些假設,同時也受到各種已知和未知風險和不確定性以及其他因素的影響,這些因素可能導致實際事件或結果與前瞻性信息所表達或暗示的任何未來結果、表現或成果有實質不同,並且不是(也不應被視爲)未來表現的保證。 這些風險和不確定性以及其他因素包括有關公司在 2024 年 4 月 1 日向美國證券交易委員會和加拿大證券監管機構提交的 20-F 表的年度報告中提到的風險和不確定性,以及與產品商業化和臨床研究相關的風險和不確定性。 這些假設、風險、不確定性和其他因素應謹慎考慮,投資者不應過度依賴前瞻性信息,並且此類信息可能不適用於其他目的。 任何前瞻性信息僅適用於本新聞發佈日期,除非根據適用證券法規的規定,Cardiol 不承擔更新或修訂此類前瞻性信息的任何意圖或義務,無論是出於新信息、將來事件或結果,還是其他原因。 投資者應該注意不要依賴這些前瞻性陳述,並鼓勵閱讀補充資料、附屬基礎招股說明書以及引用其中的文件。

For further information, please contact:
Trevor Burns, Investor Relations +1-289-910-0855

投資者關係 Trevor Burns +1-289-910-0855
投資者關係 Trevor Burns +1-289-910-0855

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