IHH Leads Gainers, YTL Loses 22 Sen In Active Trading Of 31.3-Million Volume
IHH Leads Gainers, YTL Loses 22 Sen In Active Trading Of 31.3-Million Volume
IHH Healthcare Bhd topped the gainers' list today, gaining 20 sen to settle at RM7.41 after nearly 12.4 million (12,381,000) shares changed hands today.
Second on the gainers' list was MNRB Holdings Bhd, rising 15 sen to close at RM2.26.
MNRb Holdings Bhd在涨幅榜上名列第二,股价上涨15仙,收报RM2.26。
Meanwhile, food & beverage stocks occupied the top two spots on the decliners' list.
Nestle Malaysia Bhd, foodstuff supplier, lost RM1.90 to close at RM102.50 on a moderate trading volume of 44,600 shares.
Heineken Malaysia, beer supplier, shed 30 sen to settle at RM23.08, also on moderate trading volume of 53,700 shares.
Hong Leong Financial Group Bhd also trimmed 30 sen, closing at RM19.08.
Notably, YTL Power International endured a downward trading day, eventually closing at RM3.22, losing 22 sen on approximately 31.3 million (31,329,600) shares trading volume.
值得注意的是,YTL Power International在一天的交易中经历了下跌,最终以RM3.22报收,交易量约为3130万股。
Top gainers and top decliners for today: